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单词 花头
释义 〔thistle〕Any of numerous weedy plants, chiefly of the generaCirsium, Carduus, or Onopordum of the composite family, having prickly leaves and variously colored flower heads surrounded by prickly bracts. 蓟:主要为菊科蓟属,飞廉属 或 大翅蓟属 的众多草本植物,长有刺状叶和由刺状苞片围绕的五颜六色的花头 〔cauliflower〕An herb(Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) in the mustard family, related to the cabbage and broccoli and having a whitish undeveloped flower with a large, edible head. 花椰菜,花菜,菜花:十字花科的一种草本植物(花椰菜 或 花菜) ,与卷心菜和花椰菜有联系,生有白色未充分发育的花朵和有大的可食的花头 〔artichoke〕The edible, immature flower head of this plant. Also called globe artichoke 洋蓟花头:这种植物的可食用的,未成熟的花头 也作 globe artichoke〔nipplewort〕A European annual plant(Lapsana communis) naturalized in eastern North America, having a milky juice and small yellow flower heads. 稻搓菜:一种欧洲产的一年生植物(稻搓菜属 欧洲稻槎菜) ,移植到北美洲东部,有乳白色的汁液和黄色的小花头 〔daisy〕Any of several plants of the composite family, especially a widely naturalized Eurasian plant(Chrysanthemum leucanthemum) having flower heads with a yellow center and white rays. Also called oxeye daisy ,white daisy 牛眼菊:一种菊科类植物,尤指广泛移植的欧洲大陆植物(白花茼蒿 茼蒿属) ,开有黄芯的白色放射状花头 也作 oxeye daisy,white daisy〔brittlebush〕A shrub(Encelia farinosa) in the composite family, native to Mexico and the southwest United States and having grayish foliage and showy flower heads with yellow rays. 扁果菊:一种菊科(扁果菊属 黄眼草目) 灌木,原产于墨西哥和美国西南部,有灰色的叶子和艳丽的花头以及黄色的伞形花序 〔daisy〕The flower head of any of these plants.菊花头:这种花的花头〔yarrow〕Any of several plants of the genusAchillea of the composite family, especially A. millefolium, native to Eurasia, having finely dissected foliage and flat corymbs of usually white flower heads. Also called achillea ,milfoil 欧蓍草:一种菊科蓍 属的植物,尤指 欧蓍草 ,原产于欧亚大陆,有美丽的裂成数片的叶子和通常为白色花头的平头伞房花序 也作 achillea,milfoil〔daisy〕A low-growing European plant(Bellis perennis) having flower heads with pink or white rays. Also called English daisy 雏菊:一种低矮的欧洲植物(雏菊 雏菊属) ,长有粉色或白色放射状的花头 也作 English daisy〔feverfew〕An aromatic plant(Chrysanthemum parthenium) native to Eurasia, having clusters of buttonlike, white-rayed flower heads. 小白菊:一种原产于欧亚大陆的带芳香的植物(小白菊 茼蒿属) ,长有一簇簇象扣子似的白色放射状的花头 〔sneezewort〕A Eurasian herb(Achillea ptarmica) of the composite family, having aromatic, linear, finely serrate leaves and clusters of white flower heads grouped in corymbs. Also called sneezeweed 珠蓍:复科中的一种产于欧亚大陆的草本植物(珠蓍 蓍属) ,其叶芳香,挺直且有整齐的锯齿,一束束的白色花头形成伞状花序 也作 sneezeweed〔sneezeweed〕Any of several New World herbs of the genusHelenium of the composite family, having yellow to red-purple rayed flower heads. 堆心菊:一种产于新大陆的菊科堆心菊 属草本植物,有黄色到紫红色的放射状花头 〔arnica〕A tincture of the dried flower heads of the European speciesA. montana, applied externally to reduce the pain and inflammation of bruises and sprains. 山生阿尼菊酊:一种由欧洲产山生阿尼菊 的干花头制成的药酊,用以减轻挫伤和扭伤引起的疼痛和炎症




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