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单词 被发现
释义 〔convict〕Found guilty; convicted.被定罪的:被发现有罪的;被定罪的〔interface〕"the interface between crime and politics where much of our reality is to be found"(Jack Kroll)“我们的很多在罪恶与政治之间的接合事实将会被发现”(杰克·克罗尔)〔Petra〕An ancient ruined city of Edom in present-day southwest Jordan. It flourished as a trade center from the 4th centuryb.c. until its capture by the Romans in a.d. 106. The city was taken by Moslems in the 7th century and by Crusaders in the 12th century. The ruins of the "rose-red city" were discovered in 1812. 佩特拉:埃多姆王国的一个古代城市废墟,位于现在的约旦西南。从公元前 4世纪直到 公元 106年被罗马人占领,它一直是一个繁华的贸易中心。7世纪被穆斯林人统治,12世纪又被十字军统治。这座“紫红色的城市”的废墟于1812年被发现 〔Abaya〕A lake of southwest Ethiopia in the Great Rift Valley south-southwest of Addis Ababa. It was discovered in 1896 and has several inhabited islands.阿巴亚:埃塞俄比亚西南部的一个湖泊,位于亚的斯亚贝巴西南偏南的东非大裂谷内。它于1896年被发现且湖中某些岛屿上有人居住〔Ceres〕The largest asteroid and the first to be discovered, having an orbit between Mars and Saturn.谷神星:最早被发现的最大的小行星,其轨道在火星和土星之间〔laconic〕As the study of the classics has disappeared from the curriculum,so has the ready understanding that terms such aslaconic once possessed. Laconic, which comes to us via Latin from Greek Lakōnikos, is first recorded in 1583with the sense "of or relating to Laconia or its inhabitants.”Lakōnikos is derived from Lakōn, "a Laconian, a person from Lakedaimon,”the name for the region of Greeceof which Sparta was the capital.The Spartans, noted for being warlike and disciplined, were also known for the brevity of their speech,and it is this quality that English writers still denote by the use of the adjectivelaconic, which is first found in this sense in 1589. 当古典研究从学校的课程中消失的时候,人们对于诸如laconic 之类的曾经黯熟的词汇的本来理解也同时失去。 Laconic 这个词是从希腊文 Lakonikos 经拉丁文流传下来的, 它第一次出现于1583年,意思是“拉哥尼亚的或拉哥尼亚居民的”。Lakonikos 源于 Lakon , 意为“一个拉哥尼亚人,来自拉栖第梦的人”,它是希腊的一个地区名,斯巴达是其首府。以好战和纪律严明闻名的斯巴达人也同样因为言简意赅而闻名,laconic 这个词从1589年起被发现有言简意赅的意思起直到今天仍然被英国作家用来表示这一意思 〔Tweed〕American politician. The Democratic boss of New York City in the 1860's, he defrauded the city of millions of dollars before being exposed and convicted (1873).特威德,威廉·马西:(1823-1878) 美国政治家。他19世纪60年代是纽约市民主党的后台老板,侵吞城市公款上百万,后来被发现并判有罪(1873年)〔plant〕To place so as to be discovered and to mislead:安置:为了被发现及误导而安放:〔George〕A glacial lake of northeast New York in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains south of Lake Champlain. Discovered in 1646, it was the site of numerous battles during the French and Indian War and the American Revolution. Today the lake is the center of a large recreational area.乔治湖:美国纽约州东北的冰川湖,位于尚普兰湖以南的阿迪朗达克山麓小丘上。1646年被发现,是法印战争和美国独立战争中多次战役的地点。今天该湖是一个大的休养娱乐地区的中心〔obscure〕Not readily noticed or seen; inconspicuous:不引人注意的:不会马上被发现的或看见的;不引人注意的:〔gauntlet〕In the first and second editions ofThe American Heritage Dictionary Usage Notes explained why the spelling gauntlet is acceptable for bothgauntlet 1 and gauntlet 2. Such has not always been the case.The story ofgauntlet 1, as into throw down the gauntlet, is unexciting: it comes from the Old French wordgantelet, a diminutive of gant, "glove.” From the time of its appearance in Middle English (in a work composed in 1449),the word has been spelled with anau as well as an a, still a possible spelling. But the othergauntlet, as into run the gauntlet, is an alteration of the earlier English formgantlope, which came from the Swedish wordgatlopp, a compound ofgata, "lane,” and lopp, "course.” The earliest recorded