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单词 艳丽
释义 〔senna〕Any of various plants of the genusCassia, having pinnately compound leaves and showy, nearly regular, usually yellow flowers. 旃那, 山扁豆:任一种决明属 植物,它长有羽状复叶并开有艳丽的、近似于规则的且常为黄色的花朵 〔danio〕Any of various small, often brightly colored freshwater fishes of the generaDanio and Brachydanio, native to Asia and popular as aquarium fish. 丹鱼:一种担尼鱼属 和 短担尼鱼属 的小型的、色彩常是艳丽的淡水鱼,原产于亚洲而且作为水族馆鱼很受欢迎 〔tole〕A lacquered or enameled metalware, usually gilded and elaborately painted.马口铁;铁皮:一种上了漆或瓷的金属器具,通常镀了金并被画得十分艳丽〔splendid〕Imposing by reason of showiness or grandeur; magnificent:壮观的;豪华的:因为十分艳丽或富丽堂皇而给人留下深刻的印象;壮观的:〔acanthus〕Any of various perennial herbs or small shrubs of the genusAcanthus, native to the Mediterranean and having pinnately lobed basal leaves with spiny margins and showy spikes of white or purplish flowers. Also called bear's breech 爵床,茛苕:一种常年生爵床 属草本植物或小灌木,生长于地中海地区,有叶边带刺的羽状裂片基叶,及由白色或紫红色花朵构成的艳丽穗状花序 也作 bear's breech〔beautybush〕A deciduous Chinese ornamental shrub (Kolkwitzia amabilis ) cultivated for its profusion of showy pink flowers with yellow throats. 猬实:一种落叶的中国产装饰性灌木(猬实 ),因其带黄色花托的大量的艳丽粉红色花朵而被栽种 〔geranium〕Any of various plants of the genusPelargonium, native chiefly to southern Africa and widely cultivated for their rounded, often variegated leaves and showy clusters of red, pink, or white flowers. Also called storksbill 天竺葵属植物:一种主要产于南美的天竺葵 属植物,因其圆而通常杂色的叶子及艳丽的红、粉或白色花束而广泛种植 也作 storksbill〔magnolia〕Any of numerous evergreen or deciduous trees and shrubs of the genusMagnolia of the Western Hemisphere and Asia, having aromatic twigs and large showy white, pink, purple, or yellow flowers. 木兰:任一种生长于亚洲和西半球的属于木兰 科的多种常青或落叶树木及灌木,生有芳香的树枝和呈白色、粉色、紫色或黄色的很大艳丽花朵 〔bract〕A leaflike or scalelike plant part, usually small, sometimes showy or brightly colored, and located just below a flower, a flower stalk, or an inflorescence.苞片,苞:植物的叶状或鳞状部分,通常较小,有时呈艳丽或颜色鲜艳,附生在花、花柄或花序的正下方〔dogwood〕A tree(Cornus florida) of eastern North America, having small greenish flowers surrounded by four large, showy white or pink bracts that resemble petals. 多花棶木:一种长于北美东部的乔木(多花棶木 棶木属) ,开小而呈淡绿色的花,周围有四片大而艳丽的白色或粉红色类似于花瓣的苞片 〔paduasoy〕A rich, heavy silk fabric with a corded effect.凸花丝织品:一种艳丽厚突的凸花丝织品〔lehua〕An ornamental evergreen shrub or tree(Metrosideros collinus) of Hawaii and other Pacific islands, having showy red flowers. 桃金娘科红花树:一种装饰性的(桃金娘科 红花树) 属常青灌木或树木,产于夏威夷和太平洋其他岛屿上,开有艳丽的红色花朵 〔brave〕Making a fine display; impressive or showy:华丽的;令人难忘的或艳丽的:〔clarkia〕Any of various annual, chiefly western North American plants of the genusClarkia, several of which are cultivated for their showy red, purple, pink, or white flowers. 