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单词 英国政府
释义 〔Grey〕British public official who as secretary of state (1905-1916) advocated the 1914 declaration of war on Germany.格雷爵士,爱德华:(1862-1933) 英国政府官员,任外交大臣(1905-1916年)时,他主张1914年的对德宣战〔Bagehot〕British economist, social scientist, and journalist who wroteThe English Constitution (1867), an analysis of the comparative powers of the branches of British government. 白芝浩,沃尔特:(1826-1877) 英国经济学家、社会科学家和记者,著有《英国宪法》 (1867年),是一部对英国政府分支机构权力比较的分析著作 〔protectorate〕The government of England under Oliver Cromwell and his son Richard, ruling as Lord Protector of the Commonwealth.护国公政体:奥立佛·克伦威尔和他的儿子理查德以护国公身份统治英国时期的英国政府〔exchequer〕Exchequer The British governmental department charged with the collection and management of the national revenue. Exchequer 财政部:英国政府中收集并管理国家收入的部门〔Westminster〕 or Officially City of Westminster. A borough of Greater London in southeast England on the Thames River. It includes the principal offices of the British government, especially along Whitehall and Downing streets, and such famous structures as Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace. 或 正式名称 City of Westminster. 威斯敏斯特:英格兰东南部大伦敦的一个市区,位于泰晤士河岸。它包括英国政府的主要官邸,尤其是沿着怀特霍尔街与唐宁街的官邸,以及如威斯敏斯特教堂和白金汉宫等有名的建筑物〔Halifax〕British public official who was viceroy of India (1926-1931) and foreign secretary (1938-1940), implemented Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's policy of appeasement toward Nazi Germany, and served as ambassador to the United States (1941-1946).哈利法克斯:英国政府官员,1926-1931年曾任印度总督,1938-1940年及外交大臣,对纳粹德国奉行内维尔·张伯伦首相的绥靖政策,1941-1946年任驻美大使




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