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单词 计算
释义 〔taxicab〕An automobile that carries passengers for a fare, usually calculated by a taximeter.出租汽车:运送乘客并收取车费的汽车,通常由计程器计算车费〔control〕To verify (an account, for example) by using a duplicate register for comparison.核对:通过登记或计算并互相比较来核对或核实(例如帐务等)〔markup〕An amount added to a cost price in calculating a selling price, especially an amount that takes into account overhead and profit.加值:在计算某种出售物的价格时计入成本价的一个数额,尤指计入了管理费用和利润的数额〔enumerate〕To determine the number of; count.数:决定数目的多少;计算〔logistic〕from logos [reckoning, reason] * see leg- 源自 logos [计算,原因] * 参见 leg- 〔miscount〕An inaccurate count.一个不精确的计算〔count〕To include by or as if by counting:包含在内:通过或好象通过计算包括进来:〔algorithm〕A step-by-step problem-solving procedure, especially an established, recursive computational procedure for solving a problem in a finite number of steps.算法,规则系统:一种循序渐进解决问题的过程,尤指一种为在有限步骤内解决问题而建立的可重复应用的计算过程〔annualize〕To adjust or calculate so as to reflect a rate that is based on a full year:以年计算:以年为单位进行核算或计算,以反映一个以整年为基础的比率:〔reckoning〕The act of counting or computing.计算:数或计算的行为〔footage〕Length, extent, or amount based on measurement in feet:英尺长度:以尺为基础计算的长度、距离或数量:〔oddsmaker〕One who calculates and sets betting odds based on the prediction of the result of a contest such as a horserace or an election.设赌的人:计算并设赌的人,如赛马或竞选,根据对比赛的结果的预测来计算并设赌〔Hofmann〕German chemist. Among his achievements are the discovery of formaldehyde and the discovery of a method for determining molecular weights of liquids by calculating their vapor densities.霍夫曼,奥古斯特·威廉·冯:(1818-1892) 德国化学家,主要成就是发现了甲醛和发明了一种通过计算蒸气密度来确定流体分子重量的方法〔cast〕To add a column of figures; make calculations.加,计算:把一栏数字加起来;进行运算〔calculate〕calculating the area of a circle; calculated their probable time of arrival.计算圆的面积;计算他们可能的抵达时间〔take〕To consider to be equal to; reckon:认定:认为…等同于;计算〔calculator〕One that calculates, as:计算器:用于计算的东西,如:〔cast〕To calculate astrologically:占星,算命:做占星术方面的计算〔totalizator〕A machine for computing and showing totals, especially a pari-mutuel machine showing the total number and amounts of bets at a racetrack.总额计算器:计算和显示总额的机器,特别指赛马中计算赌金总额的同注分彩计算〔poundage〕Weight measured in pounds.以磅为单位计算的重量〔cipher〕To solve by means of arithmetic.计算:用算术方法解决〔cast〕To calculate or compute; add up (a column of figures).计算:估算或计算;把(一栏数字)加起来〔compute〕To determine an amount or number.计算计算数量或数字〔mileage〕The amount of service, use, or wear estimated by miles used or traveled:里程:以英里计算的运行、应用或消耗的数量:〔hemacytometer〕An instrument for counting the number of blood cells in a measured volume of blood.血细胞计数器:一种仪器,用于计算一定量血液里所含血细胞的数量〔base〕A line used as a reference for measurement or computations.基线:测量或计算中用来作为辅助的线〔sofar〕A system for determining the position of survivors lost at sea by which an explosion is set off underwater, the time needed for the waves to reach three different locations is calculated, and the position of the explosion is ascertained by triangulation.声发,测音装置:用来测定在海上失事的幸存者的地点的方法,在水下进行爆炸,计算波浪到达三个不同的地点所需的时间,用三角测量法来确定发生爆炸地点〔erythrocytometer〕A device for counting the number of red blood cells in a blood sample.红血球计数器:血液中用来计算红血球数的一种装置〔triangulation〕A surveying technique in which a region is divided into a series of triangular elements based on a line of known length so that accurate measurements of distances and directions may be made by the application of trigonometry.三角测量法:一种测量技术,通过将某一地区分成许多三角形,这些三角形是以一条已知长度的线为底,由此可通过使用平面直角三角形计算工具精确地测量距离和方向〔reckon〕To count or compute:计算:数或计算〔miscalculate〕To count or estimate incorrectly.误算:错误地计算或估计〔ratiocinate〕from ratiō [calculation] * see ratio 源自 ratiō [计算] * 参见 ratio〔offset〕A short distance measured perpendicularly from the main line in surveying, used to help in calculating the area of an irregular plot.支距:在测量中,从主线垂直测得的一个短的距离,用以帮(辅)助计算一不规则的小块土地之面积〔total〕Abbr. tot.An amount obtained by addition; a sum.缩写 tot.总数;合计:进行加法计算后得出的总和;总额〔reckoning〕The act or process of calculating the position of a ship or an aircraft.定位推算:计算某艘船或某架飞机位置的行为或过程〔logistic〕from logizesthai [to calculate] 源自 logizesthai [计算] 〔externality〕"Our economic system treats environmental degradation as an externality—a cost that does not enter into the conventional arithmetic that determines how we use our resources"(Barry Commoner)“我们的经济系统作为外部偶然因素引起环境的退化——这个没有列入常规计算的价值决定我们如何利用我们的资源”(巴里·康芒纳)〔phonon〕The quantum of acoustic or vibrational energy, considered a discrete particle and used especially in mathematical models to calculate thermal and vibrational properties of solids.声子:声音或振动能的量子,被认为是一种高散粒子,尤用于数学模型中来计算固体的热和振动性质〔cipher〕To solve problems in arithmetic; calculate.See Synonyms at calculate 计算:用算术解决问题;计算 参见 calculate〔scale〕To alter according to a standard or by degrees; adjust in calculated amounts:调整:参照标准或度数改变;按计算量修正:




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