单词 | 苏格兰 |
释义 | 〔Scone〕A village of central Scotland northeast of Perth. The old part of the village was the coronation site of Scottish kings until 1651. The Stone of Scone, or Stone of Destiny, which served as a throne during the coronation rites, was taken to England by Edward I in the late 13th century and today rests in Westminster Abbey beneath the chair used during the crowning of British monarchs. 斯昆:一个位于苏格兰中部、佩思东北部的村庄。直到1651年这个村庄的旧部都是苏格兰国王的加冕地。这个村庄在作为加冕地期间,一块当作御座的命运之石在13世纪晚期被爱德华一世带入英格兰,今天它被放置在威斯敏斯特教堂内一张英国封建君主曾用于加冕的椅子下面〔Mackintosh〕Scottish architect whose influential art nouveau designs emphasized elegant, clearly articulated, and rational forms.麦金塔,查尔斯,蓝尼:苏格兰建筑师,其具有影响力的新艺术派设计强调优雅、连接清晰以及造型合理〔selkie〕A creature or spirit in Scottish and Irish folklore that has the form of a seal but can also assume human form.塞尔奇:苏格兰及爱尔兰民间传说中,有海豹外貌却能化为人形的生物或精灵〔mackintosh〕After Charles Macintosh (1766-1843), Scottish inventor 源自查尔斯 马金托什 (1766-1843年),苏格兰发明家 〔Scotticism〕An idiom or other expression characteristic of Scottish English.苏格兰腔调:具有苏格兰英语特色的成语或其它短语说法〔Scots〕variant of scottisc [Scottish] scottisc的变体 [苏格兰的] 〔Columba〕Irish missionary who established a monastery on the island of Iona and subsequently Christianized northern Scotland.科伦巴:爱尔兰传教士,在爱奥那岛上创建了一座修道院,并把基督教传入了北苏格兰〔covenanter〕Covenanter A Scottish Presbyterian who supported either of two agreements, the National Covenant of 1638 or the Solemn League and Covenant of 1643, intended to defend and extend Presbyterianism. Covenanter 神圣盟约派成员或国民誓约派成员:苏格兰长老派,支持1638年的国民誓约或1643年的神圣盟约,意在保卫和发展长老制〔baffle〕Perhaps blend of Scottish Gaelic bauchle [to denounce, revile publicly,] 可能混合了 苏格兰的盖尔语 bauchle [谴责,斥责,当众辱骂] 〔Greenock〕A burgh of southwest Scotland on the Firth of Clyde. It is a port and manufacturing center. Population, 56,194.格里诺克:位于苏格兰西南部的自治市,位于克莱德河湾上,为港口和制造业中心。人口56,194〔ingle〕Perhaps Scottish Gaelic aingeal [fire, light] 可能为 苏格兰的盖尔语 aingeal [火,光] 〔Hamilton〕A burgh of south-central Scotland southeast of Glasgow in a coal and iron region. Population, 51,900.汉密尔顿:苏格兰中南部的一个自治市、格拉斯哥的东南部,它位于煤、铁产区。人口51,900〔Dundee〕A burgh of east-central Scotland on the northern bank of the Firth of Tay. It was a stronghold of the Covenanters in the religious wars of the Scottish Reformation. Population, 185,616.邓迪:苏格兰中东部县区,位于泰河弯北岸,在苏格兰改革时期的宗教战争中是神圣盟约派的据点。人口185,616〔Highlands〕A mountainous region of central and northern Scotland extending northwest and including the Grampian Mountains. Famous for its rugged beauty, the area maintained a highly distinctive culture, based on the Scottish Gaelic language and the clan system, until well into the 19th century.苏格兰高地:苏格兰中北部的多山地区,向西北延伸,包括格兰平山脉。因其崎岖之美而闻名遐迩,该地区保持了一种独特的文化,这种文化以苏格兰盖尔语和宗族制度为基础,一直延续到19世纪〔Goidelic〕A branch of the Celtic languages that includes Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, and Manx.盖尔语:凯尔特语族的一支,包括爱尔兰盖尔语,苏格兰盖尔语和曼岛语〔brogue〕A heavy shoe of untanned leather, formerly worn in Scotland and Ireland.(未鞣的)粗皮鞋:以前苏格兰和爱尔兰人穿的一种未鞣皮的粗重鞋子〔protector〕The head of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland from 1653 to 1659.护国公:从1653年到1659年统治英格兰、苏格兰、爱尔兰组成的英联邦的首脑〔Arbuthnot〕Scottish physician and writer noted for his satirical anti-Whig pamphlets published asLaw Is a Bottomless Pit (1712) and later retitled The History of John Bull. 阿巴思诺特,约翰:(1667-1735) 苏格兰医生及作家,以其反对英国维新党的讽刺性小册子著名,出版有《法律是无底洞》 (1712年)后更名为 《约翰·布尔的身世》 〔Law〕Scottish financier active in France, where he engaged in highly profitable speculation on the development of Louisiana. The investment scheme ultimately collapsed, and he fled the country in ruin (1720).劳,约翰:(1671-1729) 活跃于法国的苏格兰财政金融家,他在开发路易斯安那州时进行过高利润投机。