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单词 被称作
释义 〔Libreville〕The capital and largest city of Gabon, in the northwest part of the country on the Gulf of Guinea. Founded as a French trading post in 1843, it was named Libreville after freed slaves settled here (1848). Population, 235,700.利伯维尔:加蓬的首都和第一大城市,位于该国西北部,几内亚湾沿岸。建于1843年,当时是法国的贸易站,自从获得自由的奴隶在这里定居后,被称作利伯维尔(1848年)。人口235,700〔motley〕"Most Ivy League freshman classes are chosen from a motley collection of constituencies . . . and a bare majority of entering students can honestly be called scholars"(New York Times)See Synonyms at miscellaneous “常春藤联合会的大部分新成员选自于五花八门的候选人集合体…而且有过半数的新生简直可以被称作学者”(纽约时报) 参见 miscellaneous〔Sioux〕A group of Native American peoples, also known as the Dakota, inhabiting the northern Great Plains from Minnesota to eastern Montana and from southern Saskatchewan to Nebraska. Present-day Sioux populations are located mainly in North and South Dakota.苏人:美洲土著印第安人的一支,也被称作达科他人,居住于从明尼苏达到蒙大纳州东部以及萨斯喀彻温南部到内布拉斯加的大平原北部地区。如今苏人主要集中在达科他北部和南部〔taxi〕"Taxi" is much easier to yell into the traffic thantaximeter cabriolet, the form from which taxi has ultimately been shortened. Taximeter comes from the French word taximètre, ultimately derived from Medieval Latintaxāre, "to tax,” and the French combining form -metre. Taximètre originally meant, as did its English companion, "a device for measuring distance traveled,” but this device was soon adapted to measure waiting time and compute and indicate the fare as well.Taximeter, first recorded in English in 1898 (an earlier form, taxameter, borrowed through French from German, was recorded in 1894), joined forces withcab, a shortening (1827) of cabriolet, "a two-wheeled, one-horse carriage.” This word, first found in English in 1766,came from Frenchcabriolet, of the same meaning, which in turn was derived fromcabriole, "caper,” because the vehicle moves along with a springing motion.Cab, the shortened form, was applied to other vehicles as well, including eventually public conveyances.Fitted with a taximeter, such a vehicle,first horse-drawn and then motorized,was known as ataxameter cab (1899), a taximeter cab (1907), and a taxicab (1907), among other names, includingtaxi (1907), a shortening of eithertaximeter or taxicab. Interestingly enough,the fullest form possible,taximeter cabriolet, is not recorded until 1959."Taxi"比taximeter cabriolet (最终缩写成 taxi 的形式)更容易在交通中叫出。 Taximeter 来源于法语 taximètre , 它最早来自中世纪拉丁文taxare (“征税”)和法语复合形式 -metre。 Taximètre(与它的英语同伴一样,最初意为“测量行驶距离的设备”), 这一设备很快适合于测量等待时间并计算和显示车费。Taximeter 在英语中首次记载于1898年(更早的形式 taxameter 是从德语通过法语借来的,记载于1894年), 同cabriolet (“一种双轮双马马车”)的缩写形式(1827年) cab 结合。 这一单词最早于1766年在英语中发现,来源于具有同一种意思的法语cabriolet , 它依次来源于cabride (“跳跃”), 因为这种车辆移动时有跳跃的运动;缩写形式cab 还可以适用于其它的车辆, 包括最终的公共运输工具;被安装了自动计费器的车辆,开始是马拉的,后来装上马达,被称作taxameter cab (1899年)、 taximeter cab (1907年)和 taxicab (1901年)。 在其它的名称中包括taxi (1907年), 它是taximeter 或 taxicab 的缩写形式。 