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单词 西半球
释义 〔killdeer〕A New World plover(Charadrius vociferus) that has a distinctive noisy cry and two black bands across its breast. 双领鸻:一种西半球的鸻(双领鸻) 有独特的吵闹的叫声,在它的胸部有两道黑纹 〔America〕 or Also the A.mer.i.cas [-kəz] The landmasses and islands of North America, South America, Mexico, and Central America included in the Western Hemisphere. 或 也作 the A.mer.i.cas [-kəz] 美洲:西半球的北美洲、南美洲、墨西哥和中美洲的陆地和岛屿〔Mendoza〕Spanish colonial administrator who was viceroy of the Mexican territories (1535-1550) and Peru (1551-1552). In 1535 he introduced the printing press to the New World.门多萨,安东尼奥·德:(1485?-1552) 西班牙殖民地行政长官,曾任墨西哥地区(1535-1550年)和秘鲁的总督(1551-1552年)。1535年他将印刷机引入西半球〔platyrrhine〕Of or designating the New World monkeys, distinguished from the Old World monkeys by widely separated nostrils that generally open to the side.阔鼻猴的:属于或代表西半球的猴的,与东半球猴之区别在于有一般开向侧方的相隔很远的鼻孔〔quail〕Any of various similar or related New World birds, such as the bobwhite.北美鹑:产于西半球的一种与鹌鹑类似的或有关系的鸟,如山齿鹑〔hemisphere〕Either the northern or southern half of the earth as divided by the equator or the eastern or western half as divided by a meridian.(地球的)半球:被赤道分开的南半球或北半球,或被子午线分开的东半球或西半球〔Aconcagua〕A mountain, 7,025.4 m (23,034 ft) high, in the Andes of western Argentina near the Chilean border. The highest peak of the Western Hemisphere, it was first scaled in 1897.阿空加瓜山:海拔7,025.4米(23,034英尺),是安第斯山脉在阿根廷西部近智利边境的一段, 是西半球最高的山峰,第一次测量是在1897年〔nasturtium〕Any of various New World plants of the genusTropaeolum, having pungent juice and long-spurred, usually yellow, orange, or red irregular flowers. 旱金莲属植物:一种西半球植物旱金蓬 属,有刺激性的汁液和长杆,通常开黄色,橙色或红色不规则的花 〔west〕The western part of the earth, especially Europe and the Western Hemisphere.西方:地球的西部,尤指欧洲和西半球〔occident〕Occident The countries of Europe and the Western Hemisphere. Occident 欧洲及西半球的国家〔opossum〕Any of various nocturnal, usually arboreal marsupials of the family Didelphidae, especiallyDidelphis marsupialis of the Western Hemisphere, having a thick coat of hair, a long snout, and a long prehensile tail. See Regional Note at possum 负鼠:一种夜间行动的杂食性树栖种袋鼠,尤指生长于西半球的负鼠 ,毛皮粗糙厚实,身体较长且粗,长有缠绕性的长尾 参见 possum〔cactus〕Any of various succulent, spiny, usually leafless plants native mostly to arid regions of the New World, having variously colored, often showy flowers with numerous stamens and petals.仙人掌:一种多浆植物,有小刺,无叶,大多生长于西半球的干旱地区,有颜色各异,通常色彩鲜艳夺目的花朵,有若干个雄蕊和花瓣〔coralroot〕Any of several terrestrial, saprophytic, chiefly New World orchids of the genusCorallorhiza having yellowish-green to purplish-brown leafless stems and small flowers. 珊瑚根茎兰:一种珊瑚根茎兰属 的陆地腐生兰科植物,主要产于西半球,茎呈黄绿色至紫褐色,无叶,开有小花 〔porcupine〕Any of various rodents of the Old World family Hystricidae or the New World family Erethizontidae, having long, sharp, erectile quills interspersed with coarse hair.豪猪,箭猪:东半球的豪猪科和西半球的美洲豪猪科的各种啮齿类动物之一,其粗硬的毛发中分布着长而尖的直立刺〔bean〕Any of various New World twining herbs of the genusPhaseolus in the pea family, having leaves with three leaflets, variously colored flowers, and edible pods and seeds. 豆:一种豆科菜豆 属的西半球缠绕草本植物,长有三片嫩叶、花朵各异、豆荚和果实可食用 〔sparrow〕Any of various small New World finches of the family Emberizidae, having brownish or grayish plumage and including the song sparrow, white-throated sparrow, chipping sparrow, vesper sparrow, and other closely related species.麻雀:任一种产于西半球的雀科的小雀鸣鸟,羽毛呈浅棕色或浅灰色,包括歌雀、白喉带、褐斑翅雀、黄昏雀和其他相近的种类〔rattlesnake〕Any of various venomous New World snakes of the generaCrotalus and Sistrurus, having at the end of the tail a series of loosely attached, horny segments that can be vibrated to produce a rattling or buzzing sound. 