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单词 被围困
释义 〔Petersburg〕An independent city of southeast Virginia on the Appomattox River south of Richmond. A prolonged siege (June 15, 1864-April 3, 1865) during the Civil War led to the fall of Richmond and the subsequent surrender of the Confederate general Robert E. Lee. Population, 38,386.彼得斯堡:美国弗吉尼亚东南一自治市,位于里士满以南、阿波马托克斯河畔。内战期间长期被围困(1864年6月15日至1865年4月3日),导致里士满的陷落,接着南联盟军罗伯特·李将军投降。人口38,386〔besiege〕a beleaguered settlement;被围困的居住地;〔Vicksburg〕A city of western Mississippi on bluffs above the Mississippi River west of Jackson. During the Civil War it was besieged from 1862 to 1863 and finally captured by troops led by Ulysses S. Grant on July 4, 1863. Population, 20,908.维克斯堡:美国密西西比州西部的一座城市,位于杰克逊西部密西西比河岸峭壁上。在美国内战中,从1862到1863年间它被围困,在1863年7月4日被尤利西斯S·格兰特领导的军队占领。人口20,908〔sally〕To issue suddenly from a defensive or besieged position to attack an enemy.攻击:由防守或被围困的状态突然攻击敌人〔Lucknow〕A city of north-central India east-southeast of Delhi. Once the capital of the kingdom of Oudh (1775-1856), it was besieged for five months during the Indian Mutiny of 1857. Population, 895,721.勒克瑙:德里东南偏东的印度中北部的一座城市。曾经是奥德王国(1775-1856年)的首都,在1857年印度叛乱时被围困四个月。人口895,721〔Mafeking〕A town of north-central South Africa west of Pretoria. The relief (May 17, 1900) of a 217-day-long siege of the British garrison here was a celebrated event of the Boer War. Population, 6,500.马弗京:南非中北部的一个城镇,位于比勒陀利亚西部。布尔战争中英国守军在结束了长达217天的被围困后,在当地(1900年5月17日)举行了庆祝活动。人口6,500〔Dunois〕French military leader who was besieged at Orléans (1428-1429) until the arrival of Joan of Arc and her troops.迪努瓦斯,简·德:(1403?-1468) 法国军官,曾被围困于奥尔良(1428-1429年),直至圣女贞德率其部队到达〔Alamo〕A chapel built after 1744 as part of a mission in San Antonio, Texas. During the Texas Revolution against Mexican rule some 182 people were besieged here from February 24 to March 6, 1836. All the insurgents, including Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie, were killed.阿拉莫:作为传教机构的一部分,于1744年后在得克萨斯州的圣安东尼奥修建的教堂。在1836年得克萨斯反抗墨西哥统治的革命中大约182人从2月24日到3月6日被围困在此。所有起义者,包括戴维·克罗克特和雷姆·伯威都被杀害〔Masada〕An ancient mountaintop fortress in southeast Israel on the southwest shore of the Dead Sea. Ina.d. 73, after a two-year siege, members of the Zealot Jewish sect committed mass suicide rather than surrender to the Romans. 梅察达:古代以色列东南部、死海西南岸的一个山头堡垒。公元 73年,经过历时两年的被围困后,吉拉德犹太教派成员集体自杀,未向进攻的罗马人投降 〔Herkimer〕American Revolutionary general who led reinforcements toward the beseiged Fort Stanwix, New York (1777), but was ambushed and mortally wounded in the ensuing fight.赫基默,尼古拉:(1728-1777) 美国革命将领,他领导了对被围困的纽约斯坦维克斯要塞(1777年)的增援行动,但在随后的战斗中遭伏击,身受重伤而死




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