单词 | 苏美尔 |
释义 | 〔Lagash〕An ancient city of Sumer in southern Mesopotamia. It flourished c. 2400b.c. and after the fall of Akkad (2180) enjoyed a classical revival noted for its sculpture and literature. 拉加什:苏美尔的一座古城,位于美索不达米亚南部。它在公元前 2400年鼎盛一时,在阿卡得陷落(公元前2180年)后又在雕塑上和文学上出现了著名的古典主义复兴 〔Sumer〕An ancient country of southern Mesopotamia in present-day southern Iraq. Archaeological evidence dates the beginnings of Sumer to the fifth millenniumb.c. By 3000 a flourishing civilization existed, which gradually exerted power over the surrounding area and culminated in the Akkadian dynasty founded (c. 2340) by Sargon I. Sumer declined after 2000 and was later absorbed by Babylonia and Assyria. The Sumerians are believed to have invented the cuneiform system of writing. 苏美尔:美索不达米亚平南部一古国,位于今伊拉克南部。据考古学的证据显示,苏美尔的建立可追溯到公元前 五千年,到公元前3000年,就已出现了繁荣的文明,它逐渐地影响并控制了周围的地区,到萨尔贡世建立的古阿卡德王朝时(前2340年)、文明达到顶峰的公元前2000年前后,苏美尔开始衰落,后来被巴比伦和亚述吞并,人们相信苏美尔人发明了象形文字 〔Sumerian〕The language of the Sumerians, of no known linguistic affiliation.苏美尔语:苏美尔人的语言,语言起源不明〔Ur〕A city of ancient Sumer in southern Mesopotamia on a site in present-day southeast Iraq. One of the oldest cities in Mesopotamia, it was an important center of Sumerian culture after c. 3000b.c. and the birthplace of Abraham. The city declined after the sixth century b.c. 乌尔,迦迪斯的吾珥:古代美索不达米亚南部苏美尔的城市,遗址在现今伊拉克的东西部。是美索不达米亚最古老的城市之一。在公元前 3000年左右是苏美人文化的重要中心,是阿伯拉罕的出生地。在 公元前 6世纪后衰败 〔Sumerian〕Of or relating to ancient Sumer or its people, language, or culture.苏美尔的,苏美尔人的:古代苏美尔的或其居民、语言或文化的或与之相关的〔Mesopotamia〕An ancient region of southwest Asia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in modern-day Iraq. Probably settled before 5000b.c. , the area was the home of numerous early civilizations, including Sumer, Akkad, Babylonia, and Assyria. It declined in importance after Mongol invaders destroyed its extensive irrigation system in a.d. 1258. 美索不达米亚:古代西南亚介于底格里斯河和幼发拉底河之间的一个地区,位于现在的伊拉克境内。可能在公元前 5000年以前就开始有人在此定居。这一地区孕育了众多的人类早期文明,其中包括苏美尔文明、阿卡德文明、巴比伦文明和亚述文明。蒙古侵略者在 公元 1258年破坏了该地区发达的灌溉系统之后,这一地区的重要性就此减小 〔Sumerian〕A member of an ancient people, probably of non-Semitic origin, who established a nation of city-states in Sumer in the fourth millenniumb.c. that is one of the earliest known historic civilizations. 苏美尔人:一个古代民族的成员,很可能是非闪米特的起源在公元前 四千年期间在苏美尔建立了一个城邦国家,这是已知最早的具有重大历史意义的文明之一 〔Harappa〕A locality in the Indus River valley of the Punjab in Pakistan. Archaeological finds dating back to the third millenniumb.c. include the remains of a well-laid-out city and indicate a possible link between Indian and Sumerian cultures. 哈拉帕:巴基斯坦旁遮普印度河谷的一个地方,追溯到公元前 3000年的考古发现,包括一座设计不错的城市遗址,这表明在印度和苏美尔文化之间可能有联系纽带 |
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