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单词 詹姆士
释义 〔affinity〕In the sense of "attraction,”affinity may be followed by of, between, or with. Thus one may speak ofthe close affinity of James and Samuel, or of the affinity between James and Samuel, or of James's affinity with Samuel. In its chemical useaffinity is generally followed by for: 从“吸引”的意义上讲,affinity 通常后接 of,between 或 with。 因此可以说詹姆士和塞缪尔的亲密关系, 或者说詹姆士和塞缪尔之间的亲密关系, 或者也可说詹姆士和塞缪尔的亲密关系。 在其化学的用法上,affinity 常后接 for: 〔news〕If you take the first letters of the directions North, East, West, and South,it is true that you have the letters of the wordnews, but it is not true that you have the etymology ofnews, contrary to what has often been thought. The history of the word is much less clever than this and not at all unexpected.News is simply the plural of the noun new, which we use, for example, in the adage "Out with the old, in with the new.”The first recorded user of this plural to mean "tidings" may have been James I of Scotland;a work possibly written by him around 1437 contains the words "Awak . . . I bring The [thee] newis [news] glad.”It is pleasant to see that the first news was good.However, his descendant James I of England is the first person recorded (1616) to have said"No newis is better than evill newis,”or as we would put it, "No news is good news.”如果你取北、东、西、南四个单词各自的首字母,就得到单词news 的所有字母, 但是这并非news 的出处。 这个词的历史远比这巧妙且不是完全不可想象的。News 是名词 new 的复数形式, 举例来说,我们在谚语“旧的去了,新的来了”中使用了这个词。关于把这个词的复数作为“音讯”来用的最早记录是苏格兰的詹姆士一世,在他写的一本约1437年的书里有这样的话语“阿瓦克……,我给你带来好消息,”看到第一条是好消息是很让人高兴的。然而,他的后代英格兰的詹姆士一世却是记载(1616年)最先说出下面的话的人:“没有消息比坏消息好”或者如我们所说的“没有消息就是好消息”〔discuss〕"There is no good in arguing with the inevitable" (James Russell Lowell).“拿不可避免的事物争论是没有什么用的” (詹姆士·拉塞尔·洛威尔)。〔Stuart〕Pretender to the British throne. The son of James II, he made two unsuccessful attempts to take the throne (1708-1715). The final Jacobite rising (1745-1746), also a failure, was conducted on his behalf by his son Charles Edward Stuart.斯图亚特,詹姆斯(弗朗西斯)·爱德华:(1688-1766) 英国王位的觊觎者詹姆士二世之子,他企图二次攫取王位未获成功(1708-1715年)。最后代表他儿子查尔斯·爱德华·斯图亚特策划的雅各宾派的最后一次起义(1745-1746年)也以失败告终〔watt〕One might well ask how many European scientists it takes to turn on a light bulb.If we think in terms of the names used for various units in the International, or meter-kilogram-second, System,a fair number are involved.Alphabetically arranged, these units are theampere, named for the French scientist Andr? Marie Ampère (1775-1836); thecoulomb, after the French scientist Charles A. de Coulomb (1736-1806); thefarad and the faraday, after the British scientist Michael Faraday (1791-1867); thejoule, after the British scientist James P. Joule (1818-1889); thenewton, after the British scientist Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727); theohm, after the German scientist Georg S. Ohm (1789-1854); thevolt, after the Italian scientist Count Alessandro Volta (1745-1827); and thewatt, after the British scientist James Watt (1736-1819). Definitions such as that ofohm, "a unit of electrical resistance equal to that of a conductor in which a current of one ampere is produced by a potential of one volt across its terminals,” take on more human connotations when we think of how human contributions to the study of electricity are memorialized in them.The dates of first recorded use of the terms in English are as follows:ampere, 1881; coulomb, 1881; farad, 1861; faraday, 1904; joule, 1882; newton, 1904; ohm, 1870 (suggested in 1861); volt, 1873; and watt, 1882. 