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单词 色雷斯
释义 〔Dacia〕An ancient region and Roman province corresponding roughly to present-day Romania. Inhabited before the Christian era by a people of Thracian stock with an advanced material culture, the region was abandoned to the Goths aftera.d. 270. 达契亚:古代一地区和罗马一省份,大至相当于今天的罗马尼亚地区,在基督教时代之前居住着色雷斯族群的一个民族,有着发达的物质文明,公元 270年,这个地区被哥特族侵占 〔Orphism〕An ancient Greek mystery religion arising in the sixth centuryb.c. from a synthesis of pre-Hellenic beliefs with the Thracian cult of Zagreus and soon becoming mingled with the Eleusinian mysteries and the doctrines of Pythagoras. 俄耳甫斯教:起源于公元前 6世纪的古希腊神秘宗教,它综合了前希腊信仰和扎格列欧斯的色雷斯教并且很快与衣洛西斯奥义和毕达哥拉斯教义相混合 〔Edirne〕A city of northwest Turkey northwest of Istanbul. It was founded c.a.d. 125 by the Roman emperor Hadrian on the site of an earlier Thracian town and was conquered at various times by Visigoths, Bulgarians, Crusaders, Turks, and Russians. Held by Greece after 1920, it was restored to Turkey in 1923. Population, 71,914. 埃迪思,阿德里安堡:土耳其西北部一城市,位于伊斯坦布尔的西北部。它建于公元 125年,创建者为罗马皇帝哈德里安,该城创建之前原是一座色雷斯的小城,在不同时期曾被西哥特人、保加利亚人、十字军、土耳其人和俄国人占领。1920年之后由希腊管理,1923年又归还给土耳其。人口71,914 〔Spartacus〕Thracian gladiator who led a slave revolt in Italy (73-71). He defeated Roman armies in southern Italy, but his forces were crushed at Lucania (71), where Spartacus was killed and many of his troops were crucified.斯巴达克思:色雷斯角斗士,曾在意大利领导奴隶起义(公元前73-71年)。他的军队曾在意大利南部击败罗马军队,但在卢卡尼亚全军覆没(公元前71年),斯巴达克思被杀害,他的军队也被钉死在十字架上〔Thrace〕A region and ancient country of the southeast Balkan Peninsula north of the Aegean Sea. In ancient times it extended as far north as the Danube River. The region was colonized by Greeks in the seventh centuryb.c. and later passed under the control of Rome, Byzantium, and Ottoman Turkey. Northern Thrace was annexed by Bulgaria in 1885, and eastern Thrace passed to Turkey in 1923. 色雷斯:巴尔干半岛东南部一地区和古国,位于爱琴海北部。在古代它一直延伸到多瑙河。这一地区在公元前 7世纪为希腊占有,后为罗马人,拜占庭和奥斯曼土耳其所统治。北色雷斯于1885年并入保加利亚,东色雷斯在1923年并入土耳其 〔Thracian〕Of or relating to Thrace or its people.色雷斯人的:属于或有关色雷斯色雷斯人的〔Byzantium〕An ancient city of Thrace on the site of present-day Istanbul, Turkey. It was founded by the Greeks in the seventh centuryb.c. and taken by the Romans in a.d. 196. Constantine I ordered the rebuilding of the city in 330 and renamed it Constantinople. 拜占庭城:在今土耳其伊斯坦布尔城址上的一座色雷斯古城。公元前 7世纪时由希腊人所建。 公元 196年被罗马人强占。康斯坦丁一世于330年命令重建该城,并重新将之命名为康斯坦丁堡 〔Tereus〕A king of Thrace who raped Philomela and who was changed into a hoopoe.蒂留斯:色雷斯国王,因其强奸菲洛梅拉而被变成一种叫戴胜的鸟〔Orpheus〕A legendary Thracian poet and musician whose music had the power to move even inanimate objects and who almost succeeded in rescuing his wife Eurydice from Hades.俄耳甫斯:传说中色雷斯诗人和音乐家,他的音乐的力量甚至可以打动没有生命的物体,他差一点将他妻子欧律狄刻从地狱中成功救出〔Aegospotami〕A small river and ancient town of southern Thrace in present-day western Turkey. The culminating battle of the Peloponnesian War, in which Lysander and the Spartans destroyed the Athenian fleet, took place at the mouth of the river in 405b.c. 伊哥斯波塔米:色雷斯南部一小河及古老城镇,位于现在的土耳其西部。公元前 405年在此河口爆发了伯罗奔尼撒战争的最后一战,在此战役中来山得以及斯巴达人击败了雅典舰队 〔Euboea〕An island of central Greece in the Aegean Sea east of the mainland. It was settled by Ionian and Thracian colonists and was later controlled by Athens, Rome, Byzantium, Venice, and Turkey before becoming part of Greece in 1830.埃维厄岛(优比亚岛):希腊中部大陆以东爱琴海上的一个岛屿。来自小亚细亚和色雷斯的殖民者首先在此定居,在1830变成希腊领土的一部分以前曾被雅典、罗马、拜占庭、威尼斯和土耳其统治〔rhesus〕Latin Rhēsus [a mythical king of Thrace] 拉丁语 Rhēsus [神话故事中的色雷斯国王] 〔Persepolis〕An ancient city of Persia northeast of modern Shiraz in southwest Iran. It was the ceremonial capital of Darius I and his successors. Its ruins include the palaces of Darius and Xerxes and a citadel that contained the treasury looted by Alexander the Great.波斯波利斯:波斯一古城,位于伊朗的西南部、今天的设拉子东北。它是大流士一世和他的胜利者们举行庆典的首都。其废墟包括大流士和色雷斯的宫殿及亚历山大大帝藏宝的城堡〔Persia〕Also Per.sian Empire [-zhən, -shən] A vast empire of southwest Asia founded by Cyrus II after 546b.c. and brought to the height of its power and glory by Darius I and his son Xerxes. Alexander the Great conquered the empire in 334 b.c. A later empire was established by the Sassanids ( a.d. 226-637). 也作 Per.sian Empire [-zhən, -shən] 波斯:西南亚一个强大的帝国,公元前 546年后由居鲁士二世建立。到了大流士一世和他儿子色雷斯时期,帝国达到全盛时期 。 公元前 334年亚历山大大帝征服了波斯 。后来的帝国由萨桑王朝建立( 公元 226-637年)




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