非常有趣的是,可能是最全的形式的taximeter cabriolet , 直到1959年才有记载〔Taranto〕A city of southeast Italy east-southeast of Naples on theGulf of Taranto, an arm of the Ionian Sea. Founded by Greeks from Sparta in the eighth century b.c. , it was known as Tarentum in Roman times. Ruled by varied powers over the centuries, it became part of Italy in 1860. Population, 242,774. 塔兰托:意大利东南部一城市,位于那不勒斯东南偏东,塔兰托湾 沿岸,该湾为爱奥尼亚海的一个海口。它于 公元前 8世纪为希腊人中的斯巴达人所建立,在古罗马时代被称作塔兰顿。在那以后的各个世纪中该城曾被许多强国统治过。在1860年它成为意大利的一部分。人口242,774 〔pant〕It would seem unlikely that the name of a 4th-century Roman Catholic saint should be the ultimate source of a word for a modern article of clothing commonly worn by both men and women.Pants, however, can be traced back to Pantaleon, the patron saint of Venice. He became so closely associated with the inhabitants of that citythat the Venetians became popularly known asPantaloni. Consequently, among the commedia dell'arte's stock characters the representative Venetian (a stereotypically wealthy but miserly merchant) was calledPantalone. His name in French,Pantalon, was borrowed into English (first recorded around 1590). During the middle of the 17th centurythe French came to identify him with one particular style of trousers,and this same style became known aspantaloons in English. Pantaloons was later applied to another style of trousers that came into fashion toward the end of the 18th century, tight-fitting garments that had begun to replace knee breeches.After thatpantaloons was used to refer to trousers in general. The last step in the development of the wordpants met with some resistance. This abbreviation ofpantaloon was considered vulgar and, as Oliver Wendell Holmes put it,"a word not made for gentlemen, but ‘gents.’”First found in the writings of Edgar Allan Poe in 1840,pants has replaced the "gentleman's word" in English and has lost all obvious connection to Saint Pantaleon.看起来一位公元4世纪的罗马天主教徒的名字似乎不可能是这个做为男人和女人平常都穿的布做的现代物品的根本词源。Pants 但可以追溯到奥塔莱昂,威尼斯的庇护神。 他变得与这座城市里的居民联系得这样紧密,以至于威尼斯人也通俗的被称为Pantaloni 。 结果,在即兴喜剧的角色中那个有代表性的威尼斯人(一个愚富而吝啬的商人)被称作Pantalone。 他的法语名字Panlalon 被借用到英语中(初次记录大约在1590年)。 在17世纪中期,法国人开始把它与一种特殊类型的裤子等同起来,同一种类型的裤子在英语中是pantaloons 。 Pantaloons 后来被用作另一种类型的裤子并在18世纪末日渐流行, 紧身衣服已经开始取代齐膝马裤。在那以后,pantaloons 被用来泛指裤子。 在pants 一词发展的最后遇到了一些阻力。 Pantaloon 的缩写被认为是粗俗的, 并且正如奥立弗·温德尔·霍姆斯所说,“并不是为绅士而造的词,而是为‘家伙们所造’”。最早在1840年发现于艾德加·爱伦·坡的作品中,pants 在英语中已经替代了那个“绅士的语言”, 而且显然已失去了和圣奥塔莱昂的一切联系〔uranium〕The element uranium, whose discovery has been so vital to our nuclear age, owes its name to a preceding scientific discovery, that of the planet Uranus.Sir William Herschel, who discovered Uranus in 1781, named the planetGeorgium sidus, "the Georgian planet,” in honor of George III.Some also called itHerschel, but convention prevailed and the planet came to be calledUranus (the form in Modern Latin and English),the name of a heavenly deity like the rest of the planets.Called Uranus in Latin mythology and Ouranos in Greek,this god of the heavens was chosen because he was the father of Saturn (Greek Cronos), the deity of the planet next in line,who was the father of Jupiter (Greek Zeus), the deity of the next planet.The name of this new planet was then used in the name of a new chemical element,uranium, discovered eight years later by M.H. Klaproth. Klaproth, a German scientist, gave it the Latin nameuranium in honor of the discovery of Uranus. Uranium passed into English shortly thereafter, being first recorded in the third edition of theEncyclopedia Britannica, published in 1797. 