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单词 英国国王
释义 〔reeve〕A high officer of local administration appointed by the Anglo-Saxon kings.地方长官:由英国国王任命的高级地方行政长官〔Beaufort〕English prelate and diplomat who was papal legate to a crusade against the Hussites (1427-1431) and crowned Henry VI king of France and England (1431).博福特,亨利:(1377?-1447) 英国高级教士和外交家。他是罗马教皇的使节,委以肃清胡斯运动派成员(1427-1431年)的任务,并为法国和英国国王亨利六世加冕(1431年)〔Hardecanute〕King of England (1040-1042) and of Denmark (1035-1042). The legitimate son of King Canute, he claimed the English throne after the death of Harold I, Canute's illegitimate son.哈迪克努特:英国国王(1040-1042年)及丹麦国王(1035-1042年),卡努特国王之子,在卡努特的私生子哈罗德一世死后得到了英国王位〔dalmatic〕A wide-sleeved garment worn by an English monarch at his or her coronation.加冕服:在国王或女王加冕典礼时,英国国王穿的有宽大衣袖的衣服〔pensioner〕A gentleman-at-arms.英国国王的侍卫〔Pepperrell〕American merchant and colonial official. After his defeat of French forces at Louisbourg on Cape Breton Island (1745) he was the first American to be made a baronet by the British Crown (1746).佩珀里尔,威廉:(1696-1759) 美国商人和殖民官员。1745年在布雷顿角岛的路易斯堡击败法军之后,他于1746年成为被英国国王封为准男爵的第一个美国人〔benevolence〕A compulsory tax or payment exacted by some English sovereigns without the consent of Parliament.王税:由某些英国国王未经议会同意而制定的一种强制税或付款




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