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单词 蒸发
释义 〔transpire〕To give off (vapor containing waste products) through the pores of the skin or the stomata of plant tissue.蒸发:通过皮肤毛孔或植物组织的气孔散发(含有废料的气体)〔virga〕Wisps of precipitation streaming from a cloud but evaporating before reaching the ground.雨幡:自云底下落,但在到达地面之前已蒸发了的降水尾迹〔vaporizer〕One that vaporizes, especially a device used to vaporize medicine for inhalation.蒸发器:蒸发的器具,尤其是用于蒸发吸入药剂的装置〔residue〕Matter remaining after completion of an abstractive chemical or physical process, such as evaporation, combustion, distillation, or filtration; residuum.残渣:在诸如蒸发、燃烧、蒸馏或过滤等抽象的化学或物理变化过程结束后留下来的物质或残渣;残油〔potash〕translated from obsolete Dutch potaschen [from the fact that this substance was originally obtained by leaching wood ashes and evaporating the leach in a pot] 由 已废荷兰语 potaschen翻译而来 [其得名原因是因为这种物质最初是通过过滤木灰然后将木灰放在锅中进行蒸发而得的] 〔evaporable〕That can evaporate or undergo evaporation:可蒸发的,挥发性的:能够蒸发的或经历蒸发过程的:〔steam〕To produce or emit steam.动力:动力、能量蒸发放出的蒸汽或冒热汽〔inspissate〕To undergo thickening or cause to thicken, as by boiling or evaporation; condense.浓缩:通过沸腾或蒸发来浓缩或使浓缩;浓缩〔transpiration〕The act or process of transpiring, especially through the stomata of plant tissue or the pores of the skin.出汗:蒸发的行为或过程,尤指通过植物表面的气孔或皮肤孔蒸发〔still〕An apparatus for distilling liquids, such as alcohols, consisting of a vessel in which the substance is vaporized by heat and a cooling device in which the vapor is condensed.蒸馏器:一种用于蒸馏液体的装置,如酒精,包括以热蒸发物质的容器和蒸汽在内冷凝的装置〔deposit〕A coating or crust left on a surface, as by evaporation or electrolysis.外壳:覆盖在表面上的外壳,如通过蒸发或电解而形成的〔evaporite〕A sedimentary deposit that results from the evaporation of seawater.蒸发岩:一种沉积岩,由海水被蒸发而形成〔exhalant〕Functioning in exhalation.散发性的:具有蒸发或发散功能的〔mulch〕A protective covering, usually of organic matter such as leaves, straw, or peat, placed around plants to prevent the evaporation of moisture, the freezing of roots, and the growth of weeds.覆盖层:放在植物周围以防止水份蒸发、根被冻坏和野草生长的保护性覆盖物,通常由有机物质构成,如树叶、草或泥炭等〔contract〕"To produce snow requires both heat and cold;the first to evaporate, the second to condense" (John Lubbock). “雪的形成需要热和冷两个条件;前者起蒸发作用,后者起凝结作用” (约翰·拉伯克)。 〔ablate〕To remove by erosion, melting, evaporation, or vaporization.消融,侵蚀:由于腐蚀、熔化、蒸发或汽化而消失〔superheat〕To heat (a liquid) above its boiling point without causing vaporization.使过热:对(液体)加热到沸点而不导致蒸发〔stew〕possibly from Vulgar Latin *extūpāre, .extūfāre [to bathe, evaporate] 可能源自 俗拉丁语 *extūpāre, ·extūfāre [沐浴,蒸发] 〔brandy〕An alcoholic liquor distilled from wine or fermented fruit juice.白兰地:从葡萄酒或发酵果汁中蒸发出来的一种含酒精的烈酒〔vaporescence〕Formation of vapor.蒸发、汽化过程〔extract〕To obtain from a substance by chemical or mechanical action, as by pressure, distillation, or evaporation.榨出,提取,蒸馏:通过化学作用或机械作用从某物质中获得,如通过压榨、蒸馏或蒸发〔evaporate〕vapor [steam] vapor [蒸发] 〔dry〕Having all the water or liquid drained away, evaporated, or exhausted:干涸的:全部水或液体都被排走,蒸发或耗尽的:〔evaporate〕To change into vapor.蒸发,挥发:转变成气体〔exhalant〕An organ, such as the siphon of a clam, that is used for exhalation.发散管:用于蒸发或发散的器官,如蛤的发散水管〔transpire〕To give off vapor containing waste products, as through animal or plant pores.蒸发:散发含有废料的蒸气,如通过动物或植物的毛孔〔reek〕To smoke, steam, or fume.冒烟,熏烟:冒烟、蒸发或用烟熏〔pan〕A vessel used for boiling and evaporating liquids.蒸发皿:用来煮沸或蒸发液体的器皿〔pan〕A natural or artificial basin used to obtain salt by evaporating brine.盐池:天然的或人工的盆地,用来蒸发海水取盐




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