元素铀的发现对现今的核子时代是至关重要的。它的名称是据在它之前发现的天王星命名的。威廉·赫歇尔爵士于1781年发现了天王星,并起名为Georgium sidus, “乔治的行星”, 用来纪念乔治三世。有人称之为赫歇尔, 但传统的力量更巨大,最终这颗行星被称之为Uranus (现代拉丁文和英语形式),如用其余的行星一样是用天神的名字命名的。在拉丁神话中被称作优拉纳斯神,而在希腊神话中被作优拉诺斯神,之所以选中这个天神因为他是萨图恩(希腊神话中为克洛诺斯)的父亲,而萨图恩是和他临近的行星;他还是朱庇特(希腊神话中的宙斯)的父亲,而宙斯又是下一颗临近的行星。这颗新行星的名字又用来命名一种新发现的化学元素,铀 是由M.H.克拉普罗特八年后发现的。 克拉普罗特这位德国科学家给予它铀 这种拉丁字母是为了纪念 天王星的发现。 Uranium在这之后不久进入英语, 首次出现于1797年出版的大不列颠百科全书 的第三版中 〔dogie〕In the language of the American West,a motherless calf is known as adogie. InWestern Words Ramon F. Adams gives one possible etymology for dogie, whose origin is unknown.During the 1880's,when a series of harsh winters left large numbers of orphaned calves,the little calves, weaned too early, were unable to digest coarse range grass,and their swollen bellies "very much resembled a batch of sourdough carried in a sack.”Such a calf was referred to asdough-guts. The term, altered todogie according to Adams, "has been used ever since throughout cattleland to refer to a pot-gutted orphan calf.” Another possibility is thatdogie is an alteration of Spanish dogal, "lariat.” 在美国西部英语中,无母犊牛被称为dogie 。 莱蒙·F·亚当斯为dogie 在 西部语汇 中找到一个词源, 但该词源的出处也是未知的。19世纪80年代,连年酷寒的冬季造成了大量孤犊,尚不能消化粗糙的牧草小牛犊过早断奶,肚子鼓胀“就象装在袋子里的发酵面团”。这样的小牛被称作dongh-guts 。 据亚当斯称,该称呼后来变作dogie ,“整个牧牛区从此用来称呼大肚子的孤犊。” 另外一种可能性是dogie 为西班牙语 dogal 的变体,意即“套索” 〔Shays〕American Revolutionary soldier and insurrectionist who with a band of armed men raided a government arsenal in Springfield, Massachusetts, to protest the state legislature's indifference to the economic plight of farmers (1787). The raid, known as Shays's Rebellion, was quashed by militia.谢伊斯,丹尼尔:(1747?-1825) 美国革命战士和起义者,他和一队武装群众袭击了马萨诸塞州的斯普林菲尔德市的一个政府军火库,以抗议政府立法对农民经济困境的漠视(1787年),这次被称作谢伊斯起义的袭击被民团镇压〔icescape〕"the vast and empty icescape now called Antarctica"(Sharon Begley)“这一片广阔、空旷的冰景,现在被称作南极大陆”(沙伦·贝格雷)〔Heliopolis〕An ancient city of northern Egypt in the Nile River delta north of modern Cairo. It was the center of worship of the sun god Ra until the rise of Thebes (c. 2100b.c. ). Its importance as a historical repository with famed schools of philosophy and astronomy declined after the founding of Alexandria in the fourth century b.c. Two of its obelisks, both known as Cleopatra's Needle, are now in London and in New York City's Central Park. 赫利奥波利斯:埃及北部一座古城,位于尼罗河三角洲,在今开罗以北。在底比斯崛起(公元前 2100年)之前,一直是朝拜太阳神位的中心。它是一座历史的宝库,拥有众多闻名的哲学及天文学学校,其重要性直到 公元前 4世纪随着亚历山大城的建立才逐渐下降。有两块都被称作“克娄巴特拉方尖碑”,目前一块置于伦敦,另一块在纽约的中央公园里 〔Seward〕American politician who as U.S. secretary of state (1861-1869) arranged the purchase of Alaska from Russia (1867), a transaction long known as "Seward's Folly.”