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单词 英裔
释义 〔Chadwick〕British-born American sportswriter who helped organize professional baseball. In 1869 he began an annual baseball handbook, which later becameSpalding's Official Baseball Guide. 查德威克,亨利:(1824-1908) 英裔美籍体育作家,他协助组建了职业棒球队。1869年他开始编写后来成为《斯鲍尔丁正式棒球导刊》 的棒球手册年刊 〔Tudor〕British-born American dancer and choreographer known for his psychological ballets, such asUndertow (1945) and The Leaves Are Fading (1975). 都铎,安东尼:(1909-1987) 英裔美国舞蹈家和舞蹈设计者,以其心理芭蕾而闻名,如《底流》 (1945年)和 《树叶正凋零》 (1975年) 〔Benjamin〕British-born American politician who served as Confederate secretary of war (1861-1862) and secretary of state (1862-1865).本杰明,犹大·菲利普:(1811-1884) 英裔美籍政治家,曾任南部联邦战时国防部长(1861-1862年)和国务卿(1862-1865年)〔Keene〕British-born actress and the first major woman theatrical producer in the United States. She performed inOur American Cousin at Ford's Theater on the night of Abraham Lincoln's assassination (April 14, 1865). 基涅,劳拉:(1826?-1873) 英裔女演员,美国最早的主要戏剧制作人。林肯遇刺(1865年4月14号)当晚她正在福特剧院上演《我们的美国表兄》 〔Laurel〕British-born American comedian who with Oliver Hardy formed the first great comedy team of talking films. Their works includeThe Music Box (1932) and A Chump at Oxford (1940). 劳莱,阿瑟·斯坦利·杰斐逊:(1890-1965) 英裔美国喜剧演员,他和奥利佛·哈代组成了有声电影中第一对杰出的喜剧搭档,他们的作品包括《八音盒》 (1932年)和 《牛津白痴》 (1940年) 〔Isherwood〕British-born American writer best known for his portrayals of Berlin in the early 1930's in works such asGoodbye to Berlin (1939), which became the basis for the musical Cabaret (1966). 衣修午德,克里斯托弗·威廉·布雷德肖:(1904-1986) 英裔美国作家,因描写20世纪30年代早期的柏林而闻名,作品包括《再见了,柏林》 (1939年),这部书后来成为歌舞片 《歌厅》 (1966年)的基础 〔Draper〕British-born American chemist and historian noted for contributions to the fields of photography and telegraphy. His historical works includeHistory of the Conflict between Religion and Science (1874). 德雷珀,约翰·威廉:(1811-1882) 英裔美籍化学家与历史学家,因其在摄影技术及电报技术领域的贡献而著名。其历史著作包括《宗教与科学冲突的历史》 (1874年) 〔Daft〕British-born American engineer who built the first commercial central power station in 1884.达夫特,利奥:(1843-1922) 英裔美国工程师,1884年建立了第一个商业性中心电站〔Endecott〕English-born American colonial administrator who was a founder of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and served frequently as its governor between 1628 and 1664.尹德科提,约翰:(1588?-1665) 英裔美国殖民地管理者,他是马萨诸塞湾殖民区的一个建立者,并在1628年到1664年间经常成为该地区的统治者〔Chaplin〕British-born actor, director, and producer who gained fame for his role as a tramp in baggy trousers and a bowler hat. His productions includeThe Kid (1921), The Gold Rush (1925), and City Lights (1931). 卓别林,查尔斯·斯潘塞:(1889-1977) 英裔的电影演员、导演和制片人,以其所演的一个穿肥大裤子、带圆顶礼帽的流浪汉角色而闻名。其影片有《孩子》 (1921年)、 《淘金记》 (1925年)及 《城市之光》 (1931年) 〔Bulwer〕British politician and diplomat who negotiated the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty (1850) guaranteeing Anglo-American protection of an isthmian canal in Central America.布尔沃,威廉·亨利·利顿·厄尔:(1801-1872) 英国政治家和外交家,代表谈判签订克莱顿-布尔沃条约(1850年),保证英裔美国人对中美洲地峡河道的保护权〔Bradford〕English-born American colonial printer whose press produced the first American Book of Common Prayer (1710), New York City's first newspaper (1725), and numerous other items.布拉德福,威廉:(1663-1752) 英裔美籍殖民印刷商,他的出版社发行了第一批美国版本的英国国教祈祷书(1710年),纽约城的第一张报纸(1725年)及大量的其他印刷制品〔Hope〕British-born American entertainer. He costarred with Bing Crosby in the popular "Road" films, beginning with theRoad to Singapore (1940). 