克拉花:一种钩瓣属 的一年生植物,主要分布于北美西部,其中几种因其艳丽的红色、紫色、粉红或白色花而被栽培 〔brittlebush〕A shrub(Encelia farinosa) in the composite family, native to Mexico and the southwest United States and having grayish foliage and showy flower heads with yellow rays. 扁果菊:一种菊科(扁果菊属 黄眼草目) 灌木,原产于墨西哥和美国西南部,有灰色的叶子和艳丽的花头以及黄色的伞形花序 〔emblazon〕To make resplendent with brilliant colors.使有光彩:用艳丽的色彩使…光彩夺目〔oncidium〕Any of numerous epiphytic tropical American orchids of the genusOncidium, having clusters of showy flowers. 金蝶兰:金蝶兰 属的各种热带美洲附生兰花,拥有成丛的艳丽花朵 〔chachka〕A cheap, showy trinket.一种廉价艳丽的饰物〔astilbe〕Any of various chiefly eastern Asian perennial herbs of the genusAstilbe, having compound basal leaves and showy panicles of tiny colorful flowers. Also called spirea 红升麻属,落新妇属植物:一种主要产于东亚的多年生草本植物,虎耳草科, 有大的复合基叶和由艳丽的圆锥花序组成的小而鲜艳的花 也作 spirea〔cymbidium〕Any of various epiphytic orchids of the genusCymbidium, native to tropical Asia and Australia and extensively hybridized and cultivated for their elongate clusters of showy blooms. 兰花:一种附生的兰属 兰花,原产于热带亚洲和澳大利亚,并且因其细长的簇簇艳丽的花朵而被大面积杂交和种植 〔cyclamen〕Any of various plants of the genusCyclamen, especially a Mediterranean species (C. persicum) widely cultivated as a houseplant, having decorative leaves and showy, variously colored flowers with reflexed petals. 仙客来:一种仙客来 属的植物,特别是地中海沿岸的品种 (仙客来 仙客来属) ,作为室内盆栽植物被广泛种植,长有装饰性的叶子,并开有艳丽的、有反折花瓣的各色花 〔camellia〕Any of several evergreen shrubs or small trees of the genusCamellia native to eastern Asia, especially C. japonica, having shiny leaves and showy roselike flowers that are usually red, white, or pink. 山茶:一种山茶 属的生长于亚洲东部的常绿灌木或小树,尤其是 山茶树, 长有闪光的叶子以及艳丽的常呈红色、白色或品红色的玫瑰般花朵 〔broom〕Any of various Mediterranean shrubs of the genusCytisus in the pea family, especially C. Scoparius, having mostly compound leaves with three leaflets and showy, usually bright yellow flowers. 金雀花:一种地中海豆科金雀花属 灌木,尤指 金雀花 ,大都生有三片叶子组成的复叶,通常开艳丽的亮黄色花朵 〔bellflower〕Any of various herbs of the genusCampanula, native chiefly to the Northern Hemisphere and often having showy, bell-shaped, violet or blue flowers. 风铃草属植物:一种风铃草属 草本植物,主要生长于北半球,通常开有艳丽的、紫罗兰色或蓝色钟状花 〔cattleya〕Any of various tropical American, mostly epiphytic orchids of the genusCattleya, much hybridized and extensively cultivated for their showy, variously colored flowers. 德嘉丽亚兰属植物:一种热带美洲德嘉丽亚兰属 附生兰花,大量地杂交并因其艳丽、各色花朵而广泛种植 〔anemone〕Any of various perennial herbs of the genusAnemone, native chiefly to northern temperate regions and having palmately lobed leaves and large flowers with showy sepals. Also called windflower 银莲花:一种白头翁 属多年生草本植物,主要生长在北方气候温和地区,有掌状裂片叶和艳丽萼片的大花 也作 windflower〔roller〕Any of various Old World birds of the family Coraciidae, having bright blue wings, stocky bodies, and hooked bills. They are noted for their aggressiveness and their habit of rolling and twisting in flight, especially during the breeding season.