苏华德,威廉·亨利:(1801-1872) 美国政治家,作为美国国务卿(1861-1869年)安排了从俄国购买阿拉斯加省 (1867年),该项购买长期以来被称作“苏华德的愚蠢”〔gallery〕In Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and southern Alabama,an open roofed porch that runs along at least one side of a house is called agallery: "Out on the small front gallery she had hung Bobinôt's Sunday clothes to air" (Kate Chopin).Craig M. Carver, the author ofAmerican Regional Dialects, points out that the word gallery, from Old French galerie, was borrowed into British English in the 15th century and was brought over to the American colonies by English-speaking settlers.Although the word in the sense "porch" did not survive in the American English of the East Coast,it was borrowed separately, probably from Acadian French,into the English of 18th-century Louisianaand there survived as part of the Gulf Southern dialect.在得克萨斯州、阿肯色州、路易斯安那州、密西西比和南部阿拉巴马,至少在房屋的一侧延伸出来的一种敞开屋顶的门廊被称作gallery: “出了前面的小门廊,她把博比内的最好的衣服晾在那里” (凯特·肖邦)。美国区域方言 的作者克雷格·M·卡弗尔指出 gallery 来源于古代法语 galerie , 在15世纪借入英语并由讲英语的殖民者带入美国殖民地。虽然该词当作“门廊”的意义没有在东海岸的美式英语中保存下来,但是它很有可能被分开借自阿卡迪亚的法语,并在18世纪进入路易斯安那英语,并在那里保存下来而成为南部港口方言的一部分〔summercater〕Since the Civil War Mainehas been a favorite vacation spot for New Englanders and tourists from farther away.Predictably, certain words in the lexicon of Maine betray a wry Yankee impatience with these outsiders and city folks who come up to Maine only for summer relaxation.Along the coast the summerresident is called asummercater; inland, the word for a nonresident issport. Or the Maine native may merely refer collectively to folksfrom away. Much Maine real estate is designatednonresident — that is, it is set aside for these summer residentson whom Maine's economy is so dependent.自从南北战争结束以后,缅因州成为新英格兰人和更远处的游客们最钟爱的度假胜地。可以预料到,缅因州词汇中有一些单词流露出扭曲的美国式的不耐烦-对这些夏季来缅因州休闲的外来者和城里人。在海滨的夏季,居民被称作度夏的人 ; 而在内陆,表示非居民的词是sport(爱运动的人) 。 或者缅因州的居民干脆统称这些人为from away(远地来的) 。 缅因州的许多房地产是为了非居民 —— 就是说,专为这些夏季住民保留,缅因州的经济很大程度上依赖于他们〔stove〕A stove to us is something we expect to find in a room,but at one timea stove was a room,specifically, a room for taking a hot-air or steam bath (first recorded in 1456).Around 1545 the word is recorded with reference to another room, such as a bedroom, heated with a furnace.The devices used to heat these rooms came to be calledstoves as well, a use first found sometime between 1550 and 1625.Of course, heating devices that we would callstoves had long been in existence, going back to Roman times.However, the stove as the chief cooking device, taking the place of the fireplace, dates only to around the mid-19th century with the widespread use of wood-burning or coal-burning cooking stoves.对于我们来说,火炉是我们可以在屋内找到的东西,但是有一段时间,这种东西指的是一个房间,尤其是取得热空气或供蒸汽浴的房间(首次记载于1456年)。1545年前后,该词又记载了另一含义,指另一种带有火炉取暖的房间,如卧室。这些屋内用于取暖的器具也被称作stoves, 该用法首次发现于1550年到1625年间。当然,我们称为stoves 的加热器具已经很久以前就存在了, 可以上溯到古罗马时期。