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单词 计算机网络
释义 〔cyberculture〕The culture arising from the use of computer networks, as for communication, entertainment, work, and business.计算机文化:从计算机网络的使用所兴起的文化,如沟通、娱乐、工作以及商业〔videotex〕A system in which computer-stored information is transmitted over television cables or telephone lines and displayed on home television screens or computer terminals, used for various services such as electronic banking, electronic mail, and home shopping.视传系统:通过电话线路或者电视电缆将信息从计算机网络输向用户终端,并在用户电视屏幕或者计算机终端上显示的视传系统,用于各种设备、比如电子银行、电子邮递和家庭采购〔HTTP〕A protocol used to request and transmit files, especially webpages and webpage components, over the Internet or other computer network.超文本传输通讯协议:透过因特网或其它计算机网络用以取得并传输文件的通讯协议,尤其是网页及网页组件的文件〔cyberspace〕The electronic medium of computer networks, in which online communication takes place.网际空间:计算机网络的电子媒介,在其中会发生在线沟通〔IRC〕An international computer network of Internet servers, using its own protocol through which individual users can hold real-time online conversations.实时在线对话:国际计算机网络的网络服务,使用自己的通讯协议使个人使用者可以实时在线对话〔intranet〕A privately maintained computer network that can be accessed only by authorized persons, especially members or employees of the organization that owns it.内部网络:私人建置的计算机网络只能让授权过的人士使用,特别是组织内部的人员或员工等〔Gopher〕A protocol for the storage and retrieval of text on a computer network using a TCP/IP protocol.因特网双向沟通界面:在计算机网络上利用网络通讯协议来储存及恢复计算机内容的通讯协议〔newsgroup〕An area on a computer network, especially the Internet, devoted to the discussion of a specified topic:新闻群组:计算机网络区域,尤其是在因特网中讨论某一特定主题的区域:〔Usenet〕A messaging system that uses a computer network, especially the Internet, to transfer messages organized in thematic groups.用户网:信息发送系统,使用计算机网络,尤其是互联网,传送以主题群组织的信息〔internetwork〕An interconnected system of networks, especially computer networks.网络工作:网络的交互连结系统,特别是计算机网络〔netiquette〕Etiquette practiced or advocated in electronic communication over a computer network.网络礼仪:经由计算机网络进行电子通讯时使用或提倡的礼仪




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