单词 | 衰落 |
释义 | 〔twilight〕A period or condition of decline following growth, glory, or success:衰落时期:在生长、兴旺或成功之后的一个衰落的时期或状况:〔decay〕A gradual deterioration to an inferior state:衰败、衰落的状态:〔Jamestown〕A former village of southeast Virginia, the first permanent English settlement in America. It was founded in May 1607 and named for the reigning monarch, James I. The "Starving Time" of 1609 to 1610 nearly wiped out the colony, and only the timely arrival of Baron De La Warr with supplies convinced the survivors to remain. Jamestown became the capital of Virginia after 1619 but was almost entirely destroyed during Bacon's Rebellion (1676) and further declined after the removal of the capital to Williamsburg (1698-1700).詹姆斯敦:美国弗吉尼亚州东南部的原村落,第一个英国人在美国的固定居住点。建立于1607年5月,被指定为属詹姆士一世的君主统治。1609年到1610年的“饥饿时代”几乎将这个殖民地抹去,但巴龙·德·拉·沃带着补给的及时到来给幸存者带来了信心。1619年后詹姆士镇成为了弗吉尼亚州的首府,但是在1676年的巴尔干叛乱中它几乎被毁,随后在首府迁往威廉斯堡后日渐衰落〔Utica〕An ancient city of northern Africa on the Mediterranean Sea northwest of Carthage. According to tradition, it was founded c. 1100b.c. by Phoenicians from Tyre. The city declined in the first century b.c. and was finally destroyed by the Arabs c. a.d. 700. 尤蒂卡:非洲北部的一古代城市,临近地中海,位于迦太基的西北。据传它是于公元前 1000年左右由蒂尔城来腓尼基人创立的。此城于 公元前 1世纪左右衰落,最后于 公元 700年左右被阿拉伯人摧毁 〔finish〕The reason for one's ruin; downfall.衰败的原因;衰落〔Honorius〕Roman emperor of the West (395-423). During his reign the decline of the empire became irreversible.奥诺利耳斯,弗莱维厄斯:() 西罗马皇帝(395-423年),在他统治期间西罗马帝国的衰落已不可逆转〔Ostia〕An ancient city of west-central Italy at the mouth of the Tiber River. According to legend, it was founded in the seventh centuryb.c. Ostia developed as a port after the first century b.c. and declined after the third century a.d. 奥斯蒂亚:意大利中西部一古老城市,位于台伯河河口。传说建于公元前 7世纪, 公元前 1世纪发展为港口, 公元 3世纪后衰落 〔sybaritic〕Devoted to or marked by often excessive or effete luxury.See Synonyms at sensuous 奢侈淫逸的:致力于或以过度的或衰落的奢靡为特征的 参见 sensuous〔declination〕A falling off, especially from prosperity or vigor; a decline.衰退:尤指从繁荣或精力充沛的状况衰弱下来;衰落〔decadence〕from Medieval Latin dēcadentia [a decaying, declining] 源自 中世纪拉丁语 dēcadentia [衰败,衰落] 〔Kiev〕A city of western European U.S.S.R. on the Dnieper River southwest of Moscow. One of the oldest cities in the country, it was the center of the first Russian state and an early seat of Russian Christianity. Its power declined after the 12th century, and it was annexed by Moscow in 1686. Often known to Russians as "the Mother of Cities,” Kiev is also the capital of the Ukraine. Population, 2,448,000.基辅:苏联西欧部分一城市,位于莫斯科西南第聂伯河边。它是前苏联最古老的城市之一,曾是第一个俄罗斯国家的中心和俄罗斯基督教早期的中心。12世纪之后其权势衰落,1686年被莫斯科占领。它经常被俄罗斯人认为是“城市之母”。基辅还是乌克兰首都。