但是,该词代替壁炉成为主要的烹饪器具只能追溯到19世纪中期,那时以木材或煤作燃料的烹饪火炉得到大规模地推广使用〔tangerine〕The nametangerine is like the skin of an orange, which when peeled off reveals something of interest.The name reflects the geographic source of the fruit, Tangier, Morocco,from which port the first tangerines were shipped to Europe in 1841.The wordtangerine, from Tangier or Tanger, was already an English word (first recorded in 1710), meaning "of or pertaining to Tangier.”This word had been formed with the suffix-ine, as in Florentine. The fruit was first called atangerine orange, later reduced simply totangerine. Confusion exists between the nametangerine and the name mandarin, and with good reason.The tangerine is a type of mandarin orange,so in fact the oranges shipped from Tangier could have been calledmandarins. However, although both names can be used interchangeably in a general sense,there does now exist a particular type of orange calledtangerine as distinguished from another type called specifically mandarin. The mandarin orange, which is native to China,is thought probably to have received its namebecause of its resemblance in color to the robes of a mandarin.单词tangerine 这个名称就好象桔子的皮, 当我们把它剥下来时就会发现有趣的东西。这个名称反映了它所指的水果的地理来源,即摩洛哥的丹吉尔;第一批柑橘就是在1841年从该港口用船运往欧洲的。源于Tangier 或 Tanger 的 tangerine 一词在这时已经是一个英语词汇(它第一次见于文献是在1710年), 意为“属于或关于丹吉尔的”。这个词是用加后缀-ine 的方法构成的,就象 Florentine 一词的构词法一样。 丹吉尔所产的这种水果一开始被称作tangerine orange , 后来被简化成tangerine。 在tangerine 和 mandarion 之间一直存在着混淆, 而这种混淆是有原因的。丹吉尔柑橘确为一种中国柑桔种类,所以事实上从丹吉尔运出的那批桔子在当时可能就被称为mandarin 。 然而,尽管这两个名称在一般的使用中是可以互换的,但世界上确实存在着与另一种被称为manderin 的类型不同的一种被称作 tangerine 的桔类。 中国柑桔原产于中国,它之所以被这样命名,可能是因为它的颜色类似清朝的高官所穿的官服的颜色〔Flint〕American physician who discovered the irregular heart sound that came to be called the Austin Flint murmur.弗林特,奥斯丁:(1812-1886) 美国医生,发现了后来被称作奥斯汀·弗林特杂音的不规则心律〔mozo〕In the world of pack trains and cattle roundups,amozo provides a useful pair of extra hands. Back home on the ranch,the mozo helps with odd jobs,especially heavy work around the house.In the southwest United Statesmozo has taken on a general sense of "assistant,” even in areas not related to ranching: "An enterprising deputy of the opposition Partido de Acción Nacional (PAN) called a quorum count, only to find that . . . many of the reclining figures occasionally raising their hands were mozos (attendants)” (Latin America).In fact, to call an assistant amozo is essentially to call him a "boy,” formozo is Spanish for "young man.” Even though a mozo may not be a boy in years,the word is not used disparagingly.In other languagesporters or guides are commonly referred to as "boys"—for example,gillie, from Scottish Gaelic gille, means "boy.” 在行李车上或养牛场里,一个mozo 很能帮上一把。 回到农场的家中,男佣帮着做各种杂活,尤其是重体力家务活。在美国西南地区mozo 一般是“服务员”的意思, 甚至在与农场无关的地方也是如此: “一个有胆量的PAN的代表要求法庭达到法定人数,但只发现…许多偶尔举手的、可依靠的人都是随从” (拉丁美洲)。实际上,把一个帮手称为mozo 是称他为“男孩”, 因为mozo 是西班牙语的“年轻人”。 尽管男孩在年龄上并不是个男孩了,但该词不按原意来使用。在别的语言中,看门小厮或保安通常也被称作“男孩”,例如:gillie 源自苏格兰方言 gille 意思是“男孩” 〔pocosin〕In coastal Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and the Carolinas,a swamp or marsh can be called apocosin or a dismal, the second term illustrated in the name of the Dismal Swamp on the border of North Carolina and Virginia.The wordpocosin possibly comes from Virginia Algonquian. The early settlers usedpocosin as a designation for low, swampy ground, especially a wooded swamp.