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单词 蔓延
释义 〔straggly〕Growing or spread out in a disorderly or aimless way:蔓延的,散乱的:以一种无秩序或无目标的方式生长或散播:〔epidemic〕An outbreak of a contagious disease that spreads rapidly and widely.流行:传染病的迅速广泛传播和蔓延〔halation〕A blurring or spreading of light around bright areas on a photographic image.光晕:从相片中影像中比较明亮的部份蔓延出的虚影或光〔blot〕To spill or spread in a spot or stain.(污点或污渍)溅出或蔓延〔ramble〕To follow an irregularly winding course of motion or growth.蔓延:沿着一条不规则的、蜿蜒的路线运动或生长的〔rumble〕Pervasive, widespread expression of unrest or dissatisfaction.普遍的怨声:日益蔓延且分布广泛的不安或不满〔spleenwort〕Any of numerous widely distributed evergreen ferns of the genusAsplenium, having undivided to featherlike fronds and oblong to linear sori located on the small veins. 铁角蕨:一种大量繁殖蔓延的常青蕨类植物铁角蕨, 有不可分的和羽状叶子,矩形的长在细小叶脉上的浅性孢子群 〔spread〕The tornado spread destruction.暴风造成的破坏蔓延开来〔epidemic〕an epidemic outbreak of influenza.流行性感冒的爆发性蔓延〔cancer〕A pernicious, spreading evil:社会恶习,社会毒瘤:一种恶性的、蔓延的罪恶 :〔effuse〕Spreading out loosely.倾泻:缓缓地蔓延开来〔outreach〕the vast outreach of technology; the outreach of a forest fire from mountains to suburbs.知识的广阔领域;从高山蔓延至市郊的森林火灾〔poignant〕"Keen, poignant agonies seemed to shoot from his neck downward"(Ambrose Bierce)“强烈而痛苦的疼痛似乎从他的脖子直往下蔓延”(安布罗斯·比尔斯)〔sarmentose〕Having slender, prostrate stolons, as in the strawberry.具有匐茎的:生有纤细的蔓延的葡萄根的,例如草莓〔rambling〕Extended over an irregular area; sprawling:蔓延的:花在一块不规模的面积上延伸的;蔓延的:〔unexampled〕"Witchcraft blazed forth with unexampled virulence"(Montague Summers)“巫术以无先例的毒性蔓延”(蒙塔古·萨默斯)〔epidemic〕Spreading rapidly and extensively by infection and affecting many individuals in an area or a population at the same time:流行性的:能够在一个地区或人群中迅速广泛地蔓延〔firewall〕A fireproof wall used as a barrier to prevent the spread of fire.防火墙,隔火墙:作为一道屏障阻止火蔓延的防火的墙〔wildfire〕A raging, rapidly spreading fire.野火:蔓延得很快的烈火〔backfire〕Another fire started to extinguish or control an oncoming fire, as in a forest, by burning an area in the path of the oncoming flames.迎火:为熄灭或控制即将到来的野火的蔓延,而燃起另一堆火将即将到来的野火的通道区域烧光,如在森林里〔trail〕To extend, grow, or droop loosely over a surface:蔓延:在一平面上无约束地伸展、生长或低垂:〔propagation〕The process of spreading to a larger area or greater number; dissemination.蔓延:向更大的地区或更大的数目扩展的过程;散发〔contagion〕The tendency to spread, as of a doctrine, influence, or emotional state.感染力:蔓延扩散的倾向,如学说、影响或情绪等〔pustule〕"a cool glimpse of green between hot pustules of sooty sprawl"(Nicholas Proffitt)“冷冷地瞧了一眼蔓延着煤灰色的发烫的化脓伤口中透出的绿色”(尼古拉斯·普罗菲特)〔sprawl〕To cause to spread out in a straggling or disordered fashion.蔓延:无序而又杂乱地向四周蔓延〔bindweed〕Any of various trailing or twining, often weedy plants of the generaCalystegia and Convolvulus, having white, pink, or purple bell-shaped or funnel-shaped flowers. 旋花:一种蔓生或缠绕的打碗花属 和 旋花属 的蔓延植物,开白色、粉色或紫色钟状或漏斗形的花 〔accelerant〕A substance, such as a petroleum distillate, that is used as a catalyst, as in the spreading of an intentionally set fire.催化剂,促媒:一种可用作催化剂的东西,如石油蒸馏剂,可使纵火得以蔓延〔creep〕To grow or spread along a surface, rooting at intervals or clinging by means of suckers or tendrils.蔓生:间隔一段距离的根或通过吸根或卷须在物体表面上的生长或蔓延〔spread〕To increase in range of occurrence; become known or prevalent over a wide area:传开,传播:事件范围扩大,在更大的领域被人知晓或蔓延〔fear〕Consternation spread throughout the city as the invading army approached.当侵略军逼近时恐慌蔓延了整个城市。〔contagious〕Spreading or tending to spread from one to another; infectious:有感染力的:逐个蔓延的或倾向于逐个蔓延的;有感染力的:〔discord〕Dissension is rampant among the members of the committee.意见分歧在委员会的成员中蔓延〔xanthomatosis〕A metabolic disorder characterized by excessive accumulation of lipids in the body and a resulting spread of xanthomas.黄瘤病:胆固醇新陈代谢紊乱,其特点为体内胆固醇的过量增加,并有黄瘤在皮肤上的蔓延〔patent〕Spreading open; expanded.扩散的,蔓延的:伸展开的;延展的〔overrun〕To spread or swarm over destructively:散步,蔓延:破坏性地扩散或群集于…上方:




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