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单词 莱恩
释义 〔Cassin〕French jurist and public official. He won the 1968 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to safeguard human rights.卡森,莱恩:(1887-1976) 法国法官和政府官员,因维护人权所作的努力而获1968年诺贝尔和平奖〔Lane〕American politician, soldier, and abolitionist who served as a U.S. senator from Kansas (1861-1866).莱恩,詹姆斯·亨利:(1814-1866) 美国政治家、战士和废奴主义者,曾任来自堪萨斯的美国参议员(1861-1866年)〔analytic〕"Many of the most serious pianists have turned toward more analytic playing, with a renewed focus on the architecture and ideas of music"(Annalyn Swan)“很多最严肃的钢琴家都转向分析式演奏,强调音乐的结构和内涵”(安纳莱恩·斯旺)〔toss〕"technicians who can toss off the Romantic blockbusters with stupendous speed and ease"(Annalyn Swan)“能够以令人叹为观止的速度完成传奇性的巨型炸弹的技术人员”(安纳莱恩·斯旺)〔drip〕"His playing drips with exaggerated rubato and unorthodox tempi"(Annalyn Swan)“他的演奏渗透着夸张诡异的节奏”(安纳莱恩·斯旺)〔stifling〕"The scholarly correctness of our age can be stifling"(Annalyn Swan)“我们这个时代学者的正确性令人感到窒息”(安纳莱恩·斯旺)〔Plainview〕An unincorporated community of southeast New York on western Long Island. It is mainly residential. Population, 26,207.普莱恩维尤:美国纽约州东南部一个未合并的社区,位于长岛西部。主要为居住区。人口26,207〔hollow〕"Theirs is at best a hollow form of flattery"(Annalyn Swan)“他们所有的充其量也就是空洞的奉承”(安纳莱恩·斯旺)〔Lalique〕French designer of Art Nouveau jewelry and glassware noted particularly for his unique glass designs.拉里奎,莱恩·朱尔斯:法国新艺术派珠宝和玻璃器皿的设计师,以其独特的玻璃设计闻名〔Clair〕French filmmaker. An early exponent of productions with sound, he directed the classicsSous les Toits de Paris (1929) and Le Million (1931). 克莱尔,莱恩:(1898-1981) 法国电影制片人。有声影片的最期支持者,导演了经典影片《在巴黎屋檐下》 (1929年)和 《最后一个百万富翁》 (1931年) 〔Ossining〕A village of southeast New York on the Hudson River north of White Plains. Incorporated in 1813 as Sing Sing, it was renamed in 1901. Sing Sing state prison, established in 1824 and built from 1825 to 1828, is here. Population, 22,582.奥西宁:美国纽约州东南部村庄,位于怀特普莱恩斯以北,哈得孙河畔。1813年并入时名为新心,1901年改名为奥西宁。始建于1824年完工于1825-1828年的新心州立监狱就设在这里。人口22,582〔Cartesian〕French cartésien from Ren Descartesé 法语 cartésien 源自 莱恩 Descartesé〔Samarkand〕A city of southern Central Asian U.S.S.R. southwest of Tashkent. Dating from the third or fourth millenniumb.c. , the city was conquered by Alexander the Great in 329, taken by the Arabs in the eighth century a.d. , and destroyed by Genghis Khan c. 1220. It was rebuilt as a fabled center of great splendor and opulence when it became (c. 1370) the capital of Tamerlane's empire. Population, 371,000. 撒马尔罕:前苏联中亚地区的城市,位于塔什干西南部。始于公元前 三千年或四千年,329年被亚历山大大帝征服, 公元 8世纪被阿拉伯人夺走,13世纪20年代被成吉思汗摧毁。在14世纪70年代成为塔玛莱恩首都,并成为传说中威严华丽的中心区。人口371,000 〔Catt〕American suffragist who was an organizer and president (1900-1904 and 1915-1947) of the National American Woman Suffrage Association. She organized the League of Women Voters in 1919, the year before the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified.凯特,卡丽·(莱恩)·查普曼:(1859-1947) 美国妇女参政主义者,美国全国妇女参政协会的发动人和主席(1900-1904和1915-1947年)。她在1919年美国联邦宪法第19条修正案通过的前一年,组织成立了妇女选举人联盟〔Descartes〕French mathematician and philosopher. Considered the father of analytic geometry, he formulated the Cartesian system of coordinates. His philosophy is based on the rationalistic premise "I think, therefore I am.”笛卡尔,莱恩:(1596-1650) 法国数学家,哲学家,因将笛卡尔坐标体系公式化而被认为是解析几何之父。他的哲学思想基于唯理性的前提“我思故我在”〔Marivaux〕French writer noted for his sophisticated romantic comedies, includingLe Jeu de l'Amour et du Hasard (1730) and La Vie de Marianne (1731-1741). 马里沃,皮尔·卡尔特·德·尚博莱恩·德:(1688-1763) 法国作家,以其精妙的浪漫喜剧闻名,作品包括《爱情与机遇的一生》 (1730年)和 《玛利安的一生》 (1731-1741年) 〔Peekskill〕A city of southeast New York on the Hudson River north of White Plains. Strategically important in the American Revolution, it was burned by the British in 1777. Population, 19,536.皮克斯基尔:美国纽约东南部一城市,位于怀特普莱恩斯以北哈得孙河畔。它在美国独立战争时期具有战略意义,1777年曾被英军焚毁。人口19,536〔headquarter〕"Despite the derivation of its name, the former Texas Oil Company is headquartered in White Plains, New York"(New Republic)“尽管前得克萨斯石油公司得名于州名,但它的总部还是设在纽约的怀特普莱恩斯”(新共和国)〔Judson〕American writer who is remembered for his dime novels and his magazineNed Buntline's Own. 贾德森,爱德华·扎恩·卡罗尔:(1823-1886) 美国作家,以其廉价小说及杂志《奈德·班莱恩的生活奇谈》 而闻名于世 〔Coty〕French politician and the last president (1953-1959) of the Fourth Republic. He was instrumental in recalling Charles de Gaulle to power (1959).科蒂,莱恩:(1882-1962) 法国政治家和第四共和国的最后一位总统(1953-1959年)。在使查尔斯·戴高乐重新上台中(1959年)起了作用〔Plainview〕A city of northwest Texas south of Amarillo. The city has large meat-packing and meat-processing industries. Population, 21,700.普莱恩维尤:美国得克萨斯州西北的一座城市,位于阿马里洛的南部。该城有大型的肉类包装和加工工业。人口21,700〔Lehn〕French chemist. He shared a 1987 Nobel Prize for creating artificial molecules that can mimic vital chemical reactions.莱恩,简·玛丽:(生于 1939) 法国化学家,因其创造出可以模拟维持生命所必需的化学反应而获1987年的诺贝尔化学奖〔Magritte〕Belgian painter whose surreal works, such asSteps of Summer (1938), depict ordinary objects in unexpected or implausible situations. 马格里特,莱恩:(1898-1967) 比利时画家,其超现实主义作品,如《夏天的脚步》 (1938年),往往从意想不到的或令人难以置信的角度来描述普通事物




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