单词 | 评论家 |
释义 | 〔Cowley〕American writer, editor, and critic whose works include studies of American expatriate writers of the 1920's and commentaries on William Faulkner.考利,马尔科姆:(1898-1989) 美国作家、编辑和评论家,他的作品包括对美国20世纪20年代的流亡作家的研究和对威廉·福克纳的评论〔intuit〕The verbintuit is well established in reputable writing, but some critics have objected to it.Only 34 percent of the Usage Panel accepts it in the sentence 动词intuit 在规范化写作中已被完全确定, 但是一些评论家却一直反对它。只有百分之三十四的用法专题使用小组成员接受它用于句中 〔Arnold〕British poet and critic whose poems, such as "Dover Beach" (1867), express moral and religious doubts. His classic studyCulture and Anarchy (1869) is a polemic against Victorian materialism. 阿诺德,马修:(1822-1888) 英国诗人和评论家,其诗歌,如“多佛海滩”(1867年),表达了道德和宗教的怀疑。他的古典文学作品《文化与无政府状态》 (1869年)一书是反对维多利亚物质主义的激烈争辩 〔cannot〕The idiomatic phrasecannot but has sometimes been criticized as a double negative, perhaps because it has been confused withcan but. Thebut of cannot but, however, means "except,” as it does in phrases such asno one but, while thebut of can but has the sense only, as it does in the sentenceWe had but a single bullet left. Bothcannot but and can but are established as standard expressions. · The constructioncannot help is used with a present participle to roughly the same effect as cannot but in a sentence such as We cannot help admiring his courage. But this construction is generally restricted to contextsin which a person is unable to affect an outcome that would normally be under his or her control.It would be more precise to sayWith all the public interest in the affair, the book cannot but attract the attention of reviewers (or . . . can but gain . . . )than to say the book cannot help attracting the attention of reviewers, which suggests that the book might have had a say in the matter. · The constructioncannot help but probably arose as a blend of cannot help and cannot but; it has the meaning of the first and the syntax of the second: 习语cannot but 有时候被判定为一种双重否定, 这也许是因为它已混淆于can but 。 然而cannot but 中的 but 表示“除了”, 就如用在象no one but 这样的短语中一样, 而can but 中的 but 意思却是 only(只有) , 就如用在我们只剩下了一颗子弹 中那样。 cannot but 和 can but 都已被确定为标准的表达法。 cannot help 结构与现在分词同用的作用和 我们禁不住钦佩他的勇气 一句中的 cannot but 大致相同。 但这一结构通常只限于这种情况,即一个人在该情况下不能实现正常情况下处于他或她控制之下的结果。由于公众对该事件的浓厚兴趣,这本书理所当然地引起了评论家的注意 (或 …can but gain… )的说法比暗示这本书在此事中想必有决定权的 这本书情不自禁地吸引了评论家的注意 说法要更为精确。 cannot help but 也许是来自 cannot help 和 cannet but 的混合; 它具有前者的意思和后者的句法结构: 〔darkle〕"the dramatist . . . whose province it is to darkle and obscure"(London National Observer)“剧作家…的职能是使灰暗或使模糊”(伦敦国家评论家)〔Brown〕American drama critic whose books includeTo All Hands (1943) and Daniel Boone (1952). 布朗,约翰·梅森:(1900-1969) 美国戏剧评论家,著作包括《写给专业作家们》 (1943年)和 《丹尼尔·布恩》 (1952年) 〔West〕British writer and critic whose works include psychological novels, such asThe Judge (1922), critical studies, as of Henry James (1916), a historical study of Yugoslavia (1942), and several reports on the Nuremberg trials. 韦斯特,雷贝卡:(1892-1983) 英国作家和评论家。