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单词 证据
释义 〔inference〕The act of reasoning from factual knowledge or evidence.推断:由实际情况或证据而作出推理的行为〔ichnology〕The branch of paleontology dealing with the study of fossilized footprints, tracks, burrows, or other traces as evidence of the activities of the organisms that produced them.足迹化石学:古生物学的分支,以研究足迹化石、痕迹化石、洞穴化石、或其它有机物所产生活动证据的痕迹〔susceptible〕susceptible of proof.证据能被接受的〔testimony〕Evidence in support of a fact or an assertion; proof.证据:支持一个事实或假想的证据证据〔document〕Something, such as a recording or a photograph, that can be used to furnish evidence or information.证件,证据:可以用来提供证据或信息的记录或照片等类的东西〔own〕When confronted with the evidence the thief owned up.See Synonyms at acknowledge 在证据面前小偷乖乖地招认了 参见 acknowledge〔support〕To furnish corroborating evidence for.证明:提供确凿的证据〔inadmissible〕inadmissible evidence.不被承认的证据〔corroborate〕To strengthen or support with other evidence; make more certain.See Synonyms at confirm 确认:用其他证据来增强或支持;使更确定 参见 confirm〔witness〕Something that serves as evidence; a sign.证据:可作证据的东西;迹象〔rambunctious〕The origins oframbunctious are not clearly established, a situation that may be better understood after looking at the evidence.The development that is generally accepted is from the wordrobustious, derived fromrobust and first recorded in a work written before 1548, torumbustious, first recorded in 1778, to rambunctious, first recorded in 1830, all three words having more or less the same meaning.But how didrobustious lead to rumbustious ? It has been suggested that the wordrumble played a part in this, although the wordrumbustion, meaning "the alcoholic beverage rum,” might also have been involved. The first form in whichrambunctious is recorded is rumbunctious, showing howrumbustious was involved in the alteration of robustious to rambunctious, but how the sound indicated bys became that indicated by nc or why the first u became a is a mystery. Rambunctious 的词源并没有十分清楚地确定, 看一下证据就能更好地理解这一点。通常认为它的发展过程是源于robustious 这个词, 它来自robust 并最早记载于1548年以前的一篇作品中, 至于rumbustious 则首次见载于1778年, rumbunctious 的最早的文字记载是在1830年, 这三个词的意思大致相同。但是robustious 怎样演变到 rumbustious 的呢? 有人认为,rumble 这个词起了一定的作用, 尽管rumbustion 意为“含酒精饮料甜酒,”但可能也参与了其演变。 Rambunctious 有记载的最早形式是 rumbunctious , 这表明了rumbustious 这个词如何参与了从 robustious 到 rambunctious 的演变, 但s 所代表的声音是如何变成 nc 所代表的声音的或为什么第一个 u 变成了 a 仍然还是谜 〔variance〕A discrepancy between two statements or documents in a proceeding.诉论中诉状与证据之间的差异〔proof〕The evidence or argument that compels the mind to accept an assertion as true.证据,证物:迫使思想接受断言为真实的证据或论辩〔reasoning〕Evidence or arguments used in thinking or argumentation.理由:在思考辩论中用到的证据或论据〔reflect〕To give evidence of the qualities of (one):证明:提供证明(一物)质量的证据,:〔voucher〕A piece of substantiating evidence; a proof.证据证据物:一件证物;证据〔defy〕challenged the opposition to produce proof;要求反对派拿出证据〔testament〕Something that serves as tangible proof or evidence:证明:作为确实的证据或实证的事物:〔probe〕from Late Latin [proof] 源自 后期拉丁语 [证据] 〔healthy〕The distinction in meaning betweenhealthy ("possessing good health") and healthful ("conducive to good health") was ascribed to the two terms only as late as the 1880's. This distinction, though tenaciously supported by some critics,is belied by citational evidence—evidence clearly indicating thathealthy and healthful have shared the meaning "conducive to good health" since at least the mid-16th century, or for more than 400 years. Use ofhealthy in this sense is to be found in the works of a broad group of distinguished speakers and writers of English, with this example being typical: Healthy (“拥有良好的健康状况”)和 healthful (“有益于健康的”)在意思上的区别直到19世纪80年代才被确定。 虽然有些专家固执地支持这种区别,但它与引文中得出的证据不符——这些证据清楚地表明至少从16世纪中叶或者说四百多年来,healthy 和 healthful 都有“有益于健康的”这一意义。 Healthy 这一意义从一大群杰出的演讲者和作家的作品中可以找到,在这个意义上的用法以这个例子最具代表性: 〔demonstration〕Conclusive evidence; proof.证明:无可置疑的证据;证明〔confutation〕Something that confutes.用以驳斥的证据〔try〕To examine or hear (evidence or a case) by judicial process.审问:通过法律程序审查和审理(证据或案例)〔evidentiary〕Of evidence; evidential.证据的:与证据有关的;作为或提供证据〔testimonial〕from Latin testimōnium [testimony] * see testimony 源自 拉丁语 testimōnium [证据] * 参见 testimony〔witness〕To provide or serve as evidence of.See Synonyms at indicate 提供或作为…的证据 参见 indicate〔identification〕Abbr. ID,I.D.Proof or evidence of identity.缩写 ID,I.D.身份证明:确认身份的证据或证明〔attest〕To supply or be evidence of:证据,作证:为…提供证明或作为…的证据〔testimonial〕A statement in support of a particular truth, fact, or claim.证据:支持某一特定真理、事实或主张的陈述〔supposed〕The central meaning shared by these adjectives is "put forth or accepted as being true on inconclusive grounds": 这些形容词共有的意思为“没有确凿的证据而作为正确的加以提出或接受”: 〔ukase〕from Old Church Slavonic ukazŭ [a showing, proof] 源自 古教会斯拉夫语 ukazŭ [展示,证据] 〔title〕The instrument, such as a deed, that constitutes this evidence.所有权文件:构成这种证据的文件,如契约〔attest〕splendid tombs that attested their power.See Synonyms at indicate 作为他们权力证据的辉煌墓碑 参见 indicate〔exhibit〕To give evidence or an instance of; demonstrate:证明:拿出证据或举例证明;演示:〔scholium〕A note amplifying a proof or course of reasoning, as in mathematics.附注:(如在数学中)进一步阐发证据或推理过程的注释〔pertain〕evidence that pertains to the accident.与此次意外事件有关的证据〔corollary〕A proposition that follows with little or no proof required from one already proven.系定理:随着刚已证明的命题而来因而需要很少或不需证据而得的命题〔reargue〕To debate again or present additional arguments for (a case or an issue, for example), especially in a court of law:再辩论:重新辩论或对(例如某案件或问题)提出新的证据理由,尤指法庭的再辩论:〔pregnant〕Convincing; cogent. Used of an argument or a proof.令人信服的:令人信服的;有力的。用于论据或证据〔positive〕positive proof.不容置疑的证据




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