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单词 词条
释义 〔entry〕A headword along with its related text.词条:开头的词连同其后的解释〔nominalism〕The doctrine holding that abstract concepts, general terms, or universals have no objective reference but exist only as names.唯名论:坚持抽象的观念,一般的词条或普通的概念没有客观所指而仅以名字存在的信条〔definiens〕The word or words serving to define another word or expression, as in a dictionary entry.字典词条:下定义或释义用的词语,如字典的词条〔lemma〕A word or phrase treated in a glossary or similar listing.词条,条目:在词典或类似的项目中的单词或短语〔entry〕An entry word, as in a dictionary; a headword.词目:在字典中一个词条开头的词;词目〔rape〕Although three senses are listed in our entry for the verbrape, it is unlikely that many people think of the word as having more than one sense.The Latin wordrapere from which rape comes had an even wider range of meanings, including "to ravish.”It must be kept in mind, however, that most of its senses had to do with the notion of seizing or carrying offand that sexual violation was confined to the one sense.In the case of the Middle Englishwordrapen, taken from Latin rapere, fewer senses existed, but some of them differed quite significantly from any in which we would use the word today.It could mean "to fix or set a certain time" ("The tyme he wild [would] not rape" ) or "to carry off somebody to heaven from earth" ( "the visions of seynt poul wan [when] he was rapt in to paradys" ). The past participlerapt has survived in Modern English, where it has become a separate wordreferring to states of deep delight or absorption,far removed from the hideous cruelties ofrape. The sense involving these cruelties was probably present in Middle Englishand has largely taken over the word.尽管在动词rape 这一词条中,我们列了三个意思, 但实际很多人并不认为该词有这么多意思。Rape 从其起源的拉丁语单词 rapere 甚至有更多的词义, 其中包括“使销魂”这一含意。然而,我们必须记住所有这些词义都同“用武力夺取或抢走”有关,性方面的侵犯只是其中的一个意思。在中古英语中,由拉丁语rapere 一词产生的动词 rapen 的词义已经减少, 不过其中有些词义和现在的词义完全不同。它可以意为“约定或确定时间”(“他不肯 约定时间” )或“由人间带某人进入天堂”( “圣保罗进入天堂 的情景” )。 该词的过去分词rapt 仍存在于现代英语中, 在这里它已成为一个单独的单词,意为一种极其兴奋或被深深吸引的状态,这个意思与rape 一词丑恶的词义相去甚远。 与残酷行为有关的词义可能在中世纪就存在,后来被保留了下来〔flock〕 Brood is applicable to offspring that are still under the care of a mother,especially the offspring of domestic and game birds or,less formally, of human beings. ·The following related terms are used as indicated: Brood 适用于在母兽保护下的幼崽,尤指家养的或打猎用的鸟类的幼鸟;在不太正式的场合也可指人。以下的相关词条用法如下:〔outrageous〕These adjectives mean grievously or conspicuously bad or appalling; the terms are often used interchangeably.Somethingoutrageous is grossly offensive to decency, morality, or good taste: 这些形容词都意味着极其或显而易见糟糕的或骇人的,这些词条常被交替使用。Outrageous 修饰的事物是极不体面、不道德或不风雅的: 〔nonstandard〕The termnonstandard was introduced by linguists and lexicographers to describe usages and language varieties that had previously been labeled with terms such as vulgar and illiterate. Nonstandardis not simply a euphemism but reflects the empirical discoverythat the varieties used by low-prestige groups have rich and systematic grammatical structuresand that their stigmatization more often reflects a judgment about their speakersrather than any inherent deficiencies in logic or expressive power.Note, however, that the use of nonstandard forms is not necessarily restricted to the communities with which they are associated in the public mind.Many educated speakers freely use forms such ascan't hardly or ain't I to set a popular or informal tone. · Some dictionaries use the termsubstandard to describe forms, such asain't, associated with uneducated speech, while reservingnonstandard for forms such as irregardless, which are common in writingbut are still regarded by many as uneducated.Butsubstandard is itself susceptible of disparaging interpretation, and most linguists and lexicographers now use onlynonstandard, the practice followed in this Dictionary.