他的作品包括心理分析小说、如《法官》 (1922年),文学批评研究,如有关亨利·詹姆斯的研究(1916年),有关南斯拉夫的历史研究(1942年)和有关纽伦堡审判的几则报道 〔Clurman〕American theatrical director and critic who directed a number of Broadway productions, includingAwake and Sing (1935) and Tiger at the Gates (1955). 克劳曼,哈罗德:(1901-1980) 美国戏剧导演、评论家,导演了大量百老汇作品,包括《醒来,歌唱吧》 (1935年)及 《守门虎》 (1955年) 〔Nathan〕American writer, editor, and critic who founded and edited (1924-1930) theAmerican Mercury with H.L. Mencken and was a widely influential drama critic. 纳森,乔治·让:(1882-1958) 美国作家、编辑及评论家。他和H·L· 门肯创建并编辑的《美国水星》 (1924-1930年)是一个具有普遍影响的戏剧评论作品 〔Mandelstam〕Russian poet, translator, and critic. Although his early works were highly regarded, he went unpublished in the Soviet Union after 1933, when he denounced Stalin and refused to comply with Soviet censors. He endured years of internal exile and eventually died in a concentration camp.曼德斯坦:俄罗斯诗人、翻译家和评论家。他的早期作品受到高度评价,但1933年后因其指责斯大林并拒绝遵守苏联出版品检查,在苏联未有作品问世。经历了国内的多年流放后最终死于集中营.〔Kerr〕American playwright, writer, and drama critic for theNew York Herald-Tribune (1951-1966) and the New York Times (1983-1996). In 1978 he won a Pulitzer Prize for criticism. 克尔,沃尔特:美国《纽约前锋论坛报》 (1951年-1956年)和 《纽约时报》 (1983年-1996年)的剧作家和戏剧评论家。1978年因评论文章获普利策奖 〔lifestyle〕Whenlifestyle began to gain wide currency a generation ago, a number of critics objected to it as voguish and superficial,perhaps because it appeared to elevate habits of consumption, dress, and recreation to a primary basis of social classification.Nonetheless, the word has proved durable and useful,if only because such categories doin fact figure importantly in the schemes that Americans commonly invoke in explaining social values and social behavior,whether appropriately or not,as in Rachel Brownstein's remark that 当life style 在上一代人中开始广泛使用时, 许多评论家认为这个词浅薄且只风行一时,因此反对它,这可能是因为它看上去把消费习惯、衣着和享乐上升为社会阶级划分的主要基点。但是,这个词证明是持久有用的,如果仅仅因为这些范畴,事实上确实成为美国人解释社会价值与社会行为时所采用的极其重要的标准,无论合适与否,例如在雷切尔·布朗斯坦的话中 〔Bryant〕American poet, critic, and editor known especially for his early nature poems, such as "Thanatopsis" (1817) and "To a Waterfowl" (1821). As editor and part owner (1829-1878) of theNew York Evening Post he advocated reforms ranging from abolitionism to free trade. 布赖恩特,威廉·卡伦:(1794-1878) 美国诗人、评论家和编辑,早期写过描绘大自然的诗歌,如死亡观(1817年)和致水鸟(1821年),他因此享有盛名。他曾主编《纽约晚邮报》 提倡从废奴到自由贸易的各方面的改革 〔Russell〕British philosopher, mathematician, social critic, and writer who had profound influence on the development of symbolic logic, logical positivism, and the set theory of mathematics. His written works includePrincipia Mathematica (1910-1913), written with Alfred North Whitehead, and A History of Western Philosophy (1945). He won the 1950 Nobel Prize for literature. 罗素,贝特朗·阿瑟·威廉:(1872-1970) 英国哲学家、数学家、社会评论家和作家。他对于符号逻辑、逻辑实证论和数学的体论体系的发展有很深的影响。他的书面作品有:《数学原理》 (1910-1913),与阿尔弗雷德·诺斯·怀特海合著和 《西方哲学史》 (1945年)。他获1950年诺贝尔文学奖 〔Sforza〕Italian diplomat who was a severe critic of Mussolini's rise to power.