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单词 西非
释义 〔juke〕[of West African origin] ; akin to Wolof dzug [to live wickedly] ; akin to Mandingo (Bambara) dzugu [wicked] [西非语词源的] ;类似于 沃洛夫语 dzug [过着邪恶的生活] ;类似于 曼丁哥语(班巴拉人) dzugu [邪恶的,令人不快的] 〔likuta〕Alteration of Portuguese macuta [an old West African unit of currency consisting originally of a piece of cloth] 葡萄牙语 macuta的变化 [原西非用一片布作为一货币单位] 〔grigri〕[of West African origin] ; akin to Bulanda grigri [amulet] [源自西非] ;类似于 布兰达语 grigri [护身符] 〔tote〕[Perhaps] via Black West African English [可能] 源自 西非黑人英语 〔juba〕A group dance, probably of West African origin, characterized by complex rhythmic clapping and body movements and practiced on plantations in the southern United States during the 18th and 19th centuries.朱巴舞:一种集体舞蹈,可能发源于西非,以复杂而有节奏的击掌和身体动作为特征,流传于18、19世纪时美国南部的种植园〔Hausa〕A Chadic language spoken by the Hausa, widely used as a trade language in West Africa.豪萨语:作为商业用语广泛用于西非的豪萨人所说的一种乍得语〔Mandingo〕A member of any of various peoples inhabiting a large area of the upper Niger River valley of western Africa.曼丁哥人:任一支居住于西非尼日尔河上游河谷那一大片地区的许多民族中的成员〔Mandingo〕A group of closely related Mande languages including Bambara, Malinke, and Maninka, widely spoken in western Africa. Also called In this sense, also called Mandekan 曼丁哥语:一组相互关系紧密的曼丁哥语言,包括班巴拉语、马林克语和马怪卡语,在西非被广泛使用 也作 在此意义上也可称作 Mandekan〔Songhai〕An ancient empire of western Africa in present-day Mali. It was founded c. 700 by Berbers and reached the height of its power around 1500.桑海:位于西非,今马里境内的一个古代帝国。于公元700年由柏柏尔人建立,公元1500年达到鼎盛时期〔opah〕[Of West African origin] ; akin to Ibo uba [原产于西非] ;类似于 伊博语 uba 〔mandrill〕A large, fierce baboon(Papio sphinx) of western Africa, having a beard, crest, and mane and brilliant blue, purple, and scarlet facial markings in the adult male. 山魈:一种产于西非的大型狒狒(山魈 山魈属) ,性情暴烈,成年雄性山魈有胡子,头上有冠状物和鬃毛,脸部有明亮的蓝色、紫色和红色标记 〔fufu〕A thick, doughlike West African food made by boiling and pounding a starchy vegetable such as yam, plantain, or cassava.富腹薯:西非一种厚大类似面团的食物,将淀粉质丰富的蔬菜像蕃薯、大蕉或树薯煮沸后捣烂〔gorilla〕Two traditions of exploration come together in the history of the wordgorilla, which also illustrates how knowledge of the classics has influenced scientific terminology.Dr. Thomas S. Savage, an American missionary to western Africa,first described the gorilla in 1847, giving it the New Latin nameTroglodytes gorilla. In doing so he was using his knowledge of Greek literature,in which there exists a fourth-centuryb.c. translation of a report written by Hanno, another visitor to western Africa. This Carthaginian navigator,who voyaged before 480b.c. , went as far as Sierra Leone in his explorations.In the Greek translation of his reporthe tells of seeingGorillai, the name of which he allegedly learned from local informantsand which he thought were members of a tribe of hairy women.In fact they were probably the same creatures that Thomas Savage described about 24 centuries later.在涉及到gorilla 这个词的历史时,传说中的两次探险可以联系在一起, 这同样也证明了古典文学对科学术语命名的影响。汤姆斯·S·萨维奇医生,到西非传教的美国传教士,在1847年第一次描述了大猩猩并给它起了个新拉丁语名字Troglodytes gorilla 。 在命名时他就用了希腊文学知识,这个命名也同样出现在一本公元前 4世纪安诺写的见闻译本里,安诺也到过西非。 这位迦太基航海家,公元前 480年之前开始出航, 在他的探险过程中,最远到达过塞拉利昂。在他写见闻的希腊译本里,他说他见到了Gorillai , 据他自己声称他是从当地向导那儿学到这个名字的,并认为它是指多毛女人部落的成员。实际上他们可能是大约24世纪以后汤姆斯·萨奇所描述的同样的动物〔manatee〕Any of various herbivorous aquatic mammals of the genusTrichechus, having paddlelike front flippers and a horizontally flattened tail and found in warm coastal waters of Florida, northern South America, West Africa, and the Caribbean. 海牛:一种海牛 属食草性水生哺乳动物,长有蹼状前鳍,居中扁平的尾巴,产于美国佛罗里达州、南美洲北部、西非和加勒比海地区海岸温暖的水域中 〔Olinda〕A city of northeastern Brazil, a suburb of Recife on the Atlantic Ocean. It was founded in 1537 as a colonial capital and held by the Dutch from 1630 to 1654. Population, 266,751.