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单词 被取消
释义 〔case〕It may rain, in which case the hike will be canceled.天或许会下雨,如果是那样的话,徒步旅行将会被取消〔potluck〕The scheduled flight was canceled and passengers had to take potluck on the other airlines.原定航班被取消了,乘客们只能在其他航线上试试运气〔fly〕flew off the handle when the train was finally canceled.在火车最终被取消的时候人们大发雷霆〔wash〕To cause (an event) to be rained out.使(某项事件)被取消〔Bourges〕A city of central France south-southeast of Orléans. It was a Roman provincial capital under Augustus and the site of a notable university that was founded by Louis XI in 1463 but abolished during the French Revolution. Population, 76,432.博格斯:法国中部一城市,位于奥尔良东南偏南。是奥古斯都时期的罗马首府。路易十一世于1463年在此地创办了一所著名的大学,但该校在法国大革命中被取消。人口76,432〔nullification〕The state of being nullified.取消:被取消的状态〔Cohn〕American lawyer who gained notoriety as Joseph McCarthy's assistant during the Communist scare of the 1950's. Shortly before his death he was disbarred in New York for unethical practices.可因,罗伊·马库斯:(1927-1986) 美国律师,因在共产主义者大恐慌的五十年代是约瑟夫·麦卡锡的助手而声名狼藉。在他去世前不久,因不符合伦理的活动在纽约被取消律师资格〔voidable〕That can be voided and especially annulled:可以作废的:可被取消的,尤指被废除的:〔banish〕an immigrant whose citizenship was revoked and who was expatriated because he had concealed his criminal record.这位移民因为隐瞒了犯罪的事实被取消了国籍并被驱逐出境。〔news〕sent advice that the mortgage would be foreclosed;通知他们抵押品将被取消赎回权;




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