但投资计划最终失败,破产后他便逃离法国(1720年)〔Carlisle〕A borough of northwest England near the Scottish border. Mary Queen of Scots was imprisoned in Carlisle's 11th-century castle from May to July 1568. Population, 71,200.卡莱尔:英格兰西北部一自治市镇,邻苏格兰边界。苏格兰玛丽女王从1568年5月至7月曾被囚禁在卡莱尔的11世纪的城堡中。人口71,200〔clan〕from Scottish Gaelic clann [family] 源自 苏格兰的盖尔语 clann [家庭] 〔buss〕or from Scottish Gaelic bus [lips, mouth] * see puss 2或源自 苏格兰的盖尔语 bus [嘴唇,嘴] * 参见 puss2〔Leith〕A district of Edinburgh, Scotland, on the southern shore of the Firth of Forth. It is a noted seaport and shipbuilding center.利斯:英国苏格兰爱丁堡市的一个区,位于福思湾的南岸。它是有名的海港和造船中心〔Dunbar〕A burgh of southeast Scotland on the North Sea east of Edinburgh. Oliver Cromwell defeated the Covenanters here on September 3, 1650. Population, 4,609.丹巴:苏格兰东南部县区,位于爱丁堡以东,滨临北海,奥利弗·克伦威尔于1650年9月3日在此击败神圣盟约派,人口4,609〔Wrath〕A promontory at the northwest extremity of the Scottish mainland.拉斯角:苏格兰大陆西北端的海角〔clan〕A traditional social unit in the Scottish Highlands, consisting of a number of families claiming a common ancestor and following the same hereditary chieftain.宗族:苏格兰高地的传统社会单位,由若干自认是同一祖先的后代和追溯同一世袭族长的家庭组成〔quaich〕Scottish Gaelic cuach 苏格兰的盖尔语 cuach 〔England〕A division of the United Kingdom, the southern part of the island of Great Britain. Originally settled by Celtic peoples, it was subsequently conquered by Romans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes, and Normans. Acts of union joined England with Wales in 1536, with Scotland in 1707 to create the political entity of Great Britain, and with Ireland in 1801 to form the United Kingdom. London is the capital and the largest city of both England and the United Kingdom. Population, 46,220,955.英格兰:大不列颠和北爱尔兰联合王国的一部分,位于大不列颠岛南部。凯尔特人最早在此定居,随后罗马人、盎格鲁人、撒克逊人、朱特人、丹麦人及诺尔曼人相继征服英格兰。依据联合法案,1536年英格兰与威尔士合并,1707年同苏格兰合并,由此产生了大不列颠的政治统一体,并于1801年与爱尔兰联合形成联合王国。伦敦为英格兰和联合王国的首都及最大城市。人口46,220,955〔capercaillie〕Scottish Gaelic capull coille 苏格兰的盖尔语 capull coille 〔Saxon〕A person of English or Lowland Scots birth or descent as distinguished from one of Irish, Welsh, or Highland Scots birth or descent.英格兰人:区别于威尔士人、爱尔兰人或苏格兰人或苏格兰高地人的英国人或苏格兰低地人〔gob〕Perhaps from Scottish and Irish Gaelic 可能源自 苏格兰及爱尔兰盖尔语 〔ward〕A district of some English and Scottish counties corresponding roughly to the hundred or the wapentake.分区:英格兰和苏格兰的一些郡的地区,大致与郡的分区或旧时英格兰北部的小行政区相对应〔trouser〕from Scottish Gaelic triubhas 源自 苏格兰的盖尔语 triubhas 〔bard〕from Irish and Scottish Gaelic bard 源自 爱尔兰及苏格兰盖尔语 bard 〔Lorne〕An inlet of the Atlantic Ocean on the western coast of Scotland between Mull Island and the mainland.洛恩:苏格兰西海岸马尔岛和大陆之间的大西洋入海口〔Aberdeen〕also [ăb'ər-dēnʹ] A city of northeast Scotland on the North Sea at the mouth of the Dee River. It is known as "the Granite City" because stone from local quarries is used in many of its buildings. Population, 212,542. 也作 [ăb'ər-dēnʹ] 阿伯丁:英国苏格兰东北部城市,位于迪河在北海的入海口。它被称为“花岗岩之城”,因为它的许多建筑都使用了附近采石厂的岩石。人口212,542〔bun〕from Scottish Gaelic [stump, bottom] 源自 苏格兰的盖尔语 [树桩,底部] 〔Burns〕Scottish poet considered the major poetic voice of his nation. His lyrics, written in dialect and infused with humor, celebrate love, patriotism, and rustic life.伯恩斯,罗伯特:(1759-1796) 被认为是其国家重要的有发言权的苏格兰诗人。他用方言写成的、充满幽默感的歌谣歌颂了爱情、爱国主义和朴实的生活〔Mill〕Scottish philosopher, economist, and a founder of utilitarianism. His works includeAnalysis of the Mind (1829). 穆勒,詹姆斯:(1773-1836) 苏格兰哲学家、经济学家和功利主义的创始人。其作品有《精神分析》 (1829年) 〔Doon〕A river, about 48 km (30 mi) long, of southeast Scotland flowing throughLoch Doon to the Firth of Clyde south of Ayr. The river is immortalized in the poetry of Robert Burns. 顿河:苏格兰东南一河流,流程约48公里(30英里),流经顿湖 汇入亚尔克莱德河口的福斯湾。该河因在罗伯特·柏恩的诗中而享有盛名 |
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