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单词 证实
释义 〔Ricardo〕British economist whose major work,Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (1817), supported the laws of supply and demand in a free market. 李嘉图,戴维:(1772-1823) 英国经济学家,其主要著作《政治经济与税收原理》 (1817年),证实供求在自由市场的定律 〔attest〕To bear witness; give testimony:证实,证明:提供证据;给出证言:〔mammoth〕The mammoth was introduced to the English-speaking world after mammoth skeletons were discovered in Siberia,so it is no surprise that this creature's name is taken from Russian,even though the animal roamed over Eurasia and North America.The Russian word, nowmamant' but formerlymamot as well, was borrowed into English in variant spellings.It was first recorded in 1706in the formMammuth, but in 1763 we find the formmammon. It is said that the Russian word is a borrowing of an Ostyak word (the Ostyak people live in western Siberia),but this has not been proved.猛犸这个词是在西伯利亚发现猛犸骨骼之后才引入英语的,所以这种动物的名称起源于俄语也就不足为奇了,尽管这种动物曾在欧亚大陆和北美到处游荡。俄语中的这个词,现在是mamant' , 但以前为mamot , 被引入英文时出现了不同的拼写方法。最早的记载是1706年,其形式是Mammuth, 但在1763年,其形式就变成了mammon。 据说俄语这个词也是源于一个奥斯加克语中一个词(奥斯加克人居住于西伯利亚西部),但这种说法还没有得到证实〔validate〕To establish the soundness of; corroborate.See Synonyms at confirm 证实:建立…的正确性;确证 参见 confirm〔proof〕A statement or an argument used in such a validation.证词,证言:用于这种证实的陈述或辩论〔warrant〕To guarantee or attest to the quality, accuracy, or condition of.保证,担保:担保或证实…的质量、准确性或条件〔sustain〕To prove or corroborate; confirm.证明或确证;证实〔proof〕Convincing or persuasive demonstration:证实:可信或具有说服力的实证:〔quote〕As a transitive verbquote is appropriately used to describe the use of an exact wording drawn from another source. When the original source is paraphrased or alluded to,the more general termcite is usually preferable. · The nounquote is well established as a truncation of quotation, though many critics regard it as unduly journalistic or breezy.As such, it is best avoided in formal literary discussions.The use of the noun was acceptable to only 38 percent of the Usage Panel in the sentenceHe began the chapter with a quote from the Bible. But the usage is less objectionable in informal contexts or in reference to less august sources;the word was acceptable to 53 percent of the Panel in the sentenceHe lightened up his talk by throwing in quotes from Marx Brothers movies. · The nounquote is sometimes used as a synonym for "dictum, saying,” as inHis career is just one more validation of Andy Warhol's quote that "in the future, everybody will be famous for fifteen minutes.” This example was unacceptable to 76 percent of the Usage Panel.作为一个及物动词,用quote 一词来指从另一出处中抄取完全一样的用语是很恰当的。 当原文出处被意译或是间接提及时,一个意义更广泛的词cite 更可取。 quote 这名词形式是由 quatation 削减而来,也已被普遍接受, 虽然许多批评家认为这个词染有不恰当的记者文风或不太正式。因此,在正式的文学讨论中最好避免使用。在用法专题使用小组的调查中,只有38%的人认为这个名词在这章的开始他引用了《圣经》中的一段 文字 这个句子中的用法是可行的。 但在不正式的语境下或提及的出处不很严肃时,对于这种用法的反对意见要少一些。在他插入了一段引自马克斯兄弟电影中的 话 来活跃谈话气氛 这个句子中, 53%的小组成员认为这个词可以接受。 Quote 这个名词有时也可用作“格言、名言”的同义词, 如在他的一生再一次证实了安迪·霍尔的 格言 “将来,每个人都将享有十五分钟的知名度” 这个句子中, 用法专题使用小组中76%的成员认为这个例句无法接受〔vouch〕To refer to (an authority, for example) in support or corroboration; cite.