霍普,鲍勃:(生于 1903) 英裔的美国演员与宾克洛斯庇联袂主演了流行的“路”系列电影,首部是《通往新加坡之路》 (1940年) 〔Gabor〕Hungarian-born British physicist. He won a 1971 Nobel Prize for his work on holography.伽柏,丹尼斯:(1900-1979) 英裔匈牙利物理学家,因在全息摄影术方面的成就而获1971年诺贝尔物理奖〔Laughton〕British-born American actor whose many motion-picture roles include that of Captain Bligh inMutiny on the Bounty (1935). 劳顿,查尔斯:(1899-1962) 英裔美籍演员,创造了许多电影形象,其中包括《叛舰喋血记》 (1935年)中的布利上校 〔Brown〕British-born American chemist. He shared a 1979 Nobel Prize for discoveries in the chemistry of boron and phosphorus.布朗,赫伯特·查尔斯:(生于 1912) 英裔美籍化学家,因发现化学中的硼和磷而获1979年诺贝尔奖〔Shockley〕British-born American physicist. He shared a 1956 Nobel Prize for the development of the electronic transistor.夏克莱,威廉·布雷德福:(1910-1989) 英裔美国物理学家,1956年他因在研制电子晶体管方面的贡献而与人共获诺贝尔奖〔Blackwell〕British-born American physician who was the first woman to be awarded a medical doctorate in modern times (1849). She founded (1853) an infirmary for women and children in New York City that her sisterEmily Blackwell (1826-1910), also a physician, directed (1869-1910) and built into an accredited medical school. 布莱克威尔,伊丽莎白:(1821-1910) 英裔美籍内科医生,是现代(1849年)第一个获医学博士的女性。她于1853年在纽约创办了一个妇女和儿童诊所。她的妹妹《埃米莉·布莱克韦尔》 (1826-1910年),也是一个内科医生。她在1869-1910年期间管理和创建一个合乎标准的医学院 〔Bradstreet〕English-born colonial poet who wrote several collections of verse, includingThe Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America (1650). Her husband, Simon (1603-1697), was a colonial administrator and governor of Massachusetts (1679-1686 and 1689-1692). 布拉德斯特里特,安妮·达德利:(1612-1672) 英裔殖民诗人,著有几本诗集,包括《第十位缪斯新近在美洲出现》 (1650年),其丈夫 西蒙 (1603-1697年)是殖民地行政官员和马萨诸塞州州长(1679-1686和1689-1692年) 〔Marlowe〕British-born American actress noted for many Shakespearean roles opposite her husband, Edward Hugh Sothern.马洛,尤莉娅:(1866-1950) 英裔美国女演员,以她与丈夫爱德华·休·萨森出演的许多莎士比亚剧作品中的对手戏而闻名〔Fontanne〕British-born American actress who in 1922 married Alfred Lunt, with whom she performed in many stage productions, includingPygmalion (1926). 芳达,林恩:(1887?-1983) 英裔的美国女演员,1922年与阿尔弗雷德·卢恩结婚,并与其一同表演了许多舞台剧,包括《卖花姑娘》 (1926年) 〔Spencer〕British-born American genre painter whose works often depict women in homemaking tasks such as food preparation and child care.斯宾塞,利利·马丁:(1822-1902) 英裔美国风俗画画家,他的作品主要描绘做家务(如做饭,看孩子)的妇女〔Omdurman〕A city of northeast-central Sudan on the White Nile opposite Khartoum. Anglo-Egyptian troops defeated Mahdi forces near here on September 2, 1898. Population, 526,287.奥姆杜尔曼:苏丹中东北部的一个城市,位于白尼罗河边,与喀土穆隔岸相望。1898年9月2日英裔埃及军队在此附近打败马赫迪的部队。人口526,287〔Sutherland〕British-born American jurist and politician. He served as a U.S. representative (1901-1903) and senator (1905-1917) from Utah and was an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1922-1938).萨瑟兰,乔治:(1862-1942) 英裔美国法学家及政治家,曾任代表犹他州的众议员(1901-1903年)和参议员(1905-1917年)以及美国最高法院的陪审法官(1922-1938年)〔Lupino〕British-born American actress and motion-picture director who gained fame as one of the earliest women directors in Hollywood. Her directorial efforts includeThe Bigamist and The Hitch-Hiker (both 1953). 卢匹诺,伊达:英裔美籍女演员及电影导演,以早期好莱坞女性导演之一著称。她的导演作品包括均摄制于1953年的《重婚者》 以及 《搭便车旅行者》 〔Taylor〕British-born American actress. A childhood star after her appearance inNational Velvet (1944), she later won an Academy Award for Butterfield 8 (1960) and for Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966). 