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单词 苛刻
释义 〔severe〕 Severe implies adherence to rigorous standards or high principles;the term often suggests the imposition of harsh conditions: Severe 暗指遵守严格的标准或高度的原则;该词常暗示强加苛刻的条件: 〔asyndeton〕"Are all thy conquests, glories, triumphs, spoils,/Shrunk to this little measure?”(Shakespeare)“对于这么苛刻的尺度,他们是去征服、获胜、凯旋、破坏呢,还是退缩不前?”(莎士比亚)〔speciesism〕Human intolerance or discrimination on the basis of species, especially as manifested by cruelty to or exploitation of animals.特种歧视:人类对某些动物种的歧视或厌倦,尤指人类对各种动物种的苛刻和剥削压榨〔haze〕To initiate, as into a college fraternity, by exacting humiliating performances from or playing rough practical jokes upon.戏弄:通过苛刻的侮辱性的表演或被恶作剧捉弄而加入,如一大学的大学生联谊会等〔hard〕Oppressive or unjust in nature or effect:刻薄的,苛刻的:在性格或外表上暴虐压制的或不公平的:〔stern〕Grim, gloomy, or forbidding in appearance or outlook.苛刻的:外观或面貌上严酷的;不高兴的〔hard〕drives a hard bargain.进行一场苛刻的交易〔rigid〕Marked by a lack of flexibility; rigorous and exacting:呆板的,僵硬的,苛严的:以缺乏柔韧性为特征的;严格苛刻的:〔rigor〕Strictness or severity, as in temperament, action, or judgment.严厉,苛刻,严格:严格或严肃,如在性情、行为或判断方面〔animadvert〕"a man . . . who animadverts on miserly patients, egocentric doctors, psychoanalysis and Lucky Luciano with evenhanded fervor"(Irwin Faust)“一个吝啬、苛刻的病人,自私自利的医生,精神分析学和幸运的卢奇给予公正评价的人”(欧文·福斯特)〔estimate〕cut a minute piece off the ingot to assay it. In extended sensesappraise, assess, and assay can refer to any critical analysis or appraisal: 切下一小片金属并分析它。 意思延伸后,appraise,access 和 assay 可指苛刻的分析和鉴定: 〔wormwood〕Something harsh or embittering.痛苦:苛刻或痛苦的事物〔yield〕"The child . . . soon yielded to the drowsiness" (Charles Dickens).Torelent is to moderate the harshness or severity of an attitude or decision with respect to another over whom one has authority or influence: “这孩子…一会儿就支持不住昏昏欲睡了” (查尔斯·狄更斯)。relent 是指出于对处于自己权威和影响下的人的尊重而缓解某一制度或决定的苛刻或严格: 〔critical〕an excessively demanding and faultfinding tutor;一个过度苛刻和挑剔的导师;〔Vesey〕American insurrectionist. A freed slave in South Carolina, he was implicated in the planning of a large uprising of slaves and was hanged. The event led to more stringent slave codes in many Southern states.维奇,丹麦:(1767?-1822) 美国叛乱者,南卡罗来纳州的自由黑奴,他被牵连在一次大规模奴隶起义的谋划中并被处以绞刑,这一事件引起了许多南部州更加苛刻的奴隶法〔diktat〕A harsh, unilaterally imposed settlement with a defeated party.绝对命令,单方面的苛刻解决条件:单方面强加于某个战败方的苛刻解决条件〔severe〕Unsparing or harsh, as in treatment of others; strict.严厉的:严厉的或苛刻的,如对待别人时;严格的〔monastic〕Self-abnegating; austere.禁欲的;苛刻〔tough〕Severe; harsh:严酷的;苛刻的:〔severe〕These adjectives mean unsparing and exacting with respect to discipline or control.这些形容词的意思是顾及原则与限制而严厉的或苛刻的。〔ghastly〕Grim refers to what repels because of its stern or fierce aspect or its harsh, relentless nature: Grim 指因为它苛刻的或残忍的样子或它自身恶劣的、残酷的本性: 〔virulent〕Intensely irritating, obnoxious, or harsh.讨厌的:非常让人愤怒的,使人非常不快的,苛刻〔ungenerous〕Harsh in judgment; unkind.不宽厚的,心胸狭窄的:判断上苛刻的;刻薄的〔stark〕Harsh; grim:严酷的;苛刻的:




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