form of the English word,found in 1646,isgantelope, showing that alteration of the Swedish word had already occurred. The English word was then influenced by the spelling of the wordgauntlet, "glove,” and in 1676 we find the first recorded instance of the spellinggauntlet for this word, althoughgantelope is found as late as 1836. From then on spellings withau and a are both found. Theau seems to have won out, although one could say that thea is preferable because it reflects the Swedish source.In regard to a word that has been so altered in form,this seems a rather fine point.在第一和第二版的美国经典辞书 的用法说明解释了为什么拼写 gauntlet 是可接受的, 既对于gauntlet 1,又对于 gauntlet 2。 情况并不总是这样。gauntlet 1的故事, 如在拒绝挑战 中并不令人激动: 它来自于一法语老词gantelet , gant 的小词缀“手套”。 自从它在中古英语出现之后(在1449年编的一著作中),这个词同au 的拼写已同 a 一样仍是可能的拼写形式。 但是另一个gauntlet , 如在接受挑战 中, 是早期英语形式gantlope 的一个变体, 其来自于一瑞典词gatlopp , gata “巷子”和 lopp “方向”的组合。 最早的这个英语单词的记录,出现于1646年,是gantelope ,表示这个瑞典单词的变体已出现。 这个英语单词然后被单词gauntlet “手套”的拼写所影响, 在1676年,我们发现了gauntlet 第一个有记录的例子, 尽管gantelope 直到1836年才发现。 此后,带有au 和 a 的拼写形式都被发现过。 au 似乎占优势, 尽管一个人可能说a 更好, 因它反映了瑞典语源。说到一个形式已发生了如此变化的单词,这似乎是个好建议〔Santander〕A city of northern Spain on the Bay of Biscay west-northwest of Bilbao. It was a major port after the discovery of America and is now a resort and industrial center. Population, 187,057.桑坦德:西班牙北部一城市,位于比斯开湾口,毕尔包西北偏西方。在美洲被发现后,它成为一个主要港口,现在是一个度假胜地和工业中心。人口187,057〔Kennedy〕A peak, 4,241 m (13,905 ft) high, in the St. Elias Mountains of Yukon Territory, Canada, near the Alaskan border. Discovered in 1935, it was named for President John F. Kennedy and climbed for the first time in 1965.肯尼迪峰:圣伊来尔斯山的一个山峰,海拔4,241米(13,905英尺),位于加拿大育空地区,靠近美国阿拉斯加州边界。于1935年被发现,以约翰·F·肯尼迪总统命名,1965年首次有人攀登此峰〔Pallas〕One of the largest asteroids, the second to be discovered.小惑星:最大的小行星之一,第二个被发现〔Silurian〕From Silures [so called because the Silures lived in the part of Wales where the rocks were first identified] 源自 Silures [这个名字是从居住在威尔士部分地区的志留人而来,因志留纪岩石在该地区首先被发现] 〔trove〕A collection of valuable items discovered or found; a treasure-trove.珍藏物,(贵重的)发现物:被发现或找到的一批有价值的东西;地财〔broker〕Giving gifts to one's broker might be justifiable from an etymological point of viewbecause the wordbroker may be connected through its Anglo-Norman source brocour, abrocour, with Spanish alboroque, meaning "ceremony or ceremonial gift after the conclusion of a business deal.”If this connection does exist,"business deal" is the notion shared by the Spanish and Anglo-Norman wordsbecausebrocour referred to the middleman in transactions. The English wordbroker is first found in Middle English in 1355, several centuries before we find instances of its familiar compoundspawnbroker, first recorded in 1687, and stockbroker, first recorded in 1706. 从词源的角度来说,送礼物给经纪人是有一番道理的。因为broker 一词也许通过英国法语的词源 brocour,abrocour 与西班牙语 alboroque 形成亲属关系, 而后者意为“一笔交易做成时作为礼节性的礼品”。如果这一关系的确存在,那么西班牙语词汇和英国法语词汇中都有“交易”这一概念。因为brocour 指做交易的中间人。 英语单词broker 第一次被发现使用,是在1355年的中世纪英语中, 距我们发现它的为人熟知的复合词pawnbroker (1687年第一次被记录下来)和 stockbroker (1706第一次被记录下来)已有好几个世纪了 〔Guadalcanal〕A volcanic island of the western Pacific Ocean, the largest of the Solomon Islands. Discovered in 1788, the island became a British protectorate in 1893 and was occupied by the Japanese in World War II, leading to an invasion by U.S. troops in August 1942. After fierce jungle fighting, the island was captured by the Allies in February 1943.瓜达尔卡纳尔岛:太平洋西部一火山岛,所罗门群岛中的最大岛屿。该岛1788年被发现,1893年成为英国保护领地,在第二次世界大战期间被日军占领。1942年8月美军进攻该岛。