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单词 萨罗
释义 〔Corinth〕A narrow isthmus connecting central Greece with the Peloponnesus. It lies between the Gulf of Corinth and the Saronic Sea and is crossed by theCorinth Canal, constructed from 1881 to 1893. 科林斯地峡:联接伯罗奔尼撒半岛与希腊中部的一个狭窄地峡。介于科林斯湾与萨罗尼克海之间,中间有科林斯运河 穿过,这条运河建于1881-1893年 〔Athens〕The capital and largest city of Greece, in the eastern part of the country near the Saronic Gulf. It was at the height of its cultural achievements and imperial power in the fifth centuryb.c. during the time of Pericles. Athens became the capital of modern Greece in 1834, two years after the country achieved its independence from Turkey. Population, 885,737. 雅典:希腊的首都及最大城市,位于该国东部,萨罗尼克湾附近。公元前 5世纪伯里克利时代,文化成就和国势达到巅峰状态。雅典在1834年成为现代希腊的首都,两年后希腊摆脱土耳其独立。人口885,737 〔Megara〕An ancient city of east-central Greece. It was the capital of Megaris, a small Dorian state between the Saronic Gulf and the Gulf of Corinth. Megara flourished as a maritime center from the eighth to the fifth centuryb.c. 迈加拉:希腊中东部古城。它是迈加里斯的首都,是位于萨罗尼克湾及科林斯湾之间的多利斯人的小城邦。迈加拉从公元前 8世纪至5世纪是一个繁荣的海运中心 〔Piraeus〕A city of east-central Greece on the Saronic Gulf southwest of Athens. Its port was built in the 5th centuryb.c. and after extensive development in the mid-19th century became the principal seaport of the country. In ancient times it was connected with Athens by the Long Walls, two parallel walls some 183 m (600 ft) apart. Population, 196,389. 比雷埃夫斯:希腊中东部的一座城市,位于雅典西南的萨罗尼克湾上。其港口在公元前 5世纪建成,后来经过扩充发展,到19世纪中叶已成为国家的主要海港。在古代,该城与雅典城以一条长墙相连,长墙由两道平行的相距约183米(600英尺)的墙壁组成。人口196,389 〔Ionian〕One of a Hellenic people of Mycenaean origin that inhabited Attica, the Peloponnesus along the Saronic Gulf, Euboea, the Cyclades, and Ionia.爱奥尼亚人:源于迈锡尼的一支希腊人,曾在阿提卡,沿萨罗尼克湾的伯罗奔尼撒半岛,欧比亚,基克拉迪群岛和爱奥尼亚居住〔Aegina〕An island off southeast Greece in the Saronic Gulf of the Aegean Sea near Athens. It was a prosperous maritime city-state in the fifth centuryb.c. but declined after its defeat by Athens and the expulsion of its population. The first Greek coins were struck here. 埃伊那岛:靠近希腊东南部一岛屿,位于爱琴海的萨罗尼克湾,临近雅典。公元前 5世纪是一座繁荣的军事城邦,但在被雅典打败以及人口急剧膨胀之后就衰落了。第一枚希腊硬币在此铸造 〔salol〕A white crystalline powder, C13H 10O 3, derived from salicylic acid and used in the manufacture of plastics and suntan oils and medicinally as an analgesic and antipyretic. 水杨酸苯酯,萨罗:一种白色粉状晶体,C13H 10O 3,由水杨酸制取,用于制造塑料和防晒油,医学上用于镇痛剂和退热药 〔Jefferson〕The third President of the United States (1801-1809). A member of the second Continental Congress, he drafted the Declaration of Independence (1776). His presidency was marked by the purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France (1803) and the Tripolitan War (1801-1805). A political philosopher, educator, and architect, Jefferson designed his own estate, Monticello, and buildings for the University of Virginia.杰斐逊,托马斯:(1743-1826) 第三届美国总统(1801-1809年)。他是第二次大陆会议的成员并起草了《独立宣言》(1776年)。他因在总统任职期间从法国购买了路易斯安那地区(1803年)和的黎波里战争(1801-1805年)而著名。他是一位政治理论家、教育家和建筑师,自行设计了蒙提萨罗庄园,并创办了弗吉尼亚大学〔Rothschild〕German family of bankers, includingMayer Amschal (1743-1812), who founded a bank at Frankfurt am Main. His sons, most notably Salomon (1774-1855) and Nathan Mayer (1774-1836), established branches of the bank throughout Europe. 罗特希尔德家族:德国银行世家,包括梅尔·艾姆斯卡尔 (1743-1812年),创建了美因河畔法兰克福一家银行。他出名的儿子 萨罗蒙 (1774-1855年)和 内森·梅尔 (1774-1836年)在全欧洲开设了分行




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