词条nonstandard 被语言学家和词典编辑人引进用来描述以前已被词条,例如 vulgar 和 illiterate归类的用法和语言种类。 Nonstandand不只是委婉的说法, 而且反映了凭经验得到的发现:被具有权威的群体所用的语种有丰富而且系统的语法结构,而且这些误解被轻蔑描绘更经常地反映了对其说话者的判断,而不是对任何天生的逻辑和表达力的缺乏。然而,要注意,非标准语形式的运用并不必要限制于在公众心目中与其所联系的团体。许多受过教育的说话者自由地用这些形式如can't hardly 或者 ain't I 说流行或非正式的句子。 有些字典用substandard 来描述此类形式, 如ain't, 并与未受教育的言语相联系, 而同时保留nonstandard 用来形容 irregardless 这一类形式, 这些形式普遍用于写作中,但仍被许多人认为是未受教育的用法。但是substandard 本身很容易引起贬低含义的翻译, 大多数语言学家和词典编辑现在只用nonstandard, 在此词典后边有练习〔headword〕A word, phrase, or name, usually set in boldface or other distinctive type, that serves as the heading for an entry in a dictionary, an encyclopedia, or a similar reference work. Also called entry word 标题词:作为字典、百科全书或类似参书中词条标题的通常印为黑体或其它特别字体的词、词组或名字 也作 entry word〔detective〕The first detective may have come into existence before the word itself.C. Auguste Dupin, Edgar Allan Poe's hero in "The Murders in the Rue Morgue,” which is considered the world's first real detective story,was introduced to the world in 1841.Nine years later we find the first recorded instance of the worddetective, although the phrases detective police and detective policeman, from which it was shortened, are recorded first in 1843. Hence, Dupin precedes all recorded instances ofdetective, just as he precedes all other detectives.第一个侦探在“侦探“这个词出现以前就出现了。C·奥古斯·杜平,埃德加·爱波·伦的小说《莫格街谋杀案》(这本书被认为是世界上第一本真正的侦探小说)中的主人公,在1841年被介绍给全世界。虽然词条detective police 和 detective policeman (detective就是这两者的缩写)首次被记载是在1843年,但九年后,我们才找到对 detective 这个词的第一次记载。 迄今为止,杜平最早记载detective , 正如他就是最早的侦探一样〔feminist〕The termfeminist may be applied to a person of either sex, according to 86 percent of the Usage Panel. 用法专题使用小组86%的成员认为词条feminist ,可用来指任一性别的人 〔ferninst〕Ferninst, meaning "opposite, next to, against,” has been attributed to Irish English, brought over during the peak years of Irish immigration to the United States in the mid-19th century. However, other, earlier citations with various spellings date further back: "I walked with them to a room nearly fornent the old state-house" (Davy Crockett). These variant forms are traceable to the American colonial period, when the source of ferninst was probably Scotland or other parts of the British Isles. The term is now dying out; Craig M. Carver, in his book American Regional Dialects, reports that "only nine [ DARE ] informants, all well over sixty-five years of age, used this term.” A derived noun ferninster, meaning "someone who is deliberately contrary,” is also used: "The trouble with the Republican leaders in Congress . . . is that they are just ferninsters" (William Allen White). Ferninst 的意思是“在…对面、附近或旁边,”该词曾被认为属于爱尔兰英语,是19世纪中期爱尔兰人迁移到美国的高峰期带来的。然而,其它或更早的不同拼写的引证可追溯到更远: “我和他们走到几乎正对着那个旧客舱的一个屋子里” (戴维克·罗克特)。这些不同的形式可追溯到美国殖民时期, ferninst 的起源可能是苏格兰或英国小岛的其他部分。这个词条现在消失了;克瑞格·M·卡文,在他的书 美国地区方言 中记述了“仅九个[ 美国方言 资料提供者,年纪都已过了六十五岁,用这个词条”。派生的名词 ferninster, 意思是“故意相反的人,”也用于: 共和党领导在议会中的麻烦…是因为他们只是些自相矛盾的人 (威廉·艾伦·怀特) 〔common〕the common dandelion. The term also suggests lack of distinction and can imply coarseness or crudeness: 普通的蒲公英。 此词条也暗示缺乏区别并能意指粗劣或未加工: 〔few〕whileless is used with mass terms denoting things of measurable extent ( 而less 与很多可测量范围的指示事物的词条连用( 〔guideword〕A word or term that appears at the top of each page or column in a reference book, such as a dictionary, to indicate the first or last entry on the page.眉题:工具书中,如字典中每一页或每一列最上方出现的字或词,用来标明该页起首和末尾的词条〔inversion〕Used as a term for homosexuality.同性恋:用指同性恋的词条〔freedom〕 Freedom is the most general term: Freedom 是最常用的词条〔definition〕A statement of the meaning of a word, phrase, or term, as in a dictionary entry.