单词 | 许可 |
释义 | 〔licentious〕from licentia [freedom, license] * see license 源自 licentia [自由,许可] * 参见 license〔withdrawal〕feared the withdrawal of his parents' permission.害怕他父母撤消已做出的许可〔extent〕A writ allowing a creditor to assume temporary ownership of a debtor's property.暂时所有权令:许可债权人临时占有借债人的财产的一种书面命令〔admission〕A fact or statement granted or admitted; a concession.坦白:被认可或被许可的事实或陈述;坦白〔position〕A commitment to buy or sell a given amount of securities or commodities.许可的货品交易量:购买或出售给定数量证券或商品的承诺〔clear〕To give clearance or authorization to:许可:给…航行许可证或授权:〔full〕Totally qualified, accepted, or empowered:有资格的,被认可的:完全有资格的、完全被接受的或被许可的:〔catch〕trapped into making an incriminating admission. 受算计而做了有罪的许可 〔copyright〕permission to publish copyright material.出版受到版权保护材料的许可〔start〕An opportunity granted to pursue a career or course of action.有利时机:被许可求职或行动的机会〔permit〕Permission, especially in written form.许可:许可,尤指书面形式的许可〔leave〕The period of time granted by such permission. Also called leave of absence 批准的假期:通过这样的许可而得到的一段时间 也作 leave of absence〔license〕Official or legal permission to do or own a specified thing.See Synonyms at permission 特许,许可:官方或法律上允许做或占有某一特定事物 参见 permission〔enter〕To gain admission to (a school, for example).入学:获得进入(如学校)的许可〔sufferance〕Sanction or permission implied or given by failure to prohibit; tacit consent; tolerance.容忍,默许:未予阻止而暗示或给予的准许或许可;缄默的同意;默许〔enable〕To give legal power, capacity, or sanction to:使能:赋予…法律权力、能力或许可:〔might〕Used to express possibility or probability or permission in the past:能够,会:用于表示过去时中的可能性或许可性:〔license〕Proof of permission granted, usually in the form of a document, card, plate, or tag:证书,许可证:获得某种许可的证明,通常的形式为文件、卡、牌照或标牌:〔authorize〕To give permission for; sanction:许可:给予同意;批准:〔pass〕A permit, a ticket, or an authorization to come and go at will.通行证:可以自由出入的许可、票证或权力〔take〕To allow to come in; give access or admission to; admit:允许,认可:允许…进入;许可或同意;接纳:〔leave〕Permission to do something.See Synonyms at permission 许可:允许做某事 参见 permission〔constitutional〕Consistent with, sanctioned by, or permissible according to a constitution:符合宪法的:符合宪法的、宪法所批准的或许可的:〔imprimatur〕Abbr. imp.Official approval or license to print or publish, especially under conditions of censorship.缩写 imp.出版许可:官方的出版或印刷的许可或执照,特别是在新闻审查的情况下〔passage〕The right, permission, or power to come and go freely:通过权:来去自由的权利、许可或能力:〔facultative〕Granting permission or authority.许可的或授权的〔undocumented〕Not having the needed documents, as for permission to live or work in a foreign country.无书面文件的:没有需要的文件,例如在外国居住或工作的许可〔license〕To give or yield permission to or for.同意:给予批准或许可〔leave〕In formal writingleave is not an acceptable substitute for let in the sense "to allow or permit.” Onlylet is acceptable in the following examples: 在正式的写作中,当表示“允许或许可”的意思时,不能用leave 来代替 let 。 在以下例句中,只有let 是正确的: 〔permissible〕Permitted; allowable:许可的;可允许的:〔new〕"The science of pure mathematics, in its modern development, may claim to be the most original creation of the human spirit" (Alfred North Whitehead).“纯数学学科,在其现代发展阶段或许可被称之为人类精神的最初创造” (阿尔弗莱德·诺斯·怀特海德)〔may〕To be allowed or permitted to:许可:被允许或许可:〔admit〕To permit to exercise the rights, functions, or privileges of:许可,准许:允许行使…的权利,作用或特权:〔clearance〕Permission for an aircraft, ship, or other vehicle to proceed, as after an inspection of equipment or cargo or during certain traffic conditions.结关,准许通行:让飞机、轮船或其它交通运输工具继续前进的许可,如经过对设备和货物的检查或在特定的交通状况下〔permissible〕permissible tax deductions; permissible behavior in school.许可的税收扣除额;学校里允许的行为〔pardon〕To make courteous allowance for; excuse:劳驾,对不起:有礼貌地征求许可;打扰:〔allowedly〕By general admission; admittedly.公认地:为人们所许可;公认地〔use〕The permission, privilege, or benefit of using something:使用权;价值:使用许可、使用权利或使用价值:〔licensure〕The act or an instance of granting a license, usually to practice a profession.许可证的颁发:颁发执照的行为或事例,通常指许可从事某种职业 |
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