泰勒,伊丽莎白:(生于 1932) 英裔美国女演员。1944年她出演《玉女神驹》 后成为童星,她后来凭影片 《巴特菲尔德第八》 (1960年)和 《谁怕弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫》 (1966年)两获奥斯卡金像奖 〔Sisley〕British-born French impressionist painter noted for his outdoor scenes, includingBoat During the Flood (1876). 西斯莱,艾尔弗雷德:(1839-1899) 英裔法国印象派画家,以其对野外风光的描绘著称,作品包括《激流中的船》 (1876年) 〔McDougall〕British-born American psychologist who theorized that human behavior is determined by both instinctive and intentional strivings.麦克杜格安,威廉:(1871-1938) 英裔美国心理学家,他的理论认为人类的行为是由本能的和有意识的奋斗共同决定的〔Caldwell〕British-born American writer of popular novels, includingDynasty of Death (1938). 考德威尔,(珍尼特)泰勒:(1900-1985) 英裔美国通俗小说作家,其作品包括《王朝之死》 (1938年) 〔Brent〕English-born colonist and feminist. She immigrated to Maryland in 1638 and was the first woman to obtain a land grant there.布伦特,玛格丽特:(1600-1671?) 英裔殖民主义者和女权主义者。1638年她移居马里兰州,是那里第一个获得赠予土地的妇女〔Latrobe〕British-born American engineer and the first professional American architect. His works include the Baltimore Cathedral (1805-1818) and the chambers of the U.S. Congress and Supreme Court.拉特罗布,本杰明·亨利:(1764-1820) 英裔美国工程师和第一个美国专业建筑师。他的工程包括巴尔的摩大教堂(1805-1818年)和美国国会及最高法院的会议厅〔Carver〕English-born Pilgrim colonist who was the first governor of Plymouth Colony (1620-1621).卡沃尔,约翰:(1576?-1621) 英裔清教殖民者,是普利茅斯殖民地(1620-1621年)的第一任总督〔Burnett〕British-born American writer famous for her popular children's books, especiallyLittle Lord Fauntleroy (1886), whose priggish title character dressed in black velvet with ruffled lace collars and sported long golden curls. 伯内特,弗朗西丝·伊丽莎·霍奇森:(1849-1924) 英裔美国作家,以她的流行儿童作品而出名,特别是《方特勒罗伊小爵爷》 (1886年),其中描写的自命不凡的主角穿着带皱边领子的黑天鹅绒服装,留着炫耀的金黄色的长卷发 〔Wigglesworth〕English-born American cleric and poet whose works include the popular poemThe Day of Doom (1662). 威格尔斯沃思,迈克尔:(1631-1705) 英裔美国牧师和诗人,他的作品包括受广大人民喜欢的诗歌《世界末日》 (1662年) 〔Hutchinson〕English-born American colonist and religious leader who was banished from Boston (1637) for her religious beliefs.哈钦森,安妮:(1591-1643) 英裔美国殖民者,宗教领袖,1637年因其宗教信仰而被逐出波士顿市〔maverick〕Possibly after Samuel Augustus Maverick (1803-1870), American cattleman, or perhaps after Samuel Maverick (1602?-1676?), English-born colonist 可能源自萨缪尔·奥古斯特 麦尔未克 (1803-1870年) ,美国牧场主,或可能源于萨缪尔 麦尔未克 (1602?-1676?),英裔殖民者 〔Stokowski〕British-born American conductor of the Philadelphia Orchestra (1914-1936) and other major symphonies. He founded the American Symphony Orchestra in 1962.斯托科夫斯基,利奥波德·安东尼·斯坦尼斯瓦夫:(1882-1977) 英裔美国乐曲指挥家,曾指挥费城管弦乐队(1914-1936年)和其它主要交响乐团。他于1962年创建了美国交响管弦乐队〔Bacon〕English-born American colonist who led Bacon's Rebellion (1676), in which a group of frontiersmen captured and burned Jamestown in an attempt to gain reforms and greater participation in the government of Virginia.培根,内森尼尔:(1647-1676) 美籍英裔殖民者,他发起了培根叛乱(1676年),即领导一群边境居民占领并焚烧了詹姆斯敦,试图赢得改革并在弗吉尼亚政府中取得更多的参政权〔Dale〕English-born naval commander and colonial administrator noted for his strict rule of Virginia from 1611 to 1616.戴尔,托马斯:(卒于 1619) 英裔海军司令和殖民地总督,因在弗吉尼亚(1611-1616年)的严厉法规而闻名〔Auden〕British-born American writer and critic whose poems, published in collections such asThe Dance of Death (1933) and The Double Man (1941), established his importance in 20th-century literature. 奥登,威(斯坦)·于(格):(1907-1973) 英裔美国作家及评论家,他的诗集,如《死亡之舞》 (1933年)和 《双重人》 (1941年)中的诗篇,奠定了他在20世纪文坛上的重要地位




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