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释义 〔biserrate〕biserrate antennae.两边有锯齿的触角〔spider〕Any of numerous arachnids of the order Araneae, having a body divided into a cephalothorax bearing eight legs, two poison fangs, and two feelers and an unsegmented abdomen bearing several spinnerets that produce the silk used to make nests, cocoons, or webs for trapping insects.蜘蛛:一种蜘蛛纲蛛形目动物,身体分成长有八足的头胸部、两只毒牙、两条触角以及一个不分节的腹部,腹部上有几个吐丝器,能产生丝来织网、结茧,或结网以捕捉其他昆虫〔crab〕Any of various predominantly marine crustaceans of the division Brachyura within the order Decapoda, characterized by a broad, flattened cephalothorax covered by a hard carapace with a small abdomen concealed beneath it, short antennae, and five pairs of legs, of which the anterior pair are large and pincerlike.蟹:任一种数量占多数的海洋甲壳纲十足目短尾亚目动物,特征是生有一个上有硬壳盖住的宽而扁平的头部,下有一个腹部隐藏在内,有很短的触角和五对脚,其中前面的那对较大且呈钳状〔decapod〕A cephalopod mollusk, such as a squid or cuttlefish, having ten armlike tentacles.十腕亚目动物:如鱿鱼,乌贼,有十只象胳膊一样的触角〔skipper〕Any of numerous butterflies of the families Hesperiidae and Megathymidae, having a hairy mothlike body, hooked tips on the antennae, and a darting flight pattern.弄蝶科蝴蝶:一种弄蝶总科和大弄蝶科的昆虫,具有长毛蛾状身体,钩状触角的顶端和快速飞翔的翼〔shrimp〕Any of various small, chiefly marine decapod crustaceans of the suborder Natantia, many species of which are edible, having a compressed or elongated body with a well-developed abdomen, long legs and antennae, and a long spinelike projection of the carapace.虾:一种小型的,通常为游行亚目中的海生十足甲壳纲动物其中许多种类可食,具有侧扁或伸长的身体,腹部发育较好,腿和触角长,背甲上有长如脊刺的突起〔cricket〕Any of various insects of the family Gryllidae, having long antennae and legs adapted for leaping. The males of many species produce a shrill chirping sound by rubbing the front wings together.蟋蟀:任一种蟋蟀科的昆虫,有擅长跳跃的长触角和腿。多种雄性蟋蟀能通过同时摩擦前翅而发出尖利的唧唧声〔opisthobranch〕Any of various marine gastropod mollusks of the subclass or order Opisthobranchia, characterized by gills, a shell that is reduced or absent, and two pairs of tentacles.后鳃目软体动物:一种属于后鳃亚纲类的软体动物,特点是长有隐蔽的鳃,有缩小或消失的壳,而且有一对突出的触角〔coarse〕Rough, especially to the touch:手感粗糙的:粗糙的,尤指在触角上:〔inextensible〕an inextensible antenna.不能伸展的触角〔gastropod〕Any of various mollusks of the class Gastropoda, such as the snail, slug, cowrie, or limpet, characteristically having a single, usually coiled shell or no shell at all, a ventral muscular foot for locomotion, and eyes and feelers located on a distinct head.腹足动物:属于腹足纲的任何一种软体动物,如蜗牛、蛞蝓、海蛙或帽贝,特征是具有一单个通常是卷起来的壳或根本无壳,有为了移动的腹足、眼睛和触角生于头部一显要位置〔tentacle〕an espionage network with far-reaching tentacles.触角伸得很远的谍报网络〔moniliform〕Resembling a string of beads, as the roots of certain plants or the antennae of certain insects.念珠状的:形状如一串珠子的,如某些植物的根或某些昆虫的触角〔antennule〕French [diminutive of] antenne [antenna] 法语 antenne的小后缀 [触角] 〔holothurian〕From Latin holothūria [water polyp] 源自 拉丁语 holothūria [有许多脚或触角的水生生物] 〔actinal〕Of, relating to, or located on the part of a radially symmetric animal from which the tentacles radiate or the side where the oral area is found.口侧的:呈放射状对称动物之触角向外伸展的部位的,与这一部位有关的,位于这一部位的或口腔所在部位的〔moth〕Any of numerous insects of the order Lepidoptera, generally distinguished from butterflies by their nocturnal activity, hairlike or feathery antennae, stout bodies, and the frenulum that holds the front and back wings together.蛾:任一种灰色鳞翅目昆虫,一般在夜间活动,长有毛发状或被羽毛覆盖的触角以及短粗的躯体,还生有将前后翅膀连在一起的翅缰,并以此特征与蝴蝶相区别〔scolex〕The knoblike anterior end of a tapeworm, having suckers or hooklike parts that in the adult stage serve as organs of attachment to the host on which the tapeworm is parasitic.(绦虫的)头节:绦虫的圆球形触角端部骨吸管或勾状部分,在成年阶段绦虫用此器官吸附于它所寄生的寄主〔lamellicorn〕Of or belonging to the superfamily Lamellicornia, which includes the scarabs and other beetles that have club-shaped, lamellate antennae.瓣鳃纲总目的:属于瓣鳃纲总目的,包括金龟子科甲虫和其他有棒状瓣鳃触角的甲虫〔antenna〕translation of Greek keraia [insect feeler, yardarm] 希腊语 keraia的翻译 [昆虫触角,桁端] 〔polyp〕A coelenterate, such as a hydra or coral, having a cylindrical body and an oral opening usually surrounded by tentacles.水螅型珊瑚虫,水螅虫:一种有柱状身体和通常被触角包围的口部开口的腔肠动物,比如水螅或珊瑚虫〔trifurcate〕trifurcate antennae; trifurcate ribs.分成三叉的触角;分成三枝的肋骨〔myriapod〕Any of several arthropods, such as the centipede or millipede, having segmented bodies, one pair of antennae, and at least nine pairs of legs.多足纲的节肢动物:几种节肢动物的任一种,如蜈蚣或千足虫,长有分节的身体、一对触角和至少九对足




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