经过激烈的丛林战,盟军于1943年2月占领该岛〔acquittal〕The state of being found or proved not guilty.无罪:被发现或证明无罪的状态〔home〕The place where something is discovered, founded, developed, or promoted; a source.发源地:某种事物被发现、找到、发展或推动的地方;发源地〔interneuron〕A nerve cell found entirely within the central nervous system that acts as a link between sensory neurons and motor neurons.中间神经原:被发现完全在中枢神经系统内部的一个神经细胞,是感觉神经原和运动神经原之间的联系纽带〔palladium〕From Pallas [(discovered at the same time as the element)] 源自 Pallas[(与该元素同时被发现)] 〔Newport〕A city of northern Kentucky on the Ohio River opposite Cincinnati, Ohio. Laid out in 1791, it is an industrial center. Population, 18,871.纽波特:美国肯塔基州南部城市,隔俄亥俄河与辛辛那提相对。1791年被发现,为工业中心。人口18,871〔convict〕A person found or declared guilty of an offense or crime.罪犯:被发现或宣布犯有某种过错或罪行的人〔waif〕Something found and unclaimed, as an object cast up by the sea.无主失物:被发现而无人认领的东西,如丢在海上的东西〔bayonet〕It is not unusual for a word to come from a place name.Cheddar, from the name of a village in southwest England; hamburger, after Hamburg, Germany; and mayonnaise, possibly from Mahón, the capital of Minorca, are often found together on our tables.The wordbayonet, a very undomestic sort of word, also derives from a place name,that of Bayonne, a town in southwest France where the weapon was first made.The French wordbaïonnette could mean "a dagger or a knife" as well, and the English word bayonet is first found in 1672 with this meaning. The word is first recorded in its present sense in 1704.一个词来源于一个地名并非罕见。Cheddar 来源于英格兰西南部一个村庄的名字; hamburger 是根据德国汉堡而得名; mayonnaise 可能来自米诺卡岛的首府梅霍恩, 这些词常常可以在我们的表里一齐被找到。bayonet, 一个与母语毫无关系的词, 也是来自地名,那就是法国西南城镇巴约讷,在那里首先造出了这种武器。法语词baionnette 可能意味着“短剑或刀”,同样英语的 bayonet 于1672年第一次被发现时也具有这个意思。 在1704年这个词首次以现在的意思被记录下来〔Lascaux〕A cave of southwest France in the Dordogne River valley. The cave, discovered in 1940 and now closed to the public, contains important Paleolithic paintings, primarily of animals.拉斯考克斯:法国西南部一个山洞,位于多尔多顿河谷。于1940年被发现,现在已经不在对大众开放了,它保存着重要的旧石器时代主要是关于动物的绘画作品〔smog〕Smog is so much a part of modern, industrialized lifethat it is difficult to realize that at one time neither smog nor the word for it existed.The word, of course, followed the phenomenon perhaps by half a century,for air pollution was noticed during the Industrial Revolution.The wordsmog is first recorded in 1905 in a newspaper report of a meeting of the Public Health Congress. Dr. H.A. des V÷ux gave a paper entitled "Fog and Smoke,” in which,in the words of theDaily Graphic of July 26, "he said it required no science to see that there was something produced in great cities which was not found in the country, and that was smoky fog, or what was known as ‘smog.’”The next day theGlobe remarked that "Dr. des V÷ux did a public service in coining a new word for the London fog.”Since Dr. des V÷ux's creation of this blend, much more has been learned about the composition of smog;unfortunately, it is still with us.烟雾污染已成为现代工业生活中如此大的一部分,以至有一段时间人们难以认识烟雾污染以及表达其存在的烟雾污染这个词。不言而喻,这个词是在这种现象产生半个世纪以后才出现的,因为空气污染是在工业革命期间才被发现。Smog 这个词的第一次使用记录出现在1905年关于公共健康委员会一次会议的新闻报导中, H·A·德佛博士当时上交了一份题为《雾和烟》的论文,按照7月26日每日画报 的说法, 在这篇论文中,“他认为不必借助科学,人们就会发现一种只存在于大城市而乡村没有的东西,那就是含烟的雾,或者叫做烟雾”。第二天的环球报 评论说: "H·A·德佛博士关于伦敦大雾所创造的新词是对公众的一个贡献”。