奥林达:巴西东北部的一个城市,位于临大西洋的雷西非的郊区。该城于1537年做为殖民地首府而建立,而且从1630年至1654年曾由荷兰人占领。人口266,751〔cola〕[Of West African origin] ; akin to Temne k¥la [kola nut] [源于西非] ;类似于 滕内语 k¥la [可乐果] 〔Cameroons〕A region and former German protectorate of west-central Africa. After World War I the territory was divided into British Cameroons and French Cameroons.喀麦隆:中西非的一个地区,是原德国安全区。第一次世界大战后该领土被划分为英属喀麦隆和法属喀麦隆〔Susu〕A member of a West African people inhabiting parts of Guinea and Sierra Leone.苏苏人:西非一民族,居于几内亚和塞拉利昂的部分地区〔Dakar〕The capital and largest city of Senegal, in the western part of the country on the Atlantic Ocean. It grew around a French fort built in 1857 and was the capital of French West Africa from 1904 to 1959. Population, 1,341,000.达喀尔:塞内加尔的首都和最大城市,位于塞内加尔西部、大西洋沿岸,它是在1857年建立的一法国城堡的周围发展起来的,从1904年至1959年,曾是法属西非的首都。人口1,341,000人〔drill〕[Possibly of West African origin] [可能源于西非] 〔griot〕A storyteller in western Africa who perpetuates the oral tradition and history of a village or family.西非歌舞艺人:在西非地区保持村落或家族口头传统和历史的讲故事者〔drill〕A baboon(Papio leucophaeus) of western Africa, related to and resembling the mandrill. 鬼狒:一种西非产(鬼狒 狒狒属) ,与典型山魈有关并与其类似 〔Ashanti〕A region and former kingdom of western Africa in present-day central Ghana. The powerful Ashanti confederation of states, formed in the late 17th century, was defeated by the British in 1896 and annexed to the British Gold Coast colony in 1901.阿散提地区:今加纳中部西非的一个地区和前王国,17世纪未形成的强民的阿散提城邦联盟于1896年被英国击溃,1901年并入英国黄金海岸殖民地〔zombie〕A snake god of voodoo cults in West Africa, Haiti, and the southern United States.蛇神:在西非、海地和美国南部等地伏都教崇拜的蛇神〔juju〕An object used as a fetish, a charm, or an amulet in West Africa.护符,物神,符咒:西非的一种用作物神、符咒、或护身符的物件〔ofay〕[Possibly of West African origin] [很可能源于西非] 〔Reich〕American classical composer whose work often draws on West African and Balinese musical traditions.赖希,史蒂芬.麦克:美国古典音乐作曲家,其作品常借用西非和巴里的音乐传统〔yam〕[of West African origin] ; akin to Fulani nyami [to eat] ; akin to Wolof ñam [food, to eat] ; akin to or Mandingo (Bambara) ñambu [manioc] [源于西非的] ;类似于 弗拉语 nyami [吃] ;类似于 沃洛夫语 ñam [食物,吃] ;类似于 或 曼丁哥语(班巴拉人) ñambu [树薯] 〔buttonwood〕An evergreen shrub or tree(Conocarpus erectus), growing in mangrove forests of tropical America and western Africa and having alternate leathery leaves and small buttonlike heads of greenish flowers. Also called button mangrove 美洲悬铃木:一种常绿灌木或树木(直立锥果木 锥果属) ,生长于美国和西非的热带红树林中,长有周期性更替的革质叶子和由绿花构成的扣形小花冠 也作 button mangrove〔tornado〕A violent thunderstorm in western Africa or nearby Atlantic waters.大雷飑:西非或其附近大西洋水域上的猛烈雷雨风暴〔juke〕Gullah, the English-based Creole language spoken by Black people off the coast of Georgia and South Carolina,retains a number of words from the West African languages brought over by slaves.One such word isjuke, "bad, wicked, disorderly,”the probable source of the English wordjuke. Used chiefly in the Southeastern states,juke (also appearing in the compound juke joint ) means a roadside drinking establishment that offers cheap drinks, food, and music for dancingand often doubles as a brothel."To juke" is to dance,particularly at a juke joint or to the music of a jukebox whose name, no longer regional and having lost the connotation of sleaziness, contains the same word.格勒语是沿美国乔治亚洲和南卡罗来纳州海岸的黑人说的以英语为基础的克里奥耳语。该语言仍保留着一些由奴隶带过来的西非各种语言中的单词。其中之一就是juke , 意为“坏的,邪恶的,杂乱无序的”,这可能就是英语单词juke 的词源。 主要在东南部各州使用的juke (也出现在复合词 juke joint 中), 意为公路旁边供应廉价饮料、食物和跳舞的音乐,以及经常兼作妓院的小酒馆。"To juke"意为跳舞,尤其是在廉价小酒店里跳或伴着自动唱机里的音乐跳。这种投币或自动唱机的名称不再具地方性,也失去了低级庸俗的涵义〔trace〕linguistic features that trace to West Africa.可追溯到西非的语言特征〔hoodoo〕[Of West African origin] [源自西非]




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