单词 | 被指定 |
释义 | 〔Indonesian〕A dialect of Malay that is the official language of Indonesia. Also called In this sense, also called Bahasa Indonesia 印尼语:马来语的一种方言,被指定为印度尼西亚的官方语言 也作 在此意义上也可称作 Bahasa Indonesia〔decemvir〕One of a body of ten Roman magistrates, especially a member of one of two such bodies appointed in 451 and 450b.c. to draw up a code of laws. 十大执政官之一:作为古罗马国家首脑的十大执政官之一,尤指公元前 451年和450年被指定起草法典的其中一二人 〔tripos〕Alteration of Latin tripūs tripod- [tripod (from the stool upon which a degree holder was appointed to sit and dispute humorously with candidates for that degree)] * see tripod 拉丁语 tripūs的变化 tripod- [三脚板凳(源于有学位的人在与学位候选人作幽默地辩论时被指定坐的凳子)] * 参见 tripod〔judge〕One appointed to decide the winners of a contest or competition.裁判员,评判员:被指定决定一场比赛或竞赛优胜者的人〔specific〕Designating a commodity rate applicable to the transportation of a single commodity between named points.比率的:指依特定的被指定地点对其间的单位货物运输制定比率的〔deputation〕A person or group appointed to represent another or others; a delegation.代理人,代表团:被指定用来代表其他人或团体的人或团体;代表〔base〕The number raised to the logarithm of a designated number in order to produce that designated number.底:被升到指定数字的对数上的数量,是为了得到那被指定的数目〔Hughes〕British poet who was appointed poet laureate in 1984. His work is noted for its violence, passion, and natural imagery.休斯,特德:(生于 1930) 英国诗人,1984年被指定为桂冠诗人。他的作品以充满暴力、激情和自然意想著称〔rapporteur〕One who is designated to give a report, as at a meeting.报告人:在如开会等场合,被指定作报告的人〔Bracknell〕A town of southeast England. It was designated as a new town in 1949 to alleviate overcrowding in London. Population, 50,100.布拉克内尔:英国东南部一城镇。1949年为缓和伦敦的过度拥挤状况而被指定为新镇。人口50,100〔syndic〕One appointed to represent a corporation, a university, or another organization in business transactions; a business agent.公司代理人,大学代表:在商业交易中被指定代表某公司、大学或其它组织的人;商业代理〔umpire〕A person appointed to settle a dispute that mediators have been unable to resolve; an arbitrator.See Synonyms at judge 仲裁人:当调解人无法解决时被指定解决争议的人;仲裁人 参见 judge〔goalkeeper〕A player assigned to protect the goal in various sports. Also called goalie ,goaltender ,netkeeper 守门员:在不同种运动中被指定用来护球的运动员 也作 goalie,goaltender,netkeeper〔Transkei〕An internally self-governing Black African homeland in southeast South Africa on the Indian Ocean coast. It was designated a semiautonomous territory in 1963 and granted nominal independence in 1976. Umtata is the capital. Population, 2,400,000.特兰斯凯:南非东南部的一个内部自治的黑人非洲家园,位于印度洋沿岸。1963年它被指定成立半自治区;1976年获得名义上的独立。乌姆塔塔是其首都。人口2,400,000〔predicable〕That can be stated or predicated:指定的,可断定的:可以被指定或断定的:〔Juneau〕The capital of Alaska, in the Panhandle northeast of Sitka. It was settled by gold miners in 1880 and designated territorial capital in 1900 (effective 1906) and state capital in 1959. Population, 26,751.朱诺:美国阿拉斯加州首府,在锡特卡东北部的柄状狭长地带。1880年开采金矿者在此定居,1900年被指定为地区首府(1906年生效),1959年被指定为州府。人口26,751〔Jamestown〕A former village of southeast Virginia, the first permanent English settlement in America. It was founded in May 1607 and named for the reigning monarch, James I. The "Starving Time" of 1609 to 1610 nearly wiped out the colony, and only the timely arrival of Baron De La Warr with supplies convinced the survivors to remain. Jamestown became the capital of Virginia after 1619 but was almost entirely destroyed during Bacon's Rebellion (1676) and further declined after the removal of the capital to Williamsburg (1698-1700).