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单词 西雅图
释义 〔Bremerton〕A city of west-central Washington on an arm of Puget Sound west of Seattle. It was laid out in 1891 after its selection as the site of a U.S. naval shipyard. Population, 38,142.布雷默顿:美国华盛顿州中西部一城市,位于西雅图西部的普吉特湾。在1819年选作美国海军船坞所在地之后对该市进行了精心规划。人口38,142〔Seattle〕A city of west-central Washington bounded by Puget Sound and Lake Washington. First settled in the 1850's, it prospered after the coming of the railroad in 1884 and became a boom town during the Alaskan gold rush of 1897. It is now an important commercial, transportation, and industrial hub and a major port of entry. Population, 516,259.西雅图:美国华盛顿州中西部的一个城市,被普吉特湾和华盛顿湖环绕。19世纪50年代首批居民在此定居,1884年火车开通后开始繁荣起来,在1897年阿拉斯加淘金热潮中成为一个新兴城市。它现在是重要的商业、运输、工业中心及主要进口港。人口516,259〔Washington〕A lake in west-central Washington on the eastern boundary of Seattle.华盛顿湖:华盛顿中西部的一个湖泊,位于西雅图的东部边界〔Washington〕Abbr. WA,Wash.A state of the northwest United States on the Pacific Ocean. It was admitted as the 42nd state in 1889. Originally explored by Capt. James Cook (1778), Washington was the object of a dispute between England and the United States until 1846, when its northern border was set at the 49th parallel. Washington is noted for its lumber and defense industries. Olympia is the capital and Seattle the largest city. Population, 4,887,941.缩写 WA,Wash.华盛顿州:美国西北部一州,靠近太平洋。它于1889年作为第42个州加入美国。华盛顿州最早由詹姆斯·库克上尉探险发现(1778年),后来它成为英国和美国的争论目标,直到1846年其北部边界定于北纬49度方告终。华盛顿州以木材和国防工业闻名。奥林匹亚为其首府,西雅图为其最大城市。人口4,887,941〔Tacoma〕A city of west-central Washington on an arm of Puget Sound south of Seattle. A major seaport and railroad center, it is one of the chief industrial cities in the Northwest. Population, 176,664.塔科马:美国华盛顿州中西部一城市,位于普吉特湾畔,西雅图南部。它是一个重要的海港和铁路枢纽,是美国西北部的主要工业城市之一。人口176,664〔Everett〕A city of northwest Washington on Puget Sound north of Seattle. It is a port and has lumbering, paper, and aircraft industries. Population, 69,961.埃弗里特:华盛顿西北部的一个城市,位于西雅图北部的普吉特湾。是一个港口城市,并有木材、纸张和飞行器制造工业。人口69,961〔commutable〕"Seattle's next most commutable island is Vashon"(Islands)“西雅图的下一个最可能的定期短途航线的岛屿是瓦申”(岛屿)〔Seattle〕Suquamish leader who befriended white settlers of the Pacific Northwest. The city of Seattle is named for him.西雅图:一个对西北太平洋沿岸地区的白人移民友善的苏夸米什族酋长。西雅图城以他的名字命名〔Lynnwood〕A city of west-central Washington, an industrial and residential suburb of Seattle. Population, 28,695.林恩伍德:美国华盛顿州中西部一城市,是西雅图近郊住宅区和工业区。人口28,695〔Yakima〕A city of south-central Washington southeast of Seattle. It is a trade, processing, and shipping center for an irrigated agricultural region. Population, 54,827.雅基马城:美国华盛顿州中南部一城市,位于西雅图东南。它是灌溉农业区的一个贸易、加工和运转中心。人口54,827〔Bellevue〕A city of west-central Washington on Lake Washington opposite Seattle. It is a manufacturing and residential community. Population, 73,903.贝尔维尤:美国华盛顿州中西部一城市,位于与西雅图遥遥相对的华盛顿湖岸。是制造业和居住社区。人口73,903〔Kent〕A city of west-central Washington south of Seattle. A newly urbanized community in a former farming region, it is a food-processing center with an aerospace industry. Population, 37,960.肯特市:美国华盛顿州中西部城市,位于西雅图南部。是一个位于原农业区的新近城市化了的社区,同时又是一个航天工业的食品加工中心。人口37,960〔Renton〕A city of west-central Washington, a suburb of Seattle. It has an extensive aircraft industry. Population, 41,688.兰顿:美国华盛顿州中西部的一个城市,为西雅图的郊区。该城有一个大型的飞机工业。人口41,688〔Redmond〕A city of west-central Washington, a residential and industrial suburb of Seattle east of Lake Washington. Population, 35,800.雷蒙德:华盛顿州中西部城市,位于华盛顿湖以东西雅图郊区。是住宅区和工业区。人口35,800〔Kirkland〕A city of west-central Washington on Lake Washington northeast of Seattle. It is a residential community with some light industry. Population, 40,052.柯克兰:华盛顿州中西部一城市,位于华盛顿湖边西雅图东北,它是一个带有若干轻工业的居民社区。人口40,052〔Duwamish〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting an area of the eastern shore of Puget Sound near present-day Seattle, Washington. The Duwamish became extinct as a people in the 20th century.杜瓦米希族:美洲原住民之一,原居于今日华盛顿西雅图附近的皮尤吉特湾东岸一带。杜瓦米希族此族于20世纪灭绝〔sleazy〕"sleazy storefronts with torn industrial carpeting and dirt on the walls"(Seattle Weekly)“店面破烂不堪,墙上满是撕破的工业铺设物和泥土”(西雅图周刊)




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