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释义 〔avatar〕A temporary manifestation or aspect of a continuing entity:体现:一种连续状态的暂时显现或表现〔sad〕 Doleful describes what is mournful, morose, or gloomy: Doleful 表现的是悲痛的、阴郁的或暗淡的: 〔come〕To convey a particular personal image:表现个人特定形象:〔disdain〕A feeling or show of contempt and aloofness; scorn.鄙视,蔑视,鄙弃:蔑视和冷漠的感情或表现;蔑视〔form〕The past performance of a racehorse.赛马过去的表现〔futurism〕An artistic movement originating in Italy around 1910 whose aim was to express the energetic, dynamic, and violent quality of contemporary life, especially as embodied in the motion and force of modern machinery.未来主义:一种1910年左右发源于意大利的文艺思潮,意在表现当代生活有力的、充满活力的和激烈的特点,尤其主张表现现代机械文明的动感和暴力〔pretend〕 Feign suggests false representation or fictitious fabrication: Feign 指错误的表现或人为的制造: 〔cautious〕Showing or practicing caution; careful.谨慎的:表现或做事谨慎的;小心认真的〔sign〕A body manifestation that serves to indicate the presence of malfunction or disease.体症:用来指示出现机能失调或疾病的身体表现〔orthography〕A method of representing the sounds of language or a language by letters and diacritics; spelling.表音法:用书写符号或印刷符号表现某一语言的读音的方法〔selfish〕Arising from, characterized by, or showing selfishness:自私的:出于、表现或显露出自私的:〔Salam〕Pakistani physicist. He shared a 1979 Nobel Prize for theorizing that electromagnetism and weak interaction are facets of the same phenomenon.萨拉姆,阿卜杜勒:(生于 1926) 巴基斯坦物理学家,因将电磁学理论化和提出弱反应是同一现象的不同表现而于1979年获得诺贝尔奖〔realistic〕Of or relating to the representation of objects, actions, or social conditions as they actually are:现实主义的,写实的:属于或与将事物、行为或社会状况按其真实情况表现之有关的:〔policy〕deiknunai [to show] * see deik- deiknunai [显示;表现] * 参见 deik- 〔form〕presented my ideas in outline form; a treatise in the form of a dialogue.用提纲的形式表现我的想法;对话形式的论文〔way〕An individual or personal manner of behaving, acting, or doing:作风:个人的表现、行为或做事方式:〔extemporaneous〕Impromptu even more strongly suggests action or expression that comes on the spur of the moment in response to an unforeseen need: Impromptu 更强烈地表现对意料之外的需要所做出的相应的动作或表现〔hypsography〕A representation or description of the earth's topologic features above sea level, as on a map.地形起伏图:在地图上的高于海平面的地志的表现和描述〔prefiguration〕The act of representing, suggesting, or imagining in advance.预示:预先表现、暗示或想象的行为〔undue〕"I was grateful, without showing undue excitement"(Katherine Mansfield)“我很感激,但没有表现过度兴奋”(凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德)〔doping〕The use of a drug or blood product to improve athletic performance.服用运动禁药:使用药物或血液制剂来改善运动员表现〔render〕To represent in a drawing or painting, especially in perspective.表现:以图像或绘画表现,尤指用透视画法〔pictograph〕A pictorial representation of numerical data or relationships, especially a graph, but having each value represented by a proportional number of pictures. Also called pictogram 统计图表,象形图:用图画表现数字的信息或关系,尤指图表,但用有比例的一定数字的图画来代表每种价值 也作 pictogram〔manifestation〕An indication of the existence, reality, or presence of something:表现:某事物的存在、现状或出现的显示:〔aphanite〕phainesthai phan- [to appear] from phainein [to show] * see phenomenon phainesthai phan- [出现,显现] 源自 phainein [表现,出示] * 参见 phenomenon〔pathology〕The anatomic or functional manifestations of a disease:病理,病状:疾病的解剖和生理上的表现〔readout〕Presentation of data, usually in digital form, from calculations or storage.读出:计算得出或从存储器中取出,通常是以数字形式表现的数据〔ukase〕kazati [to point out, show] kazati [指出,表现] 〔crack〕To behave in a domineering manner; demand hard work and efficiency from those under one's control.盛气凌人地:以盛气凌人的方式表现;要求其下属努力并有效地干活〔edition〕Any of the various or successive forms in which something is offered or presented:期刊:任一种事物出现或表现的形式或相继出现的形式:〔personalism〕The quality of being characterized by purely personal modes of expression or behavior; idiosyncrasy.个性:以纯粹个人的表现或行为的方式为特征的品质;癖性〔desideratum〕"The point is not that the artist has ‘penetrated the character’ of his sitter, that commonplace desideratum of portraiture"(Robert Hughes)“关键并不是画家洞察了他的模特儿的性格特征以表现肖像画通常表达的意义”(罗伯特·休斯)〔bitter〕"all words . . . /Failing to give the bitter of the sweet"(Tennyson)“一切语言…/都不能表现甜蜜中的苦涩”(坦尼森)〔mimetic〕Using imitative means of representation:用模仿的方式表现〔sentimentalize〕To behave in a sentimental manner.感伤:以伤感的方式表现〔myth〕A story, a theme, an object, or a character regarded as embodying an aspect of a culture:神话式人物(或事物):认为表现文化某一方面的故事、主题或人物:〔pretense〕Mere show without reality; outward appearance.空洞:只是卖弄而毫无实质内容;外在的表现〔passion〕A narrative, musical setting, or pictorial representation of Jesus's sufferings.耶稣受难的故事或图画:表现耶稣受难的故事、为此所配的音乐或以此为题材的画〔form〕a good jump shooter having an unusual form.表现与众不同的优秀跳投者〔protoplasm〕The complex, semifluid, translucent substance that constitutes the living matter of plant and animal cells and manifests the essential life functions of a cell. Composed of proteins, fats, and other molecules suspended in water, it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.原生质:一种复杂的,半流动的,半透明的物质,是植物和动物细胞中的活性成分,是细胞生命现象的主要表现由蛋白质,脂肪和其它悬浮在水中的分子构成,包括细胞核和细胞质




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