人口2,448,000〔vile〕Miserably poor and degrading; wretched:可怜的,不幸的:非常穷困的和衰落的;不幸的:〔Comstockery〕Bowdlerism, named after Dr. Thomas Bowdler (1754-1825),has been around longer than Comstockery, named for Anthony Comstock (1844-1915). All Bowdler did to enter the world of common nouns was to expurgate Shakespeare, the Bible, and Gibbon'sHistory of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. On the other hand, Comstock, the organizer and secretary of the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice,helped destroy 160 tons of literature and pictures that he deemed immoral.Comstockery, the word honoring his achievements, is first recorded in 1905 in a letter by George Bernard Shaw to the New York Times: “Comstockery is the world's standing Joke at the expense of the United States. . . . It confirms the deep-seated conviction of the Old World that America is a provincial place, a second rate country-town civilization after all.” 以汤姆斯·鲍德勒博士(1754-1825年)的名字命名的鲍德勒主义,存在时间要比以安东尼·康斯托克(1844-1915年)命名的康斯托克主义长一些。鲍德勒所做的只是删节莎士比亚作品、《圣经 》和吉伯恩的罗马帝国的衰落与灭亡 就使其名字成为一个通用名词了。 而另一方面,作为纽约反暴力社会党的组织者和秘书长,康斯托克协助销毁了160吨他认为不道德的作品与图片。Comstockery ,这一为了表彰他的成绩的词最初是出现于1905年乔治·伯那德·修在写给 纽约时报 的信中: “Comstockery 一词是世界对美国的嘲笑…它证实了在东半球中根深蒂固的观念,那就是美国是个粗鄙的地方,充其量只能算是一个二流的乡村文明” 〔Barletta〕A city of southern Italy on the Adriatic Sea west-northwest of Bari. It passed to the Goths after the fall of the Roman Empire. Population, 83,719.巴列塔:意大利南部亚得里亚海沿岸城市,位于巴里的西北偏西。罗马帝国衰落后转为哥特人所有。人口83,719〔degenerate〕Having declined, as in function or nature, from a former or original state:走下坡的,衰退的:从先前或最初的状态衰落的,如在功能或性质方面:〔decline〕The process or result of declining, especially a gradual deterioration.衰退:衰落,尤指逐渐恶化的过程或结果〔Waugh〕British writer whose satirical novels, such asDecline and Fall (1928) and Vile Bodies (1930), lampoon high society. His later works, notably Brideshead Revisited (1945), reflect his interest in Roman Catholicism. 沃,伊弗琳(阿瑟·圣约翰):(1903-1966) 英国作家,其讽刺小说,如《衰落与瓦解》 (1928年)和 《邪恶的肉体》 (1930年)讽刺了上层社会。他的晚期作品,著名的 《旧地重游》 (1945年)反映了他对罗马天主教的兴趣 〔Babylonia〕An ancient empire of Mesopotamia in the Euphrates River valley. It flourished under Hammurabi and Nebuchadnezzar II but declined after 562b.c. and fell to the Persians in 539. 巴比伦王国:美索不达米亚的一个古代帝国,幼发拉底河流域。繁荣于汉穆拉比和尼布甲尼撒二世统治之时,但于公元前 562年后衰落并于539年落于波斯人手中 〔putamen〕Latin putāmen [that which falls off in pruning, shell, husk] 拉丁语 putāmen [在修剪中衰落的东西,贝壳,壳] 〔return〕"It [a visual art genre] has wilted in latter decades, but recrudesced in recent years" (Earl W. Count).See also Synonyms at reciprocate “它 在后来的几十年中衰落了,但近年来又复苏起来” (厄尔·W·康特) 参见同义词 reciprocate〔Segesta〕An ancient city of northwest Sicily near modern-day Alcamo. Traditionally a Trojan colony, it was a Carthaginian dependency after c. 400b.c. but declined during the first century. 塞杰斯塔:西西里岛西北部的一座古城,位于今阿尔卡莫附近。曾是特洛伊殖民地,在公元前 400年之后为迦太基的保护地,但在公元1世纪衰落 〔Cumae〕An ancient city and Greek colony of south-central Italy near present-day Naples. Founded c. 750b.c. , it is the earliest-known Greek settlement in Italy. Cumae adopted Roman culture after the second century b.c. and gradually declined as neighboring cities rose to power. 库迈:意大利中南部的一座古城和希腊殖民地,位于现在的那不勒斯附近。该城创建于公元前 750年,是意大利境内最早的希腊殖民地。在 公元前 2世纪以后库迈采用了罗马文化并随着邻近城市的兴起反而逐渐衰落 〔decadent〕Being in a state of decline or decay.