有人可能会问经过了多少位欧洲科学家才点亮了灯泡。如果我们以国际单位制或米—千克—秒单位制中各种单位之名称的形式来考虑的话,相当数量的人被包括了。这些单位按字母顺序排列是安培, 以法国科学家安德烈·马里耶·安培(1775—1836年)命名; 库仑, 以法国科学家夏尔·埃·德库仑(1736-1806年)命名; 法拉 和 法拉第, 以英国科学家迈克尔·法拉第(1791—1867年)命名; 焦耳 以英国科学家詹姆斯·皮·焦耳(1818—1889年)命名; 牛顿, 以英国科学家伊萨克·牛顿爵士(1642—1727年)命名; 欧姆, 以德国科学家格奥尔格·斯·欧姆(1789—1854年)命名; 伏特, 以意大利科学家亚历山德罗·沃尔塔伯爵(1745—1827年)命名; 瓦特, 以英国科学家詹姆士·瓦特(1736—1819年)命名。 定义诸如欧姆, “电阻单位,等于一伏特电压加于导体两端在导体内部产生一安培电流之导体电阻”, 当我们想到人们对电学做出的贡献是怎样在这之中得到纪念的时候,就带上了更多的人文内涵。英语中首次有记录的使用这些说法的时间如下:安培, 1881; 库仑, 1881; 法拉, 1861; 法拉第, 1904; 焦耳, 1882; 牛顿, 1904; 欧姆, 1870(在1861年建议使用); 伏特, 1873;和 瓦特, 1882 〔reckless〕"James . . . became the fiercest and most reckless of partisans" (Macaulay).“詹姆士…变成了一个最鲁莽且不顾后果的党徒” (麦考利)。〔Harriman〕American railway magnate. He joined J.P. Morgan and James J. Hill to form the Northern Securities Company, a railroad trust that was ordered dissolved by the U.S. Supreme Court (1904).哈里曼,爱德华·亨利:(1848-1909) 美国铁路大王,他与J·P·摩根和詹姆士·希尔一起成立了北部证券公司,美国最高法院于1904年解除了其已确定的某铁路的信托权〔Monmouth〕English pretender to the throne. The illegitimate son of Charles II, he led a rebellion after the succession of the Catholic James II but was defeated in battle, captured, and beheaded.蒙默斯:英国觊觎王位者。查理二世的私生子,在基督教正统教会詹姆士二世继位后率兵反叛,但兵败后被俘并斩首〔Nottaway〕A river, about 644 km (400 mi) long, of southwest Quebec, Canada, flowing northwest into James Bay.诺丁威河:加拿大魁北克西南的河,长约644公里(400英里),向西北注入詹姆士〔boring〕"There is nothing so desperately monotonous as the sea" (James Russell Lowell). “没有东西更象大海一样单调到让人绝望了” (詹姆士·罗素·洛威尔)。〔urgent〕"The danger now became too pressing to admit of longer delay" (James Fenimore Cooper).“危险是如此的迫在眉睫以至于不容许任何耽搁” (詹姆士·费尼莫尔·库柏)。〔Jamesian〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of William James, his philosophy, or his teachings.詹姆士式的:威廉·詹姆士的或他的哲学的或教学的、与之相关的或以之为特征的〔Jamesian〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of Henry James or his writings.亨利·詹姆士的:亨利·詹姆士的或他的书法的、与之相关的或以之为特征的〔whence〕 Butfrom whence has been used steadily by reputable writers since the 14th century, most notably in the King James Bible: 但自14世纪以来from whence 一词一直被一些很有声望的作家所使用, 在詹姆士王的《圣经》中最为著名: 〔taboo〕Among the many discoveries of Capt. James Cook was a linguistic one, the termtaboo. Cook used this word in his journal of 1777while he was in the Friendly Islands (now Tonga).Hence, even though similar words occur in other Polynesian languages,the formtaboo from Tongan tabu is the form we have borrowed. The Tongans usedtabu as an adjective; they spoke of persons or things that weretabu, that is, "under prohibition, forbidden, or set apart. ”Cook, besides borrowing the word into English,also made it into a noun referring to the prohibition itselfand a verb meaning "to make someone or something taboo.”From its origins in Polynesian society the wordtaboo has spread throughout the English-speaking world and has been applied in ways that never occurred to the people from whom Cook originally borrowed it.詹姆士·库克船长的许多发现中有一个是语言上的,即taboo 这个词。 库克在他1777年的航海日志中使用了这个词,当时他在弗兰德里群岛(现在的汤加)。因此,虽然相似的词也曾出现在其它的波利尼亚语言中,但是从汤加语的tabu 发展而来的 taboo 这一形式就成了我们所借用的形式。 汤加人将tabu 用作一个形容词; 他们谈论某人或某事是tabu 的, 即意味着它们是“处于禁令下的、被禁止的或和别人分开对待的”。库克除了把这个词借用到英语中,还把它变成了一名词,表示禁止,也把它用作一个动词,意为“使其人或某事成为禁忌”。