自从H·A·德佛博士用混合的方法创造这个词开始,人们对烟雾的结构做了仔细的研究;但不幸的是,它至今还存在着〔item〕The worditem seems to us to be very much a noun, whether it refers to an article in a collection or a bit of information.But it began its life in English (first recorded before 1398) as an adverbmeaning "moreover, also, in addition.”Item as typically used in front of each object listed in an inventory, as we might putalso. This use in English simply reflects a meaning of the word in Latin.However, it is easy to see howitem could be taken to stand for the thing that it preceded, and so we get, for example, the sense "an article included in an enumeration.”The first such usages are found in the 16th century,while the sense "a bit of information" is not found until the 19th century.In the 20th century we added a computer sense,a further addition toitem. 单词item 对我们来说只是一个名词, 它可以指一个文集中的一篇文章或者是一些信息。但是它的起源却是一个副词(最早见于1398年以前),意思为“此外,而且,同样”。Item 最典型是用在商品目录的每一个物品的前面, 就象我们使用also 一样。 这种用法反映在拉丁词语上仅有一个含义。然而,明白item 是怎样被用来代表它前面的事物是很容易的, 所以我们得到了像“文集中的一篇文章”等这种含义。这种用法最早见于16世纪,而含义“一些信息”一直到19世纪才被发现使用。在20世纪时,我们加了一个计算的含义,进一步形成了今天的item 〔Bonampak〕A ruined Mayan city near present-day Tuxtla Gutiérrez in southern Mexico. The ruins, with temples and well-preserved frescoes, were discovered in 1946.波拿蒙派克:今墨西哥南部的图斯特拉-古铁雷斯附近的一座遭毁坏的玛雅城市。其废墟连同寺庙和保存完好的壁画,于1946年被发现〔elusive〕"an invisible cabal of conspirators, each more elusive than the archterrorist[himself] ” (David Kline)“一个看不见的小阴谋集团,每一个都比恐怖主义集团[本身] 更难于被发现” (戴维·克兰)〔buckminsterfullerene〕An extremely stable, ball-shaped carbon molecule, C60, reminiscent of a geodesic dome, and believed to occur naturally in soot. It was the first fullerene to be discovered. 巴克敏斯特富勒烯:天然存在于煤烟中的非常稳定的球形碳分子,C60,令人联想到网格球顶。是第一个被发现的富勒烯 〔milquetoast〕An indication of the effect on the English language of popular culture such as that found in comic strips is the adoption of names from the strips as English words.Casper Milquetoast, created by Harold Webster in 1924, was a timid and retiring man,whose name was, of course, created from the name of a timid food.The first instance ofmilquetoast as a common noun is found in the mid-1930's. Milquetoast thus joins the ranks of other such words, includingsad sack, from a blundering army private invented by George Baker in 1942,andWimpy, from J. Wellington Wimpy in the Popeye comic strip, which became a trade name for a hamburger.If we look to the related world of the animated cartoon,we must of course acknowledgeMickey Mouse, which has become a slang term for something that is easy, insignificant, small-time, worthless, or petty. 如果我们要在戏剧漫画中找到流行文化对英语语言的影响,那么漫画中的人物的名字被接受为英语单词可以算是例证了,1924年赫拉德·韦伯斯特所创造的卡斯珀·米尔克吐斯特是一个胆小如鼠的人,他的名字当然是从一种非常柔软的食品而得来。Milquetoast 作为一个普通名词的第一例子于20世纪30年代中期被发现。 这样milquetoast 就加入了一类词, 这类词包括sad sack , 一个由乔治·贝克于1942年发明指代愚蠢的陆军士兵的词汇,和Wimpy ,一个从滑稽漫画 突眼 中的丁·惠灵顿·温皮而得来的词, 它现在已成为汉堡包的商标。如果我们再看看相关的动画世界,我们当然得承认米奇老鼠 现在已成为指代容易的、不重要的、没有价值的或琐碎的东西的一个俚语词 〔mojarra〕Spanish [knife, a kind of fish found off the coast of Spain] 西班牙语 [刀,一种西班牙海岸被发现的鱼] 〔plant〕A misleading piece of evidence placed so as to be discovered.欺骗,伪装:为了被发现而如此放置的一条误导的证据〔Vesta〕The brightest of all the asteroids and the fourth to be discovered.灶神星:所有行星中最亮的一颗,是第四个被发现的星〔saxifrage〕from Latin saxifragus [rock-breaking (from its being found growing in rock crevices)] 源自 拉丁语 saxifragus [裂石的(由其被发现于岩石裂缝而得名)] 〔conviction〕The state of being found or proved guilty:定罪:被发现或证明有罪的状态:〔unnoticeable〕Not readily noticeable.不易被发现或察觉的〔Sadducee〕A member of a priestly, aristocratic Jewish sect founded in the second centuryb.c. that accepted only the written Mosaic law and that ceased to exist after the destruction of the Temple in 70 a.d. 撒都该人:犹太教一个神职贵族派别的成员,被发现于公元前 2世纪,只服从摩西律法。 公元 70年耶路撒冷古神殿被毁后这个派别也灭亡




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