衰落的:处于衰败或腐败的状态的〔sunset〕A decline or final phase:晚年:衰落或最后时期:〔Rome〕The capital and largest city of Italy, in the west-central part of the country on the Tiber River. Traditionally founded by Romulus and Remus, it was ruled first by Etruscans, who were overthrown c. 500b.c. The Roman Republic gradually extended its territory and expanded its influence, giving way to the Roman Empire during the reign of Augustus (27 b.c. - a.d. 14). As capital of the empire, Rome was considered the center of the known world, but the city declined when Constantine transferred his capital to Byzantium (323). Alaric I conquered the city in 410, leading to a lengthy period of devastation by barbarian tribes. In the Middle Ages the city revived as the spiritual and temporal power of the papacy increased. During the 1800's Rome was held at various times by the French until it became the capital of Italy in 1871. Vatican City remains an independent enclave within the confines of Rome. Population, 2,830,569. 罗马:意大利的首都及最大城市,在该国中西部,濒临台伯河。传统上认为罗马由罗穆卢斯和瑞摩斯创建,伊特鲁里亚人最先统治罗马,并于公元前 500年被推翻。罗马共和国逐渐扩展领土和扩大势力,在奥古斯都( 公元前 27年- 公元 14年)统治时期成为罗马帝国。罗马作为帝国的首都,被认为是世界的中心,当康斯坦丁把国都迁往拜占庭后(323年),罗马衰落了。阿拉里克一世于410年征服了罗马从而使野蛮部落给罗马带来长期毁灭性的灾难。中世纪时,随着教皇宗教和世俗权力的上升,罗马又恢复了生机。19世纪期间,罗马不时受到法国人的统治,直至1871成为意大利的首都。梵蒂冈仍为罗马境内独立的外国领地。人口2,830,569 〔downtrend〕A downward trend; a downturn.下降趋势;下降(衰落)〔Miletus〕An ancient Ionian city of western Asia Minor in present-day Turkey. Occupied by Greeks c. 1000b.c. , it became an important trading and colonizing settlement and also flourished as a center of learning. The city declined after its harbor silted up early in the Christian era. 米利都:小亚细亚西部一爱奥尼亚古城,位于今土耳其境内公元前 1000年被希腊人占领,成为重要的贸易中心及殖民定居地,同时也是繁荣的文化中心。在基督教兴起早期该城因港口淤泥塞集而衰落 〔moral〕a person of loose morals; a decline in the public morals.行为放荡的人;公共道德的衰落〔Aegina〕An island off southeast Greece in the Saronic Gulf of the Aegean Sea near Athens. It was a prosperous maritime city-state in the fifth centuryb.c. but declined after its defeat by Athens and the expulsion of its population. The first Greek coins were struck here. 埃伊那岛:靠近希腊东南部一岛屿,位于爱琴海的萨罗尼克湾,临近雅典。公元前 5世纪是一座繁荣的军事城邦,但在被雅典打败以及人口急剧膨胀之后就衰落了。第一枚希腊硬币在此铸造 〔decadence〕A process, condition, or period of deterioration or decline, as in morals or art; decay.堕落:在道德或艺术方面变坏,或衰落的过程、条件、或期间;衰败〔Spengler〕German philosopher who argued that civilizations and cultures are subject to the same cycle of growth and decay as human beings. His major work isThe Decline of the West (1918-1922). 施彭格勒,奥斯瓦尔德:(1880-1936) 德国哲学家,他认为文明和文化就象人类一样也要经历兴起与衰落的循环。他的主要著作为《西方的衰落》 (1918-1922年) 〔wane〕To decrease gradually in size, amount, intensity, or degree; decline.衰落:体积、数量、密度或程度的逐渐减小;衰退〔letdown〕A decrease, decline, or relaxation, as of effort or energy.放松,弛缓,衰落:努力或力量方面的减少、降低或放松〔overripe〕Marked by decay or decline.衰落的或颓废的〔decay〕tooth decay; urban decay.蛀牙;城市的衰落〔Huizinga〕Dutch historian known for his writing on the late Middle Ages, especiallyThe Waning of the Middle Ages (1919). 赫伊津哈,约翰:(1872-1945) 荷兰历史学家,以其关于中世纪晚期的著作闻名,尤其是《中世纪的衰落》 (1919年) 〔fester〕To be subject to or exist in a condition of decline:使衰败:成为衰落的对象或处于衰败的状态下: |
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