斯佛萨,卡罗:(1873-1952) 意大利外交官,墨索里尼执政时尖刻的评论家〔too〕A number of commentators have objected to the use ofnot too as an equivalent of "not very,” as inShe was not too pleased with the results. In many contextsthis construction is entirely idiomatic and should pass without notice: 很多评论家反对把not too 作为与"not very"等同的词使用, 例如在句子她对结果不是很满意 中。 在许多情况下,这种结构被认为是习惯用法,不为人们注意就通过了: 〔redundancy〕The usages that critics have condemned as redundancies fall into several classes.In some cases,such asconsensus of opinion, close proximity, hollow tube, and refer back, the use of what is regarded as an unnecessary modifier or qualifier can sometimes be justified on the grounds that it in fact makes a semantic contribution.Thus ahollow tube can be distinguished from one that has been blocked up with deposits, and aconsensus of opinion can be distinguished from a consensus of judgments or practice. In other cases the use of the qualifier is harder to defend.Thus there is no way torevert without reverting back and noconsensus that is not general. · Sometimes recognition of redundancy may require familiarity with a foreign language.The expressionsSierra Mountains and Rio Grande River are indeed redundant for those who know Spanish, but the use of the wordsmountains and river may still serve some purpose when one is addressing an English-speaking audience. Occasionally, what originates as a redundant element may, through long use,become part of the established name of a thing.Thus a reference to the site of a famous World War II battle as "the El Alamein"incorporates three versions of the definite article, in English, Spanish, and Arabic.See Usage Note at close ,consensus ,cross section ,mental telepathy ,rarely ,refer 被评论家指责为冗长和重复的使用方法可分为几类。在某些情况下,如consensus of opinion,、close proximity、 hollow tube 和 refer back , 这种不必要修饰或限定语的使用有时也不能完全否定,因为它们从语义上说还是有意义的。因此,一个空管子 可以与被装填物堵满的管子相区别, 观点的一致 可以与判断力或惯例的一致相区别。 在其它情况下类似修饰语的使用就不那么容易自圆其说了。因此,没有 reverting back 就没有办法 revert , 没有 consensus 不是 general。 · 有时辨认出冗余需要对外语很熟悉。对于懂西班牙语的人来说 Sierra Mountains 和 Rio Grande River 这类说法是重复的, 但当对说英语的人讲话时,使用 mountains 和 river 还是有用的。 有时,一个刚产生时是多余的成份经过长时间使用后,可成为一个物体固定的一部分。因此当提到二战时叫做“阿拉曼战役”的著名战役时,在英语、西班牙语和阿拉伯语中的定冠词的三种形式取得了一致 参见 close,consensus,cross section,mental telepathy,rarely,refer〔Bradbury〕American writer of science fiction mingled with social commentary. His works includeThe Martian Chronicles (1950) and Fahrenheit 451 (1953). 布拉德伯里,雷·道格拉斯:(生于 1920) 美国科幻小说作家兼社会评论家。其著作有《火星人编年史》 (1950年)和 《华氏451度》 (1953年) 〔Maritain〕French philosopher and critic noted for his interpretations of Saint Thomas Aquinas. His works includeArt and Scholasticism (1920). 马里丹,雅克:(1882-1973) 法国哲学家和评论家,以其对圣·托马斯·阿奎那著作的阐释而闻名,作品包括《艺术与经院哲学》 (1920年) 〔interpretation〕An explanation or a conceptualization by a critic of a work of literature, painting, music, or other art form; an exegesis.评注:评论家对一部文学作品、绘画、音乐或其他音乐形式所作的解释或概念;评注〔delicate〕a critic's delicate perception.一个评论家敏锐的洞察力〔moot〕This usage may be originally the result of a misinterpretation of its legal sense in phrasessuch asa moot question. A number of critics have objected to this use,but it was accepted by 59 percent of the Usage Panelin the sentenceThe nominee himself chastised the White House for failing to do more to support him, but his concerns became moot when a number of Republicans announced that they, too, would oppose the nomination. 