单词 | 花园 |
释义 | 〔enclose〕a garden fenced in by shrubbery;用灌木丛做篱笆的花园;〔lay〕lay off an area for a garden.划出一块区域作为花园〔rototill〕rototilled the garden before planting.种植前先用旋转碎土器把花园的土弄碎〔Oates〕American writer whose works often concern love and violence in American society. Among her novels areA Garden of Earthly Delights (1967) and Bellefleur (1980). 欧茨,乔伊斯·卡罗尔:(生于 1938) 美国作家,作品常涉及美国社会的爱情和暴力。她的小说作品中有《尘世之光的花园》 (1967年)和 《美丽花》 (1980年) 〔parterre〕An ornamental flower garden having the beds and paths arranged to form a pattern.花坛,花圃:在坛和小路上形成某种式样的装饰性花园〔tally〕A label, ticket, or piece of metal or wood used for identification or classification, especially in gardens and greenhouses.标志牌:用来识别名称或分类的金属或木制的标签、小条或小块,尤指在花园和暖房里〔host〕"the garden party he had hosted last spring"(Saturday Review)“去年春天他主办的花园聚会”(星期六评论)〔paradise〕Perhaps the supreme example of the semantic process known as melioration is the wordparadise. In tracing this word from its origins to its present status,we see an elevation, or melioration, of meaning that raises the word to new heights.The history begins with the Avestan (the eastern dialect of Old Iranian) wordpairi-daēza-, "enclosure,” made up ofpairi, "around,” and daēza-, "wall.” The Greek military leader and historian Xenophon, who served with Greek mercenaries in Persia,first used the Greek wordparadeisos adopted from the Avestan wordto refer to the Persian kings' and nobles' parks or pleasure grounds.This Greek word extended to mean "garden" or "orchard" was an obvious choice for translators of the Bible into Greekto use both for the Garden of Eden and the Abode of the Blessed, or heaven.The Greek word was adopted into Late Latin and was used much as we might expect in its biblical senses in ecclesiastical Latin (Late Latinparadīsus ). The Old English wordparadis taken from Latin is found, but our word probably really established itself in Middle English (first recorded before 1200),derived both from Latin and from Old French, which had adopted the word from Latin.paradise. 这个词也许能作为词义进化最典型的例子, 从它的起源到现在的地位,我们可以看到词义的进化或改进把这个词带到了一个新的高度。这个历史过程从意为“领地,圈地”的阿维斯陀语(古伊朗人西部方言)pairi-daeza-, 开始, 由意为“环形的”pairi, 和意为“墙”的 daeza-, 组成。 曾随希腊雇佣军到波斯服役的希腊军事将领和历史学家色诺芬,首先使用了希腊语词paradeisos, , 该词采用了阿维斯陀词,指波斯国王和贵族们的花园或游乐场,这个希腊词衍生到表示“花园”或“果园”,显然是译者在把《圣经》翻译成希腊文时所做出的选择,以用来表明伊甸园和天国或天堂,有这两种含义的希腊词被引入后期的拉丁语中且当它们在教会拉丁文(后期拉丁语paradisus )中意为《圣经》方面的意义时被更广泛地使用, 古英语paradis 一词来自拉丁文, 但我们用的这个词可能在中古英语(首次记录在1200年前)中真正确立了起来,人们发现它源于拉丁文和从拉丁文中采纳了这个词的古法语〔Hesperides〕(used with a sing. verb)A garden, situated at the western end of the earth, in which golden apples grow.(与单数动词连用)西方极乐群岛:位于地球的西边,长有金苹果的花园〔border〕A strip of ground, as at the edge of a garden or walk, in which ornamental plants or shrubs are planted.路边花坛:在花园或路的边上的条块形土地,里面种上装饰性的花草或灌木〔ortolan〕from hortulus [diminutive of] hortus [garden] * see gher- 1源自 hortulus hortus的小后缀 [花园] * 参见 gher- 1〔summerhouse〕A small, roofed structure in a park or garden affording shade and rest; a gazebo.凉亭:公园或花园中一种有顶的小型建筑,供乘凉和休息;凉亭〔organic〕organic gardening; organic vegetables.有机肥耕作花园;有机肥料灌溉的蔬菜〔Bagnold〕British writer whose works include the novelNational Velvet (1935) and the play The Chalk Garden (1956). 巴格诺尔德,伊妮德:(1889-1981) 英国作家,她的作品包括小说《赛马奖金》 (1935年)和剧作 《白垩花园》 (1956年) 〔unkempt〕an unkempt garden.See Synonyms at sloppy 一个乱糟糟的花园 参见 sloppy〔Asheville〕A city of western North Carolina in the Blue Ridge west-northwest of Charlotte. A popular tourist center, it is the site of Thomas Wolfe's home and of Biltmore, a magnificent mansion with extensive parks and gardens built by George Washington Vanderbilt. Population, 61,607.阿什维尔:美国北卡罗来纳州西部的一座城市,位于夏洛特西北偏西的蓝桥,是一个大众化的旅游中心,托马斯·伍尔夫的和比尔特莫的故居,有着宽阔的公园与花园的豪华宅第,由乔治·华盛顿·范德比尔特所建。人口61,607〔arbor〕A shady resting place in a garden or park, often made of rustic work or latticework on which plants, such as climbing shrubs or vines, are grown.凉亭,藤架:花园或公园中的荫凉休息场所,常以粗面石工或格架制成,其上生长着植物,如攀缘灌木或爬藤〔Gethsemane〕In the New Testament, a garden east of Jerusalem near the foot of the Mount of Olives. It was the scene of Jesus's agony and betrayal.