响尾蛇:一种西半球有毒蛇响尾蛇 和 响尾蛇属 其尾端有一串松散,连接的角质肢节,能通过震动发出格格或沉闷的响声 〔Salvador〕A city of eastern Brazil on the Atlantic Ocean south-southwest of Recife. Founded in 1549, it was the capital of the Portuguese possessions in the New World until 1763. Population, 1,501,981.塞尔瓦多,巴伊亚:巴西东部一城市,位于累西腓西南偏南大西洋上,建立于1549年,直至1763年,它是葡萄牙在西半球占领地的首府。人口1,501,981〔magnolia〕Any of numerous evergreen or deciduous trees and shrubs of the genusMagnolia of the Western Hemisphere and Asia, having aromatic twigs and large showy white, pink, purple, or yellow flowers. 木兰:任一种生长于亚洲和西半球的属于木兰 科的多种常青或落叶树木及灌木,生有芳香的树枝和呈白色、粉色、紫色或黄色的很大艳丽花朵 〔jacksnipe〕Any of several similar New World wading birds.与之类似的西半球的涉水禽鸟〔oriole〕Any of various similar New World birds of the family Icteridae.类似拟穷琼鸟科的西半球的鸟类〔limpkin〕A large brownish wading bird(Aramus guarauna) of warm, swampy regions of the New World, having long legs, a drooping bill, and a distinctive wailing call. Also called courlan 秧鹤:一种褐色水禽(秧鹤) ,生活在西半球温暖的沼泽地带,腿较长、嘴弯曲、叫声悲哀 也作 courlan〔anole〕Any of various chiefly tropical New World lizards of the genusAnolis, characterized by a distensible throat flap and the ability to change color. Also called chameleon 变色蜥蜴,安乐蜥:一种主要的西半球热带地区安乐蜥属 属蜥蜴,其特征是具有无韧性喉皮和变色能力 也作 chameleon〔Kingstown〕The capital of St. Vincent and the Grenadines in the West Indies, on the southwest coast of St. Vincent Island. A botanic garden, the oldest of its kind in the Western Hemisphere, was established here in 1763. Population, 18,378.金斯敦:西印度中群岛中圣文森特和格林纳丁斯首都,位于圣文森特岛的西南海岸。西半球最古老的植物园1763年在这里建成。人口18,378〔saltwort〕A strong-smelling succulent shrub(Batis maritima) native to warm coastal regions of the New World, having unisexual flowers and thick leaves that are flattened on the upper surface. 欧洲海蓬子:一种生长在西半球温暖海洋岸边地带的气味浓烈多汁灌木(欧洲海蓬子) ,具有雌雄异体花朵和上边较平的厚叶 〔ageratum〕Any of various New World plants of the genusAgeratum in the composite family, especially A. houstonianum, having showy, colorful flower heads. 藿香蓟:一种产于西半球的菊科胜红蓟属 植物,尤指 熊耳草 ,具有鲜艳的彩色头状花序 〔condor〕Either of two New World vultures,Vultur gryphus of the Andes or Gymnogyps californianus, a nearly extinct vulture of the mountains of California, having a bare head and neck and dull black plumage containing variable amounts of white. With a wingspan of about three meters (ten feet), they are the largest birds in the Western Hemisphere. 神鹰,秃鹫,兀鹫:西半球的两种兀鹫之一,即安第斯山区的康多兀鹫 或加利福尼亚山区濒于灭绝的 加州兀鹫 ,其头部与颈部无毛,羽毛呈暗黑色并带有些许白色,双翅展开长约3米(10英尺),它们是西半球最大的鸟类 〔American〕Of or relating to North or South America, the West Indies, or the Western Hemisphere.美洲的,西半球的:北美洲、南美洲、西印度群岛或西半球的,与其有关的〔blackbird〕Any of various New World birds of the family Icteridae, such as the grackle or red-winged blackbird, the male of which has black or predominantly black plumage.黑鸟,乌鸫:一种西半球拟黄鹂科鸟,如鹩哥或红翅乌鸫,其雄性有黑色或以黑色为主的羽毛〔wagtail〕Any of various chiefly Old World birds of the family Motacillidae, having a slender body with a long tail that constantly wags.鹡鸰,亟灶巢鸟:主要在西半球的一种鹡鸰科鸟,具有瘦长的身体和不断摆动的尾巴〔gerardia〕Any of various herbaceous, root-parasitizing plants of the genusAgalinus, native to temperate regions of the Western Hemisphere, having large pink, purple, or white flowers with yellow markings in some species. 假毛地黄属植物:假毛地黄 属中多种草本性、根部寄生植物中的一种,原产于西半球的温带地区,在某些种属中具有粉红色、紫色或白色的大花朵,带黄色斑点 〔ortolan〕Any of several New World birds, such as the bobolink and the sora.一种西半球的鸟,如稻拟椋鸟和田鸡〔vulture〕Any of various large birds of prey of the New World family Cathartidae or of the Old World family Accipitridae, characteristically having dark plumage and a featherless head and neck and generally feeding on carrion.兀鹫:西半球大陆新域鹫科或东半球大陆鹫鹰科大型捕食猛禽的一种,特征是具有黑色羽毛和无毛的头和颈,食用腐肉〔kind〕This kind of films is popular (compare This species of spider is found only in the New World ). 这种电影很流行(与 这种蜘蛛只在西半球界发现过 比较)。




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