起初这种用法可能是它在法律意义误释的结果,如在短语一个不重要的问题 中, 许多评论家反对这一用法,可是它被用法小组59%的成员所接受,并出现于被提名者本人强烈谴责白宫没能更多地支持他, 但是当一些共和党人宣称他也将反对此次提名时,他就变得不那么重要了一句中 〔James〕American writer and critic whose works generally concern the confrontation of American and European culture. A pioneer in psychologically realistic fiction, he wrote numerous novels, such asThe Bostonians (1886) and The Golden Bowl (1904). 詹姆斯,亨利:(1843-1916) 美国作家和评论家,他的作品一般涉及美国文化与欧洲文化的对立。他是一位从心理学角度反映现实主义小说的先锋,著有大量小说,如《波士顿人》 (1886年)和 《金碗》 (1904年) 〔attack〕a novel assailed by critics;一部被评论家抨击的小说;〔Bayle〕French philosopher and critic. Considered the progenitor of 18th-century rationalism, he compiled the famousDictionnaire Historique et Critique (1697) and championed the cause of religious tolerance. 拜尔,皮尔:(1647-1706) 法国的哲学家和评论家。被认为是18世纪理性主义的先驱,他编辑了著名的《历史与批判辞典》 (1697年),并拥护宗教教义宣扬的忍受苦难的原因 〔caring〕Some critics have objected to the use ofcaring as an adjective, perhaps because it appears to treat compassion as a chronic condition.The acceptability of the usage may therefore vary according to the relation between the source and object of the caring.Thus 74 percent of the Usage Panel accepts the sentence A child has a right to certain things: a secure home, a healthful environment, and caring parents. A smaller majority, 58 percent,acceptsWe are looking for a few caring people to help with this program, where the adjective appears to ascribe an undiscriminating disposition to care about whatever object of concern may present itself.Finally, only 29 percent of the Panel accepts 一些评论家反对把caring 当作形容词用, 也许是因为该词看起来把同情作为一种长期的状态来对待。对该词形容词用法的可接受性也许会因此根据同情的缘由和对象的关系而变化。所以有74%的用法专题使用小组成员认为 儿童有权享受一定的事物:安定的家庭,健康的环境以及充满爱心的父母一句可接受。 比例少一些的多数人。即58%的成员,认为我们正在寻找一些有同情心的人帮助实施这项计划 一句可接受。 该句中的形容词似乎把一种不加区别的性情当作关心任何一个可能出现的需要关心注意的对象。最后,只有29%的小组成员接受 〔Taylor〕American composer and critic. He composed the suite for chamber ensembleThrough the Looking Glass (1918) and wrote The Well-Tempered Listener (1940). 泰勒,(约瑟夫)迪穆斯:(1885-1966) 美国作曲家和评论家。他曾为室内合奏乐《透过镜子》 编写组曲(1918年),并写了 《脾气好的听众》 (1940年) 〔repulse〕A number of critics have maintained thatrepulse should only be used to mean "to drive away, spurn,” as inHe rudely repulsed their overtures, and not to mean "to cause repulsion in,”as inTheir hypocrisy repulsed me. In recent years, however, there has been an increasing tendency to userepulse in the sense "cause repulsion in.” Reputable literary precedent exists for this usage,and the confusion is understandable,given that the stigmatized use ofrepulse is parallel to the unexceptionable uses of repulsion and repulsive. Still, writers who want to stay on the safe side may prefer to use onlyrepel when the intended sense is "cause repulsion in.” 一些评论家坚持认为repulse 一词应该只用来指“赶走;摒弃,” 如在他粗鲁地拒绝了他们的提议 中, 而不应用来表示“使产生反感,”如在他们的虚伪使我产生了反感 中。 然而近来却越来越倾向于在“使产生反感”的意义上使用repulse 一词。 