在大西洋沿岸的弗吉尼亚、马里兰、特拉华和南北卡罗来纳州,一片沼泽或湿地可被称作pocosin 或 dismal, 后一称呼在位于北卡罗莱那和弗吉尼亚边界的迪斯默尔沼泽的名称中得到了说明。Pocosin 可能来自弗吉尼亚的阿尔贡金语。 早期的殖民者们用pocosin 作为低而潮湿的地面的称呼, 尤其是一片长有树木的沼泽〔Leipzig〕A city of east-central Germany south-southwest of Berlin. Originally a Slavic settlement called Lipsk, it developed by the early Middle Ages into a major commercial and cultural center. At the so-called Battle of the Nations (October 16-19, 1813), Austrian, Russian, and Prussian forces decisively defeated Napoleon I. Population, 558,994.莱比锡:德国中部偏东一城市,位于柏林的西南偏南。最初是斯拉夫人的居住地,被称作果比斯克,到中世纪早期时,就已发展成为一个重要的商业和文化中心。在所谓的“多国战争”(1813年10月16日至19日)中,奥地利、俄国和普鲁士联军决定性地击败了拿破仑一世。人口558,994〔pariah〕In the wordpariah, which can be used for anyone who is a social outcast, independent of social position,we have a reminder of a much more rigid social system,where only certain people could be pariahs.The caste system of India placed members of the pariah caste very low in society;until 1949 they were also known asuntouchables. The wordpariah, however, which we have extended in meaning, came into English from Tamil paṛaiyar, the plural of paṛaiyan, the caste name, which literally means “(hereditary) drummer"and comes from the wordpaṛai, the name of a drum used at certain festivals. The word is first recorded in English in 1613.Its use in English and its extension in use probably owe much to the close relationship that developed between Great Britain and India.Indeed, many of the British servants in India were from the pariah caste.pariah 一词能用于任何一个被社会遗弃的人, 不管他的社会地位如何,在这个词中,对我们有一个更严酷的社会体制的暗示,在这种体制下,仅仅某些特定的人才能成为被社会遗弃的人。印度的社会体制把被遗弃者的社会地位订得很低,直到1949年这些人还仍旧被称作是不可接触者 。 然而,我们已经扩展了含义的pariah 一词从泰米尔语 paraiyar 即 paraiyan 的复数转入英语中来, 字面含义是“(世袭)鼓手”,源于一种特定节日用的鼓名parai 。 1613年这个词首次在英语中有所记录。它在英文中的运用和用法的扩展可能很大程度是由于大不列颠和印度的密切关系。的确,在印度许多英国人的佣人都来自于贱民阶层〔Bayard〕French military hero known for his fearlessness and chivalry in the Italian campaigns of Charles VII, Louis XII, and Francis I. He was called"le chevalier sans peur et sans reproche.” 拜亚尔:法国的战斗英雄,以其大无畏和骑士精神而闻名于世,他在查尔斯七世、路易斯十二世、弗朗西斯一世的意大利战役中充分体现了他的无所畏惧。他被称作"le chevalier sans peur et sans reproche" 〔underwhelm〕"He is just as entitled to be underwhelmed by the prospect of reigning over a fourth-class nation as the rest of us are by the prospect of living in it"(Peter Jay)“他恰被称作对统治第四等民族的展望漠不关心,就像我们其余人对生活在其中漠不关心一样”(彼得·杰)〔relevant〕"Facts, the statement of which may reasonably be presumed likely to have such an influence on the judgment of the underwriter are called material facts" (Joseph Arnould).“假定为很有可能对保险商的判断有影响的事实陈述被称作关键性事实” (约瑟·阿诺德)。〔Iroquois〕A Native American confederacy inhabiting New York State and originally composed of the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca peoples, known as the Five Nations. After 1722 the confederacy was joined by the Tuscaroras to form the Six Nations. Also called Iroquois League 易洛魁:美洲土著居民邦联,居住在纽约州,最初包括莫霍克,奥内达,奥农达加,卡尤加,和塞纳卡等族人,被称作为五国。