起源于波利尼西亚社会的taboo 这一词已在说英语的世界中被广为使用, 而它的一些用法是库克当年向其借用该词的人们所从未想到的〔solitude〕"an elegant sufficiency, content,/Retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books" (James Thomson). “一种优雅高尚的充足、满意/退隐、乡村宁静、友谊、书籍” (詹姆士·汤姆逊)〔Tyndale〕English religious reformer and martyr whose translation of the New Testament was the basis of the King James Bible.廷德尔,威廉:(1494?-1536) 英国宗教改革家和殉教者,他对新约的翻译是詹姆士也一世钦定圣经的基础〔Santiago〕Also Santiago de [də kŏm'pə-stĕlʹə, Yĕ kôm'pôs-tĕʹlä] A city of northwest Spain south-southwest of La Coruña. The city grew around a shrine housing the reputed tomb of Saint James the Great (discovered in the ninth century) and has long been a pilgrimage center. Population, 62,300. 也作 Santiago de [də kŏm'pə-stĕlʹə, Yĕ kôm'pôs-tĕʹlä] 圣地亚哥:西班牙西北部一城市,位于拉科鲁尼亚西南偏南部。该城在大圣詹姆士著名的墓冢的神龛(发现于9世纪)附近发展起来,是一个古老的朝圣中心。人口62,300〔Gould〕American financier and speculator who with James Fisk and Daniel Drew wrested control of the Erie Railroad from Cornelius Vanderbilt (1867-1868). With Fisk, he caused the financial panic of September 24, 1869, with an attempt to corner the gold market.古尔德,杰:(1836-1892) 美国金融家和投机者,1867-1868年他与詹姆士·菲斯克和丹尼尔·德鲁经过奋斗从科尼利厄斯·范德比尔特手里夺取了伊利铁路公司。他与菲斯克企图垄断黄金市场,从而造成1869年9月24日的金融恐慌〔Monrovia〕The capital and largest city of Liberia, in the northwest part of the country on the Atlantic Ocean. It was founded in 1822 as a haven for freed slaves and named after President James Monroe. Population, 243,243.蒙罗维亚:利比里亚首都和最大城市,位于该国西北部,大西洋沿岸。建于1822年,作为奴隶的自由避难地,用总统詹姆士·门罗命名。人口243,243〔Savannah〕A city of southeast Georgia near the mouth of the Savannah River. Founded by James Oglethorpe in 1733, it is the oldest city in Georgia and has been a major port since the early 19th century. Population, 137,560.萨凡纳:美国乔治亚州东南部一城市,位于萨凡纳河口附近,1733年为詹姆士·奥格尔索普所建,是该州最古老的城市,自19世纪早期以来成为主要的港口。人口137,560〔KJV〕King James Version.英王詹姆士一世钦定《圣经》英译本〔replace〕"The steam engine began to supplant the muscular power of men and animals" (James Harvey Robinson).Tosupersede is to replace one person or thing by another held to be superior, more valuable or useful, or less antiquated: “蒸汽机开始取代人和动物的劳动” (詹姆士·哈维·罗宾逊)。Supersede 是指用另一个被认为更优秀、更有价值、更有用或者更年轻的人或物代替某人或某物: 〔Preston〕A borough of northwest England north-northeast of Liverpool. The Jacobites surrendered here after an uprising in 1715. Population, 125,800.普雷斯顿:英格兰西北部的地区,在利物浦的东北偏北方向,詹姆士二世党人在1715年时在此地起义失败后投降。人口125,800〔tendency〕“[These] words . . . express the whole current of modern feeling" (James Bryce).Adrift is a tendency that depends for its direction or course on the impetus of something likened to a shifting current of air or water: “[这些] 词…表达了现代情感的整体潮流” (詹姆士· 希莱斯)。Drift 指其方向或路线依赖于被喻为空气或水流的变动潮流的事物的推动力的倾向: 〔iconoclast〕An iconoclast can be unpleasant company,but at least the modern iconoclast only attacks such things as ideas and institutions.The original iconoclasts destroyed countless works of art.Eikonoklastēs, the ancestor of our word, was first formed in Medieval Greek from the elements eikōn, "image, likeness,” and -klastēs, "breaker,” fromklan, "to break.” The images referred to by the word are religious images,which were the subject of controversy among Christians of the Byzantine Empire in the 8th and 9th centuries, when iconoclasm was at its height.Those who opposed images did not, of course, simply destroy them, although many were demolished;they also attempted to have the images barred from display and veneration.During the Protestant Reformationimages in churches were again felt to be idolatrous and were once more banned and destroyed.It is around this time thaticonoclast, the descendant of the Greek word, is first recorded in English (1641), with reference to the Greek iconoclasts.In the 19th centuryiconoclast took on the secular sense that it has today, as in "Kant was the great iconoclast" (James Martineau).