詹姆斯敦:美国弗吉尼亚州东南部的原村落,第一个英国人在美国的固定居住点。建立于1607年5月,被指定为属詹姆士一世的君主统治。1609年到1610年的“饥饿时代”几乎将这个殖民地抹去,但巴龙·德·拉·沃带着补给的及时到来给幸存者带来了信心。1619年后詹姆士镇成为了弗吉尼亚州的首府,但是在1676年的巴尔干叛乱中它几乎被毁,随后在首府迁往威廉斯堡后日渐衰落〔Istanbul〕The largest city of Turkey, in the northwest part of the country on both sides of the Bosporus at its entrance into the Sea of Marmara. Founded c. 660b.c. as Byzantium, it was renamed Constantinople in a.d. 330 by Constantine the Great, who made it the capital of the Eastern Roman, or Byzantine, Empire. The city was sacked by Crusaders in 1204 and taken by the Turks in 1453. Istanbul was chosen as the official name in 1930. Population, 2,772,708. 伊斯坦布尔,君士坦丁堡:土耳其最大的城市,位于该国的西北部、博斯普鲁斯海峡的两岸、马尔马拉海的入口处。于公元前 660年建时称作拜占庭, 公元 330年由君士坦丁大帝改名为君士坦丁堡,他把它定为东罗马帝国的首都,或君士坦丁帝国。1204年,该城被十字军掠夺,1453年被土耳其人占领。1930年,“伊斯坦布尔”被指定为官方名称。人口2,772,708 〔hyphenated〕Naturalized immigrants to the United States and their descendants have sometimes been termedhyphenated Americans in reference to the tendency to hyphenate such ethnic compounds as Irish-American and Polish-American. This term has come under strong criticism as suggesting that those so designated are not as fully American as "unhyphenated" citizens, and it is best avoided in all but historical contexts. 归化美国的移民及其后代子孙有时会以hyphenated Americans 的措词称呼,这与使用连字号的趋势有关,例如像 Irish-American(爱尔兰裔美国人) 和 Polish-American(波兰裔美国人) 之类的种族复合字。这种词汇遭到许多批评,指出这些被指定的名称似乎并不如"unhyphenated(未用连字号)”的公民一般为完全的美国人,也因此应尽量避免于历史文章之外使用此类字 〔Vienna〕The capital and largest city of Austria, in the northeast part of the country on the Danube River. Originally a Celtic settlement, it became the official residence of the house of Hapsburg in 1278 and a leading cultural center in the 18th century, particularly under the reign (1740-1780) of Maria Theresa. Vienna was designated the capital of Austria in 1918. Population, 1,524,510.维也纳:奥地利首都和最大的城市,在这个国家的东北部的多瑙河上。最早是凯尔特集居地,1278年成为哈布斯堡王朝的官方住址,到了18世纪成为主要的文化中心,特别是玛丽亚·特丽莎王朝的统治下(1740-1780年)。维也纳在1918年被指定为奥地利首都。人口1,524,510〔Brady〕American pioneer photographer who was famous for his portraits and was appointed official Union photographer of the Civil War in 1861.布雷迪,马修B.:(1823-1896) 美国摄影先驱,因其肖像摄影而闻名,在1861年美国内战中被指定为官方摄影协会成员〔payer〕One named responsible for paying a bill or note.开票者:被指定负责帐单或票据的人〔captain〕The designated leader of a team or crew in sports.领队:体育运动被指定的领导〔judge〕To act as one appointed to decide the winners of:裁判,裁决:作为被指定的裁判决定……的优胜者:〔jointure〕The property so designated.寡妇所得产:被指定为此种用途的财产〔Crawley〕An urban district of southeast England near London. It was designated a new town in 1946 to help alleviate overcrowding in London. Population, 72,700.克劳利:英格兰东南部的一个市区,位于伦敦附近。它于1946年被指定为新城镇,以减缓伦敦的拥挤状况。人口72,700〔destine〕money destined to pay for their child's education.被指定用来偿付他们孩子的教育费用的钱〔station〕The place or position where a person or thing stands or is assigned to stand; a post:位置,岗位:人或物站立或被指定放置的地点或位置;岗位:〔Jackson〕The capital and largest city of Mississippi, in the west-central part of the state. Originally a small trading post, it was chosen as capital in 1821 and named in honor of Andrew Jackson. Population, 196,637.杰克逊:美国密西西比州的首府和最大城市,位于该州的中西部。原来是一个小商业港口,在1821年被指定为首府,其市名是为了纪念安德鲁·杰克逊。人口196,637 |
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