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单词 行为
释义 〔exhibitive〕bird behavior exhibitive of the nest-building instinct.鸟的行为显示出筑巢的本能〔improper〕indecorous behavior;不合礼节的行为〔suggestive〕Tending to suggest something improper or indecent:诱惑的:引起不轨行为的或不适当的事物的暗示:〔deceit〕The act or practice of deceiving; deception.欺诈:欺骗的行为;骗人〔score〕The act or an instance of buying illicit drugs.走私禁药:购买非法毒品的行为或例子〔welfarism〕The set of policies, practices, and social attitudes associated with a welfare state.福利主义:与福利制度有关的一系列政策、行为和社会态度〔sacramental〕A rite, an act, or a sacred object used by some Christian churches in worship.圣典:某些基督教会拜神时所用的形式、行为或圣物〔force〕Compel is often interchangeable withforce, but it applies especially to an act dictated by one in authority: Compel 常与force 交换使用, 但它尤其用在权威人士命令的行为中: 〔libel〕The act or an instance of presenting such a statement to the public.诽谤:向公众提供这样的虚假声明的行为或事实〔mien〕of Middle English demeine [demeanor] 中古英语 demeine的变化 [行为,举止] 〔purgation〕The act of purging or purifying.洗涤或净化的行为〔say〕It was an act that said "devotion.”那个行为是象征“信仰”上的皈依〔malapert〕Impudently bold in speech or manner; saucy.鲁莽的:说话或行为鲁莽的;冒失的〔paroxysm〕A sudden outburst of emotion or action:迸发:感情或行为的突然爆发:〔individuation〕The act or process of individuating, especially the process by which social individuals become differentiated one from the other.个性形成:个性化的过程或行为,尤指社会性的个体相互离异的过程〔overrule〕To disallow the action or arguments of, especially by virtue of higher authority:驳回:尤指以更大的权威拒绝…的行为或论点:〔migration〕The act or an instance of migrating.迁移,移居:迁移的行为或实例〔quirk〕An unpredictable or unaccountable act or event; a vagary:突发事件:一种无法预测或描述的行为或事件;怪异的行为〔opening〕The act or an instance of becoming open or being made to open.开,启:打开或使开放的行为或事例〔piracy〕A similar act of robbery, as the hijacking of an airplane.抢劫行为:抢劫的类似行为,如劫机〔acting〕False behavior; pretense.装腔作势:虚假的行为;假装〔inspiration〕Something, such as a sudden creative act or idea, that is inspired.灵感:激起或唤起的事物,如突然的创造性行为或想法〔season〕from Latin satiō satiōn- [act of sowing] 源自 拉丁语 satiō satiōn- [播种的行为] 〔avouch〕To accept responsibility for (an action, for example); acknowledge.承担:为(如某一行为)承担责任;确认〔muff〕A clumsy or bungled action.笨手笨脚:笨拙的或拙劣的行为〔behavior〕guilty of contemptible behavior.为可耻的行为而感到追悔。〔further〕considered further the consequences of her actions.更多地考虑她的行为所造成的后果〔wiretap〕The act of installing such a device.装设窃听器:安装搭线窃听装置的行为〔peasantry〕The condition, rank, or conduct of a peasant.农民的状况、地位或行为〔delusion〕The act or process of deluding.欺骗,骗局:欺骗人的行为或过程〔voidance〕The act of voiding.放出,排出,取消:放空、撤出、排泄、抛弃或取消的行为〔reprise〕A recurrence or resumption of an action.再发生:某一行为的再发生或继续〔inference〕The act or process of deriving logical conclusions from premises known or assumed to be true.推理:由已知或假定的正确前提出发作出逻辑推理的行为或过程〔kind〕These adjectives apply to persons and their actions and mean having or showing a tender, considerate, and helping nature.这些形容词适用于具有或表现出亲切的、体贴的和乐于助人的本性的人及他们的行为和方式。〔camp〕An affectation or appreciation of manners and tastes commonly thought to be artificial, vulgar, or banal.下流,庸俗,做作:行为或情趣上的矫揉造作,通常被认为是不自然的、粗俗的或平庸的〔prolepsis〕The use of a descriptive word in anticipation of the act or circumstances that would make it applicable, asdry in They drained the lake dry. 预词法:描述性的词的使用,可预期使之适合于描述的行为或情形,比如dry(干) 在 They drained the lake dry 中 〔stupid〕At the time, I was too obtuse to grasp the true implications of her behavior.那时,我是那样迟钝以至于不能领会她的行为的含义。〔ferriage〕The act or business of carrying by ferry.摆渡;摆渡业:通过渡船运送的行为或行业〔retention〕The act of retaining.保持:保持的行为〔interfere〕"wholly unacquainted with the world in which they are so fond of meddling" (Edmund Burke).It is somewhat weaker thaninterfere in implying action that seriously hampers, hinders, or frustrates: “对他们如此喜欢干预的世界一无所知” (埃德豪·伯克)。在指严重的牵制、阻碍或阻挠的行为时比interfere 要弱:




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