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释义 〔smile〕The model looked at her reflection in the mirror with an idiotic simper. Asmirk is an affected smile that often expresses an offensive smugness: 模特儿带着傻乎乎的微笑望着镜子里自己的相貌。 Smirk 则是指一种做作的,通常表现得自鸣得意的、令人生厌的微笑: 〔botch〕To make or perform clumsily; bungle.表现拙劣:做得或表现得拙劣;搞得一团糟〔toady〕To be a toady to or behave like a toady.See Synonyms at fawn 1拍…的马屁:向…拍马或表现得象个拍马者 参见 fawn1〔kind〕Our neighbor was very kind about the window we broke.我们的邻居对我们打破玻璃表现得很宽容〔inconsiderate〕Thoughtless of others; displaying a lack of consideration.不考虑别人的:不考虑别人的;表现得缺乏体谅的〔behave〕The witness behaved herself with great calmness.那目击者表现得极其冷静〔flagrant〕in flagrant disregard of the law. What isglaring is blatantly and painfully manifest: 明目张胆地置法律于不顾。 Glaring 的事物表现得明显而使人疼痛: 〔splendid〕a splendid performance in the examinations.在考试中表现得相当棒〔slack〕To be careless or remiss in doing:疏忽:做事时表现得不细心或疏忽:〔slack〕To be or become slack.变松弛:表现得或变得疏忽的〔sneak〕To behave in a cowardly or servile manner.逃避:表现得胆小的,卑屈的〔stooge〕To be a stooge or behave like one.当陪衬:给别人当配角或表现得像一个陪衬〔suave〕"Urbane and pliant . . . he was at ease even in the drawing rooms of Paris" (R.R. Palmer).“由于他彬彬有礼且温顺谦和,所以即使是在巴黎上流社会的客厅中他也能表现得自在安然” (P.R.帕尔默)。〔graceless〕Having or exhibiting no sense of propriety or decency.不懂礼貌,不得体的,或表现得如此的〔come〕She is sure to come off badly if challenged to explain.如果被要求解释,她肯定表现得很差




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