客西马尼:新约全书中,耶路撒冷以东在橄榄山脚下的一座花园。它是耶稣遭受和被出卖的地方〔Hokinson〕American cartoonist who depicted middle-aged women in garden club meetings, choir rehearsals, and other stereotypical settings.霍金森,海伦·艾尔娜:(1893-1949) 美国卡通画家,描绘在花园集会上、唱诗班排练时及其他典型环境下的中年妇女形象〔Havel〕Czechoslovakian writer and politician. A widely known playwright whose works includeThe Increased Difficulty of Concentration (1967) and The Garden Party (1969), Havel became a civil rights leader after the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia (1968). He was elected president in December 1989. 哈维尔,沃克拉夫:(生于 1936) 捷克斯洛伐克作家及政治家,他是一个著名的剧作家,作品包括《越来越难以集中精力》 (1967年)和 《花园聚会》 (1969年),1968年苏联入侵捷克斯洛伐克后他成为一名民权领袖,于1989年12月被选为总统 〔riot〕a huge garden in which different flowers rioted during spring and summer.春天和夏天开了各种各样五彩缤纷的花朵的巨大花园〔cultivator〕an inveterate cultivator of beautiful gardens; a cultivator of valuable corporate contacts.一位漂亮花园的资深培育者;进行有价值的公司联络的人〔gardener〕One who works in or tends a garden for pleasure or hire.园丁,花匠:为了娱乐或受雇而工作于或管理花园的人〔Olives〕A ridge of hills in the West Bank east of Jerusalem. At its western foot is the biblical site of the Garden of Gethsemane.橄榄山,奥利韦特:位于耶路撒冷的东面的西岸丘陵地带的一狭长高地。它的西山脚是《圣经》中的耶稣蒙难地,客西马尼花园〔blaze〕a garden blazing with flowers.繁花盛开的花园〔garden〕Of, suitable to, or used in a garden:花园的,园艺的:花园的、适于花园的或在花园内使用的:〔Meknes〕A city of northern Morocco west-southwest of Fez. A capital of Moroccan sultans after c. 1672, it was once known as "the Versailles of Morocco" for its palatial buildings and splendid gardens. Population, 319,783.梅克内斯:摩洛哥北部城市,位于非斯西南偏西处。1672年以后一直被摩洛哥苏丹作为首都,曾以其气势巍峨的建筑及美丽灿烂的花园而得美名“摩洛哥之凡尔赛”。人口319,783〔clothe〕snow robing fields and gardens. unclothe 白雪覆盖的田野和花园 unclothe〔show〕show them the biggest squash in the garden.给他们展示花园中最大的南瓜〔about〕I found an English garden all about me.在我四周环绕着一个英式花园〔arbor〕from Old French erbier [garden] 源自 古法语 erbier [花园] 〔paradise〕from Greek paradeisos [garden, enclosed park, paradise] 源自 希腊语 paradeisos [花园,围住的园子,乐园] 〔pride〕I pride myself on this beautiful garden.我为这个美丽的花园而自豪〔change〕changed the yard into a garden.将庭院改成花园〔PVC〕A common thermoplastic resin, used in a wide variety of manufactured products, including rainwear, garden hoses, phonograph records, and floor tiles.聚氯乙烯:一种普通热塑树脂,广泛用于产品加工,包括雨衣,花园浇水用的胶皮管,留声唱片,和地板砖〔Doolittle〕American poet whose imagist verse was published in works such asSea Garden (1916) and Helen in Egypt (1961). 杜利特尔,希尔达:(1886-1961) 美国诗人,其伟大作品有《海花园》 (1916年)和 《海伦在埃及》 (1961年) 〔cumber〕Weeds cumbered the garden paths.花园小径上到处都是杂草〔glitterati〕"private parties on Park Avenue and Central Park West, where the literati mingled with glitterati"(Skylines)“花园大街和中央公园威斯特举行的宴会上,职业文人族和新潮贵人共聚一席”(地平线)〔kiosk〕The lowly kiosk where one buys a newspaper or on which one posts advertisements is like a child in a fairy tale who though raised by humble parents is really the descendant of kings.The wordkiosk was originally taken into English ultimately from Turkish, in which its sourceköshk meant "pavilion.” The open structures referred to by the Turkish word were used as pavilions and summerhouses in Turkey and Persia.The first recorded use ofkiosk in English (1625) has reference to these Middle Eastern structures, which Europeans imitated in their own gardens and parks. In France and Belgium,where the Turkish word had also been borrowed,their wordkiosque was applied to something lower on the scale, structures resembling these pavilions but used as places to sell newspapers or as bandstands. England borrowed this lowly structure from Franceand reborrowed the word,which is first recorded in 1865with reference to a place where newspapers are sold.用来购买报纸或张贴广告的普通的凉亭好像是神话故事中尽管由地位低下的父母抚养但确实是国王后代的儿童一样,单词kiosk 收入英文的起源最早是土耳其语, 土耳其语中它的出处koshk 意为“大帐篷”。 在土耳其语中开敞的建筑物用来作为土耳其和波斯的帐篷和凉亭。英语中最早记录的kiosk 的使用(1625年)参照于欧洲人在他们自己的花园和公园中仿制的中东式建筑。 在法国和比利时,这个土耳其语单词也被借用,它们的单词kiosque 适用于结构上类似于这些凉亭,但规模上比较矮,用作卖报纸的场所或室外音乐台的建筑。 英国从法国引进了这种普通建筑,并且重新引入了这个单词,它的最早记载是在1865年,与卖报纸的场所有关〔trail〕vines trailing through the garden.蔓生在整个花园之中的葡萄藤 |
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