引证:引用(如一个权威)来证实或支持;引证〔Lister〕British surgeon. He demonstrated in 1865 that carbolic acid was an effective antiseptic agent, decreasing postoperative fatalities from infection.李斯特,约瑟夫:(1827-1912) 英国外科医生。1865年他证实了碳酸是一种有效的杀菌媒介物,可减少外科手术后由感染引起的死亡〔unknown〕Not established or verified.未被确立的或证实〔vindicate〕To clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting arguments or proof:证实,辩护:用有支持力的论点或论据澄清指控、指责、嫌疑或怀疑:〔warrant〕To guarantee or attest to the character or reliability of; vouch for.担保,证实:担保或证实…的特征或可靠性;担保〔swear〕To say or affirm earnestly and with great conviction.断言:认真而令人信服地说或证实〔vouch〕To substantiate by supplying evidence; prove:证实:用提供证据来证实;证明:〔yes〕It is so; as you say or ask. Used to express affirmation, agreement, positive confirmation, or consent.是:是这样;如你所说或你所问。用来表达确信、同意、明确的证实或赞成〔defy〕She defied her accusers to prove their charges.她激自己的指控者证实他们的指控〔evidence〕To support by testimony; attest.证明:用证据证明;证实〔approve〕To consent to officially or formally; confirm or sanction.批准,认可:官方地或正式地同意;证实或批准〔ratify〕To approve and give formal sanction to; confirm.See Synonyms at approve 认可,正式允许,证实 参见 approve〔that〕The book argues that eventually the housing supply will increase. 书中证实住宅供应最终会增加。 〔verify〕To prove the truth of by presentation of evidence or testimony; substantiate.证明;证实:通过提供证据或证词来证明…的真相;证实,证明…有根据〔manifest〕To be evidence of; prove.证实:提供证据;证明〔registered〕Having the pedigree recorded and verified by an authorized association of breeders:纯种的:家系被权威的种养协会记录并证实的:〔Owens〕American track star. He won four gold medals at the 1936 Olympics, upsetting Adolf Hitler's plans to use the games as evidence of Aryan superiority.欧文斯,耶西:(1913-1980) 美国田径运动明星,他在1936年的奥林匹克运动会上获得四枚金牌,打破了阿尔道夫·希特勒的计划,他想利用运动会来证实雅利安优越论〔vouch〕A declaration of opinion; an assertion.证实,断言:意见的宣布;断言〔demonstrate〕To show to be true by reasoning or adducing evidence; prove:证实,论证:通过推理或引证说明真实性;证明:〔uncertified〕Not officially verified, guaranteed, or registered; not certified:没有证明书的:未经官方证实,保证或注册的;未证明的:〔Taylor〕Canadian physicist. He shared a 1990 Nobel Prize for research that confirmed the existence of quarks.泰勒,理查德E.:(生于 1929) 加拿大物理学家。他因研究和证实夸克的存在而获1990年诺贝尔奖〔confirm〕 Verify implies proving by comparison with an original or with established fact: Verify 表示通过和原件或一已确定的事实比较而得到证实〔seal〕Something, such as a commercial hallmark, that authenticates, confirms, or attests.标记:确认、证实或证明的事物,如商业标志〔incontrovertible〕incontrovertible proof of the defendant's innocence.证实被告无罪的无可辩驳的证据〔alleged〕Represented as existing or as being as described but not so proved; supposed.被说成的,被断言的:被描述为存在,或被说成是事实但并未得到证实的;假定的〔check〕The suspect's story checked out.嫌疑犯讲述的故事得到了证实〔philosophy〕A system of philosophical inquiry or demonstration.哲学体系:哲学上探求与证实的体系〔probable〕from probāre [to prove] * see prove 源自 probāre [证明,证实] * 参见 prove〔swear〕To declare or affirm solemnly by invoking a deity or a sacred person or thing.宣誓:通过唤起伸灵或神圣的人或事来严肃地宣布或证实〔verification〕The act of verifying or the state of being verified.证明;证实:证明的行为或被核实的状态〔affirm〕To support or uphold the validity of; confirm.证实,确实:支持或维护…的正确性;坚持认为




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