这一用法有着为优秀作家所认可的文学先例,而且这一困惑是可以理解的,如果repulse 这一被指责的用法是与 repulsion 以及 repulsive 的无懈可击的用法相对应的。 然而,想站在安全一边的作家在其意思是“使产生反感”时,可能只愿意使用repel 一词 〔Dowden〕Irish editor, writer, and critic noted for his works on Shakespeare.道顿,爱德华:(1843-1913) 爱尔兰编辑、作家和评论家,以莎士比亚评论著名〔differ〕The critic differed with the author on several facts.评论家与作者几处意见不和〔critic〕One who forms and expresses judgments of the merits, faults, value, or truth of a matter.评论家:形成并表达对某一事物的优点、错误、价值或真实性的判断的人〔Archer〕British critic, dramatist, and translator whose best-known play isThe Green Goddess (1921). 阿契尔,威廉:(1856-1924) 英国评论家、戏剧家及翻译家,其最著名戏剧是《绿女神》 (1921年) 〔wait〕For more than a hundred years critics have stigmatized the use ofwait on ( and somewhat less frequentlywait upon ) to mean roughly "await" or "wait for,”as inWe are still waiting on the committee vote. This use is so widespread in both educated speech and reputable writingthat the traditional objections have come to seem unnecessary.一百多年来评论家一直贬低wait on ( 有时也较少使用wait upon ) 作为“等待”或“等候”意义的用法,如在我们仍在等待委员会的投票。 这种用处在演讲和写作中用的是如此普遍,以至于原来的反对已经看起来不必要了〔Atkinson〕American theater critic of theNew York Times (1925-1942 and 1946-1960). 阿特金森,(尤斯延)布鲁克斯:(1894-1984) 美国《纽约时报》 (1925-1942和1946-1960年)的戏剧评论家 〔Croce〕Italian philosopher, historian, and critic noted for a major work of modern idealism,Philosophy of the Spirit (1902-1917), and as a staunch opponent of fascism. 克罗齐,贝内德托:(1866-1952) 意大利哲学家、历史学家和评论家,以其现代唯心主义的主要作品《精神的哲学》 (1902-1917年)和坚决反对法西斯主义而闻名 〔Ransom〕American poet and critic. The founder and editor (1939-1959) of theKenyon Review, he was a leading proponent of New Criticism. His collections of poetry include Chills and Fevers (1924). 兰塞姆,约翰·克劳:(1888-1974) 美国诗人和评论家《凯尼恩评论》 的创始人和主编(1939-1959年)。他是新批评主义的领导人。他的诗集有 《冷与热》 等(1924年) 〔Fuller〕American writer and critic who edited the transcendentalist periodicalDial (1840-1842), was a pioneering literary critic for the New York Tribune (1844-1846), and wrote Woman in the Nineteenth Century (1845), a major feminist tract. 富勒,(撒拉)玛格丽特:(1810-1850) 美国作家和评论家,她编辑过超验主义者的刊物《日晷》 (1840-1842年),曾为 《纽约论坛报》 (1844-1846年)写过具有开拓性的文学评论,并写了一本重要的宣传男女平等的小册子 《19世纪的妇女》 (1845年) 〔denigrate〕The critics have denigrated our efforts.评论家贬低了我们的努力〔different〕Different from and different than are both common in British and American English. Critics since the 18th century have singled outdifferent than as incorrect, though it is well attested in the works of reputable writers. Where the comparison is drawn directly between two persons or things,from is usually the safer choice: Different from 和 different than 英语和美语中都经常见。 虽然后者经常出现在名作家的作品中,但18世纪以来,评论家仍指出different than 为相对正确的选择。 当直接对两人或两物进行比较时,from 是最保险的选择 : 〔scholasticism〕Often Scholasticism The dominant western Christian theological and philosophical school of the Middle Ages, based on the authority of the Latin Fathers and of Aristotle and his commentators. 常作 Scholasticism 经院哲学:一个中世纪占统治地位的西方基督教神学和哲学派别,其权威的基础为拉丁神父和亚里斯多德及他的评论家 |
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