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单词 螺旋形
释义 〔spiral〕To take a spiral form or course.用螺旋形形式或路径〔wind〕To be coiled or spiraled:缠绕:被缠绕;使作螺旋形前进:〔cochleate〕Shaped like a snail shell; spirally twisted.螺旋状的:形状像蜗壳的;螺旋形扭曲的〔nyala〕Any of several African antelopes of the genusTragelophus, having vertical stripes on the sides of the body, including especially T. angasi of southeast Africa, the male of which has spiral horns and long black hair along the neck and the underside. 林羚:一种非洲林羚 属羚羊,身体两侧有垂直条纹,尤指生长于非洲东南部的 安氏林羚 ,其雄性有螺旋形角,并且在脖子周围和下侧有长长的黑毛 〔volute〕A spiral formation, such as one of the whorls of a gastropod shell.螺旋形:一种螺旋形状,如一个涡螺壳上的螺旋〔spin〕The flight condition of an aircraft in a nose-down, spiraling, stalled descent.翻滚:指飞机一种冲降、旋转、螺旋形下降的飞行状态〔gyre〕A circular or spiral form; a vortex:圆形或螺旋形;漩涡:〔spiral〕the wage-price spiral.工资-物价的螺旋形上涨〔rifle〕From rifle [to cut spiral grooves in] 源自 rifle [在…中刻螺旋形槽线] 〔rifling〕The process or operation of cutting spiral grooves in a rifle barrel.来复线凿制:在来复枪枪膛中刻螺旋形槽线的过程或操作〔rifle〕To cut spiral grooves within (a gun barrel, for example).制来复线:在(例如,炮筒)内刻螺旋形槽线〔helical〕Of or having the shape of a helix; spiral.螺旋形的,螺旋(线)的:(拥有)螺旋形或螺旋线的;螺旋的〔swirl〕To form into or arrange in a spiral, whorl, or twist.使回曲:形成或排列成螺旋形、螺纹形或盘旋形〔cochlea〕A spiral-shaped cavity of the inner ear that resembles a snail shell and contains nerve endings essential for hearing.耳蜗:内耳的螺旋形内腔,像蜗壳,有主要用于听的神经末梢〔blackbuck〕An antelope(Antilope cervicapra) of India that inhabits open grasslands and in the male has long, spiraled horns and a black coat with white underparts. 印度黑羚:印度一种羚羊(印度羚 羚羊属) ,居住在开阔的草地,其雄性有螺旋形长角,腹部呈白色的黑色皮毛 〔rifle〕An artillery piece or naval gun with such spiral grooves.膛线炮:有这样的螺旋形槽线的大炮或海军大炮〔spiral〕To cause to take a spiral form or course.使…用螺旋形形式或路径〔addax〕An antelope(Addax nasomaculatus) of northern Africa having long, spirally twisted horns. 旋角羚,弓角羚:北非的一种羚羊(旋角羚 螺角羚羊属) ,具有长且螺旋形弯曲的角 〔spiral〕The course or flight path of an object rotating on its longitudinal axis.螺旋形路线盘旋绕其竖直轴旋转的物体的路线或飞行路径〔kudu〕Either of two large African antelopes(Tragelaphus strepsiceros or T. imberbis) having a brownish coat with narrow, white vertical stripes and, in the male, long, spirally curved horns. 捻角羚:两种非洲大羚羊(大弯角羚 羚羊属 或 小弯角羚 羚羊属) 之一,长有带白色细长竖纹的棕色皮毛,而且雄性有螺旋形弯曲的长角 〔nautilus〕A cephalopod mollusk of the genusNautilus, especially N. pompilius, found in the Indian and Pacific oceans and having a spiral, pearly-lined shell with a series of air-filled chambers. Also called chambered nautilus ,pearly nautilus 鹦鹉螺:一种鹦鹉螺 属头足纲软体动物,尤其是 蛛蜂鹦鹉螺 ,发现于印度洋和太平洋上,具有螺旋形珍珠线的壳,由一系列充满空气的层构成 也作 chambered nautilus,pearly nautilus




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