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释义 〔Ulster〕A historical region and ancient kingdom of northern Ireland. Largely annexed by the English Crown during the reign of James I, it is now divided between Ireland and Northern Ireland, which is often called Ulster.乌尔斯特:爱尔兰北部的一个历史上的地区和古代的王国,在詹姆士一世统治时大部分被并入英国,现在分到爱尔兰和北爱尔兰,经常被叫做乌尔斯特〔yeomanry〕Abbr. yeo.A British volunteer cavalry force organized in 1761 to serve as a home guard and later incorporated into the Territorial Army.缩写 yeo.义勇骑兵:成立于1761年的一支英国志愿骑兵队,保卫本国安全,后被并入本土军队〔Chernigov〕A city of west-central European U.S.S.R. north-northeast of Kiev. First mentioned in 907, it was the capital of the Chernigov principality in the 11th century and later passed to Lithuania, Poland, and Russia. Population, 278,000.切尔尼科夫:苏联欧洲部分中西部城市,位于基辅东北偏北。最早被提及是在907年,11世纪时曾为切尔尼科夫公国首府,后来先后被并入立陶宛、波兰和俄罗斯。人口278,000〔Poitou〕A historical region of west-central France bordering on the Bay of Biscay. A part of the Roman province of Aquitania, it fell to the Visigoths (a.d. 418) and the Franks (507) and was frequently contested by France and England until the end of the Hundred Years' War, when it was incorporated into the French crown lands. 普瓦图:法国中西部一历史地区,濒临比斯开湾。它原是罗马帝国阿奎它尼亚省的一部分,后落入西哥特人(公元 418年)和法兰克人(507年)手中,以后直到百年战争结束这一地区都为英法频繁地争夺,百年战争结束,该地区被并入法国王室的版图 〔Helgoland〕An island of northwest Germany, one of the North Frisian Islands inHelgoland Bay, an inlet of the North Sea southwest of Jutland. The island belonged to Denmark and Great Britain before being ceded to Germany in 1890. It is a popular tourist resort. 黑尔戈兰:德国西北部一岛屿,是位于海尔戈兰海湾 之中的北弗是希兰群岛之一,和位于日德兰西南部北海的小湾。这个岛先后隶属于丹麦和大不列颠,于1890年被并入德国版图。是一个深受欢迎的旅游胜地 〔Plymouth〕A town of southeast Massachusetts onPlymouth Bay, an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean, southeast of Boston. Founded in 1620 by Pilgrims, who supposedly set foot on Plymouth Rock when disembarking from the Mayflower, it was the center of Plymouth Colony. The colony was governed under precepts laid down in the Mayflower Compact until 1691, when it was absorbed by the royal colony of Massachusetts. Population, 45,608. 普利茅斯:美国马萨诸塞州东南一城镇,位于普利茅斯湾 沿岸,该湾位于波士顿的东南,是大西洋的一个小海湾。该镇由清教徒于1620年建立,这批清教徒被认为是在 普利茅斯海岸巨砾 登陆,从 五月花号 离船登陆。它曾是 普利茅斯殖民地 的中心。直到1691年,该殖民地都一直是按五月花协议上规定的条款业统治的,后被并入马萨诸塞的皇家殖民地。人口45,608 〔provirus〕The precursor or latent form of a virus that is capable of being integrated into the genetic material of a host cell and being replicated with it.前病毒:一种病毒的母体或潜在形式,能被并入寄主细胞的基因材料,与它一起被复制〔Sichuan〕A province of south-central China. Settled by non-Chinese peoples, it was incorporated into the empire (c. third centurya.d. ) by the Qin dynasty. Chengdu is the capital. Population, 101,800,000. 四川省:中国中南部一省份,最初由非汉族民族定居,秦朝时被并入帝国(公元 3世纪)成都是其省会。人口101,800,000 〔Noricum〕An ancient country and province of the Roman Empire south of the Danube River in present-day Austria west of Vienna. It was incorporated into the Roman Empire in the first centuryb.c. and prospered as a frontier colony until it was overrun by Germanic peoples in the fifth century a.d. 诺里克姆:古代国家,罗马帝国的一个省,位于多瑙河南岸,即今天奥地利维也纳西部。公元前 1世纪被并入罗马帝国,作为一个边疆殖民地而繁荣,直到 公元 5世纪被德意志人侵占




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