佛法僧:任一种长有艳丽的蓝色翅膀、粗壮的躯体及钩形喙的佛法科东半球鸟,该鸟以喜好攻击且尤其习惯于繁殖季节在飞行中翻滚旋转而出名〔cockscomb〕An annual plant(Celosia cristata) widely cultivated for its showy, fan-shaped or plumelike clusters of red or yellow flowers. Also called celosia 鸡冠花:一种一年生植物(鸡冠花 青葙属) ,因有艳丽的扇形或羽毛状红色或黄色花束而广泛栽培 也作 celosia〔bougainvillea〕Any of several South American woody shrubs or vines of the genusBougainvillea having groups of three petallike, showy, variously colored bracts attached to the flowers. 九重葛:一种九重葛 属南美洲木本灌本或藤本植物,三片花瓣形艳丽而颜色丰富的花苞附在花上 〔gentian〕Any of numerous plants of the genusGentiana, characteristically having showy, variously colored flowers. 龙胆:一种龙胆 属植物,通常地具有各种颜色的艳丽的花 〔outshine〕To be more beautiful, splendid, or flamboyant than.比…更漂亮、更辉煌或更艳丽〔tetra〕Any of numerous small, colorful tropical freshwater fish of the family Characidae, such as the neon tetra, found in South America and Africa, and often kept in home aquariums. Also called characin 方鳍鱼:泛指南美和非洲多种小型的、艳丽的热带淡水鱼,属脂鲤族,例如霓虹方鳍鱼。常被养于家中 也作 characin〔pink〕Any of various plants of the genusDianthus, such as the carnation and sweet William, often cultivated for their showy, fragrant flowers. 石竹:一种石竹 属植物,如康乃馨和美国石竹等,常因其艳丽、芳香的花朵种植 〔banksia〕Any of various Australian evergreen shrubs or trees of the genusBanksia, having narrow, spiny or toothed leaves, showy, dense clusters of usually yellow flowers, and small fruits in conelike clusters. 山龙眼:一种拔克西木 属澳洲产常绿灌木或乔木,叶窄、多刺或带齿,通常黄色的艳丽花簇和锥形聚集的小果实 〔calceolaria〕Any of various plants of the genusCalceolaria native from Mexico to South America and widely cultivated for their showy, speckled, slipper-shaped flowers. Also called slipper flower ,slipperwort 蒲包花:一种蒲包花 属植物,产自墨西哥到南美地区,因其艳丽的、有小斑点的拖鞋状花朵而广为栽培 也作 slipper flower,slipperwort〔bromeliad〕Any of various mostly epiphytic tropical American plants of the family Bromeliaceae, usually having long, stiff leaves, colorful flowers, and showy bracts. Bromeliads include the pineapple, the Spanish moss, and numerous ornamentals.凤梨科植物:一种主要为附生的美洲热带凤梨科植物,通常叶长且硬,花色繁多,苞片艳丽。凤梨包括菠萝、铁兰和多种观赏植物〔cineraria〕Any of several hybrid ornamental plants(Senecio × hybridus) in the composite family, derived from species native to the Canary Islands and widely grown as indoor or bedding plants for their showy, variously colored radiate flower heads and attractive silvery foliage. 瓜叶菊,千日莲:一种菊科杂交的装饰用植物(千里光属 × 杂交种) ,由原产于加那利群岛的品种繁育而来,有艳丽的、杂色的放射状头状花序和引人注目的有银色光泽的叶子,作为室内植物或花坛植物而广泛地栽种 〔Hollywood〕A flashy, vulgar atmosphere or tone, held to be associated with the U.S. film industry.与美国电影工业有关的艳丽花哨的作风或氛围〔garish〕garish makeup.See Synonyms at gaudy 1艳丽的化妆 参见 gaudy1〔quetzal〕from Nahuatl quetzalli [large brilliant tail feather] 源自 那瓦特语 quetzalli [艳丽的大尾羽]




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