亵渎偶像者可能令人生厌,但至少现代的偶像毁坏者只是攻击思想和制度这类东西。最初的偶像破坏者却毁掉了无数的艺术作品。Eikonoklastes 最早见于中世纪希腊语,是我们现代词的前身,由 eikon 意为“图象,相象”和 -klastes 意为“毁坏者”组成, 它又来源于klan “打碎”的意思。 此词所说的肖像是指宗教的肖像,8至9世纪当毁坏偶像主义在拜占庭帝国盛行时,宗教偶像成为基督教徒中争执的焦点。反对宗教肖像的人尽管销毁了不少画像,但这并不是他们唯一的形式,他们也试图禁止偶像展览和偶像崇拜。在新教改革时期,教堂里的宗教画像再次被认为是盲目崇拜而遭到禁止和毁灭。正是在这一时期iconoclast 一词开始作为希腊语的衍生词在英语中出现, 第一次记录于1641年。到19世纪,iconoclast 一词开始有了现代的含意, 比如在“康德是一位伟大的传统叛逆者”(詹姆士·马提诺)〔Harper〕Family of American printers and publishers, includingJames (1795-1869), John (1797-1875), Joseph Wesley (1801-1870), and Fletcher (1806-1877). They established Harper and Brothers publishing company (1833) and founded Harper's magazine (1850). 哈珀:美国某家族名称,该家族出现了许多画家和出版商,其中包括詹姆士 (1795-1869年)、 约翰 (1797-1875年)、 约瑟夫·威斯利 (1801-1870年)和 弗莱彻 (1806-1877年),他们建立了哈珀兄弟公司并创办了 《哈珀斯》 杂志 〔craft〕Craft has been used as a verb since the Old English period and was used in Middle English to refer specifically to the artful construction of a text or discourse.In recent years,crafted, the past participle of craft, has enjoyed a vogue as a participle referring to well-wrought writing. This may be a sign that the Jamesian conception of the literary muse has begun to yield to a Trollopian conception of literature as a kind of intellectual handicraft;or it may indicate little more than the desperation with which book reviewers seize on any novel adjective.In any event, the usage is more acceptable when applied to literary works than to other sorts of writing,and more acceptable as a participle than as a verb.It was acceptable to 73 percent of the Usage Panel in the phrasebeautifully crafted prose. By contrast, only 35 percent of the Panel accepted the sentenceThe planners crafted their proposal so as to anticipate the objections of local businesses. Craft 这一词语在古英语时期就被用作动词, 在中古英语中它被用来指某一课文或论述的精巧句法结构。近几年来,crafted 即 craft 这一词的过去分词被广泛用于描述写作佳品。 这可能是詹姆士文学灵感观念开始让位于作为一种智力创作技巧的特罗洛普文学观念的一个信号;或者它也有可能暗示了书评作者们对采用小说修饰语的进一步失望。不管怎样,把它用于指文学作品比用于指其它类型的写作更易被人接受,而用作分词比用作动词更易被人接受。用法专题使用小组中73%的成员认同它在精美构思的散文 这一短语中的用法。 与此相反,只有35%的成员认同它在策划者们制订计划以预防地方商业的阻挠 这一句子中的用法 〔none〕It is true thatnone is etymologically derived from the Old English word ān, "one,” but the word has been used as both a singular and a plural noun from Old English onward.The plural use can be found in reputable sources such as the King James Bible, Dryden, and Burke;and H.W. Fowler described the traditional rule as "a mistake.”Either a singular or a plural verb is acceptably used in a sentencesuch asNone of the conspirators has (or have ) been brought to trial. Whennone is modified by almost, however, it is difficult to avoid treating the word as a plural: 事实是这样的:none 根据词源学来自于古英语词汇 an “一,” 但是此词从古英语开始既被用作单数名词,又被用作复数名词形式。复数用法可以在规范的原始资料如詹姆士圣经、德莱顿以及伯克的作品中发现。H·W·福勒把传统的规则描述为“一个错误”。无论是单数还是复数动词均可以被接受用于句子中,如所有的同谋者都未 (或者 have ) 被送审。 然而当none 被 almost 修饰时, 很难避免将此词当作复数: 〔reckless〕"destroyed in a precipitate burning of his papers a few days before his death" (James Boswell).