1722年后,塔斯卡洛拉人加入邦联,组成了六国 也作 Iroquois League〔Wateree〕A river, about 233 km (145 mi) long, of central South Carolina flowing southward to form the Santee River. Its upper course, in North Carolina, is called the Catawba River.沃特里河:长约233公里(145英里)的一条河流,从美国南卡罗来纳州中部向南形成桑蒂河。它的上段位于美国北卡罗来纳州,被称作卡托巴河〔shall〕The sentenceYou shall have your money expresses a promise ("I will see that you get your money"), whereasYou will have your money makes a simple prediction. · Such, at least, are the traditional rules.But the distinction has never taken firm root outside of what H.W. Fowler described as "the English of the English" (as opposed to that of the Scots and Irish), and even there it has always been subject to variation.Despite the efforts of generations of American schoolteachers, the distinction is largely alien to the modern American idiom.In Americawill is used to express most of the senses reserved for shall in English usage, andshall itself is restricted to first person interrogative proposals, as inShall we go? and to certain fixed expressions, such asWe shall overcome. Shall is also used in formal style to express an explicit obligation,as inApplicants shall provide a proof of residence, though this sense is also expressed bymust or should. In speech the distinction that the English signal by the choice ofshall or will may be rendered by stressing the auxiliary, as in I will leave tomorrow ("I intend to leave"); by choosing another auxiliary, such as must or have to; or by using an adverb such as certainly. · Many earlier American writers observed the traditional distinction betweenshall and will, and some continue to do so.The practice cannot be called incorrect,though it may strike American ears as somewhat mannered.But the distinction is difficult for those who do not come by it natively,and Americans who essay ashall in an unfamiliar context run considerable risk of getting it wrong, and so of being caught out in that most embarrassing of linguistic gaffes, the bungled Anglicism.See Usage Note at should 句子你将得到你的钱 表达了一种承诺(“我将保证你得到你的钱”), 而你会得到你的钱 仅仅做出了简单预测。 这些至少是传统规则。但是这种用法上的区别仅局限于H·W·福勒所描述的“英格兰人的英语”(与苏格兰人和爱尔兰人的英语相对),即使在英格兰英语中它一直在变化。尽管经过几代美国学校教师的努力,这种区别对现代美国习惯用语仍是相当生疏的。在美国,will 被用来表达在英国用法中大多为 shall 保留的含义, 而shall 则限于第一人称疑问句式的提议, 如在我们该走了吧? 及某些固定表达中, 例如我们会克服的。 Shall 也用在正式文体中表示明确职责,如申请者应提供居留证明 , 虽然这个意义也可用must 或 should 表达。 在口语中可以通过强调助动词shall 或 will ,如 我 将 于明天离开 (“我打算明天离开”);或通过选择另一个助动词 must 或 have to ;或通过使用如 certainly 这样的副词来表达英国人用这两个词时的区别。 许多早期的美国作家注意到了shall 和 will 之间的传统区别, 而且一些人仍在继续这样做。这种用法不能被称作不正确,虽然美国人听起来有点矫揉造作的意味。但是这种区别对于那些不能通过母语了解它的人是困难的,而且在一个不熟悉的上下文中,试图用shall 的美国人很有可能犯错误, 因而在许多令人难堪的语言即被搞得一团糟的英式英语中出丑 参见 should〔Antiochus〕A Seleucid dynasty ruling in Syria (280-64b.c. ). Its most important member was Antiochus III, known as "the Great" (242-187, ruled 223-187), who conquered much of Asia Minor but was defeated by the Romans in 190. 安提克王朝:统治叙利亚的赛琉西王朝(公元前 280-64年)。其最重要的人物是 塞琉古士三世 被称作“大帝”(247-187,223-187年在位),他征服了小亚细亚大片土地,但在公元前190年被罗马人打败




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