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单词 被监禁
释义 〔captive〕Kept under restraint or control; confined:受控制的:受限制或控制的;被监禁的:〔detain〕To keep in custody or temporary confinement:拘留:被监禁或暂时关押:〔Ossietzky〕German journalist and pacifist who was imprisoned (1931-1932 and 1933-1936) for exposing Germany's military buildup. He won the 1935 Nobel Peace Prize.奥西茨基,卡尔·冯:(1889-1938) 德国新闻记者、和平主义者,因揭露德国重整军备而被监禁(1931-1932和1933-1936年),获1935年诺贝尔和平奖〔Fuchs〕German-born physicist who worked on the development of the atomic bomb in Britain and the United States and was imprisoned (1950-1959) for passing scientific secrets to the Soviet Union.富克斯,克劳斯·艾米尔·尤利乌斯:(1911-1988) 出生于德国的物理学家,致力于英美核武器发展的研究。曾因向苏联提供科学机密被监禁(1950-1959年)〔handcuff〕A restraining device consisting of a pair of strong, connected hoops that can be tightened and locked about the wrists and used on one or both arms of a prisoner in custody; a manacle. Often used in the plural.手铐:一种管束器具,由一对牢固连接的箍组成,通常扣在手腕上,用于被监禁的犯人的一只或双手上;镣铐。常用复数〔Mandela〕South African Black political leader imprisoned for nearly 30 years for his anti-apartheid activities. He was released in February 1990. His wife,Winnie (born c. 1936), maintained strong leadership of the movement during Mandela's imprisonment. 曼德拉,纳尔逊·罗利哈拉:(生于 1918) 南非黑人政治领袖,他由于从事反种族隔离活动而被监禁了近30年。在1990年2月被释放。他的妻子温妮 (生于1936年)在曼德拉被监禁期间仍掌握着运动的强有力的领导权 〔captivity〕The state or period of being imprisoned, confined, or enslaved.囚禁(期):被监禁、限制或奴役的状态或时间〔Kamenev〕Russian Communist leader who ruled with Stalin and Zinoviev after the death of Lenin (1924) but was expelled as a Trotskyite (1927) and was later imprisoned (1934) and executed.加米涅夫,莱夫·伯利索维奇:(1883-1936) 苏联共产党领导人,列宁逝世后(1924年),与斯大林和季诺维也夫共同掌权,1927年作为托洛茨基分子遭到清除,1934年被监禁,后被处决〔internee〕One who is interned or confined, especially in wartime.被拘留者:特指战争期间被拘留或被监禁的人〔hold〕The state of being in confinement; custody.被监禁的状态;拘留〔Capone〕Italian-born American gangster who ruthlessly ruled the Chicago underworld and was imprisoned (1931-1939) for tax evasion.卡蓬,阿芳斯:(1899-1947) 意大利裔美籍匪徒,曾严厉地统治过芝加哥黑社会,因逃税而被监禁(1931-1939年)




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