“在临死前的几天中他匆忙地烧毁了文件” (詹姆士·鲍斯韦尔)。〔helpmate〕The existence of the two wordshelpmeet and helpmate meaning exactly the same thing is a comedy of errors. God's promise to Adam, in Genesis 2:18 as rendered in the King James version of the Bible (1611), was to give him "an help [helper] meet [fit or suitable] for him.”In 1673 the poet John Dryden used the phrase "help-meet for man,”with a hyphen betweenhelp and meet. This was one step on the way toward the establishment of the phrase "help meet" as an independent word.Another was the use of "help meet"without "for man"to mean a suitable helper,usually a spouse, as Eve had been to Adam.Despite such usages,however, for the most parthelpmeet was not thought of as a word in its own right until the 19th century. Nonetheless the phrase "help meet" probably played a role in the creation of the synonymous compoundhelpmate, from ( help and mate ), first recorded in 1715. Helpmeet 和 helpmate 这两个意义完全相同的词的存在缘于一起错误的喜剧。 据英王詹姆士一世钦定《圣经》英译本(1611年)《创业记》2:18的记载,上帝允诺亚当给他“一个适合他的助手”。1673年,诗人约翰·德莱顿使用了“男人的助手”这个短语,并且在help 和 meet 中间加了一个连字符成为help-meet。 这是短语"help meet"成为一个独立的单词道路上所迈出的第一步。另一步就是单独使用"help meet",去掉了"for man"这个成分,意思是适合的伙伴,通常指象夏娃之于亚当那样的伴侣。尽管有以上这些用法,但是,总的说来,helpmeet 这个说法直到19世纪才凭借自身的资格成为一个单词。 但不管怎么说,同义合成词helpmate 来源于( help 加 mate )的创造过程中(这个词首次记录于1715年),短语"help meet"很可能扮演了一定的角色 〔Ulster〕A historical region and ancient kingdom of northern Ireland. Largely annexed by the English Crown during the reign of James I, it is now divided between Ireland and Northern Ireland, which is often called Ulster.乌尔斯特:爱尔兰北部的一个历史上的地区和古代的王国,在詹姆士一世统治时大部分被并入英国,现在分到爱尔兰和北爱尔兰,经常被叫做乌尔斯特〔Perry〕American philosopher and educator. Among his works areThe New Realism (1912) and Thought and Character of William James (1935), for which he won a Pulitzer Prize. 佩里,拉尔夫·巴顿:(1876-1957) 美国哲学家和教育家。他的著作有《新实在论》 (1912年)和 《威廉·詹姆士的思想和特性》 (1935年),此书使他荣获普利策奖 〔Stirling〕A borough of central Scotland on the Forth River west-northwest of Edinburgh. Its medieval castle was the birthplace of James II of Scotland. Population, 38,400.斯特林:苏格兰中部一个自治市,位于爱丁堡西北偏西,福斯河沿岸。它是一个中世纪的城堡,也是苏格兰的詹姆士二世的出生地。人口38,400〔Stuart〕Pretender to the British throne. The grandson of James II, he led the last Jacobite rising (1745-1746), claiming the throne for his father, James Edward Stuart, but was defeated in battle and fled to France.斯图亚特,查尔斯·爱德华:(1720-1788) 英国王位的觊觎者为詹姆士二世的孙子,领导雅各宾派的最后起义(1745-1746年),要求继承他父亲詹姆士·爱德华·斯图亚特的王位,但在战斗中失败后逃往法国〔Sedgemoor〕A marshy tract in southwest England where the forces of James II defeated the Duke of Monmouth (June 6, 1685).塞吉木尔:英国西南部的一大片沼泽地,詹姆士二世的军队曾在此击败了蒙默斯公爵(1685年6月6日)〔tendency〕"the trend of religious thought in recent times" (James Harvey Robinson). “近些时候宗教思想的趋势” (詹姆士·哈维·罗宾逊)。〔Tompkins〕Vice President of the United States (1817-1825) under James Monroe.汤普金斯,丹尼尔·D:(1774-1825) 1817-1825年在詹姆士·门罗手下担任副总统〔Curtis〕American lawyer and biographer who defended Dred Scott before the U.S. Supreme Court (1857) and wrote biographies of James Buchanan (1833) and Daniel Webster (1870).柯蒂斯,乔治·蒂克纳:(1812-1894) 美国律师和传记作家,1857年他在美国最高法院为德雷德·斯图尔特辩护,并写了关于詹姆士·布坎南(1833年)和丹尼尔·韦伯斯特(1870年)的传记〔Adam〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of the neoclassic style of furniture and architecture originated by Robert and James Adam.亚当式的:由罗伯特·亚当和詹姆士·亚当开创的家具和建筑的新古典主义风格的,与这一风格有关的,具有这一风格特征的




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