释义:对单词、短语或术语的意义的说明,如字典的词条中的解释〔interloper〕The wordinterloper comes to us from the days when England was embarking on the course that would lead to the British Empire. Interloper, first recorded in connection with the Muscovy Company, which was the earliest major English trading company (chartered in 1555),was soon being used as well in regard to the East India Company (chartered in 1600).Since these companies were monopolies,independent traders calledinterlopers were not wanted. The term is probably partly derived from Dutch,the language of one of the great trade rivals of the English at that time.Theinter- is simply a use of the prefix inter-, which English has borrowed from Latin,meaning "between, among.”The element-loper is probably related to the same element in landloper, "vagabond,” a word adopted from Dutchlandlooper, with the same sense and composed ofland, "land,” and lōper, from lōpen, "to run, leap.” The wordinterloper, first recorded around 1590, was too useful in a world of busybodies to be restricted to its original specialized senseand came to be used in the extended sense "busybody" in the 17th century.单词interloper 起源于英格兰向大英帝国演化的年代。 有关interloper 的记载最早与曼斯可维公司有联系。 这家公司是英国早期的主要贸易公司(设立于1555年)。随后这词又用于与东印度公司(设立于1600年)有关的方面。因为这两家公司都是垄断企业,因而不需要称interlopers 为独立经营者。 这一词条可能部分来源于荷兰语,当时英国主要贸易对手之一的语言。inter- 只是简单地作为前缀 inter- 使用, 这前缀是英语以拉丁语借用过来的,意为“在…之间,在…当中。”词素-loper 可能与“流浪汉” landloper 中的相同词素有关, 这个词从荷兰语landlooper 吸收过来, 意义不变,由“土地”land 和来自 lopen 意为“跑,跳”的 loper 组成。 interloper 一词最早约记载于1590年, 在充满多事者的世界里极为有用以致于不能局限于其原来的专有意思,在17世纪逐渐使用其引申义“爱管闲事的人”〔feeling〕 Emotion is often considered to be the stronger of the two terms and to imply the presence of excitement or agitation: Emotion 常被认为是这两个词条中较强烈的一个,暗含兴奋或焦虑的意思: 〔intrapreneur〕The wordentrepreneur is more than 150 years old, having come into English from French in 1828.But it is not until very recently that we find its intracorporate counterpart,intrapreneur, meaning "a person within a large corporation who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into a profitable finished product through assertive risk-taking and innovation.”This coinage is generally attributed to management consultant Gifford Pinchot,author of the 1985 book entitledIntrapreneuring; others insist its true originator was Norman Macrae, deputy editor of theEconomist, although Macrae himself denies it.Still, whatever its exact source,in the scant number of years since its inception the termintrapreneur has gained currency very quickly. It has also given rise to various derivatives,such as the aforementioned gerundintrapreneuring, the noun intrapreneurship (as in a September 30, 1985, interview with Stephen Jobs inNewsweek : "The Macintosh team was what is commonly known as intrapreneurship—only a few years before the term was coined—a group of people going in essence back to the garage, but in a large company"),the adjectiveintrapreneurial, and another noun, intrapreneurialism ("what has become known as intrapreneurialism, where people within the corporation acquire more adventurous small business outlooks,” by Ian Hamilton-Fazy in "An Uneasy Co-existence,”Financial Times, October 23, 1984). Broad use of a word and the development of numerous derivatives are strong signals predicting staying power within the language.Intrapreneur and its spinoffs are of particular interest to etymologists and lexicographers because they illustrate the constant changes inherent in a living language.entrepreneur 一词已有150多年的历史, 于1828年从法语传入英语。但是直到最近我们才发现其在公司内部的对应人物intrapreneur , 意为“对通过果断地承担风险和革新使想法变为有利可图的成品这一过程承担直接责任的大公司里的高级成员”。这个新造的词普遍认为应归功于业务顾问吉福德·平肖,1985年出版的名为Intrapreneuring 一书的作者; 其他人坚持其真正的发明者是经济学家 杂志的副编辑诺曼·麦克里, 虽然麦克里本人否认这一点。然而,不管其准确的起源是什么,自它开始出现以来的短短几年中,intrapreneur 一词已很快流行开来。 它同样产生了多个衍生词,例如前面提到的动名词intrapreneuring ,名词 intrapreneurship (例如新闻周刊 于1985年9月30日斯蒂芬·乔布斯的采访中: “马金托什队通常地以出色的企业运作而闻名——仅仅是这个词条被发明的几年前——一群实质上是回到汽车房的人,而现在不过是大公司的汽车房罢了”),形容词intraprenurial 以及另一个名词 intrapreneurialim (以企业运作主义出名的地方,在那儿公司内部的职员获得更为冒险的商业前景”,伊恩·汉密尔顿一费茨的“不稳定的共存”,金融时报 1984年10月23日出版)。 一个词的广泛运用以及无数派生词的产生是预示语言内部持久力的强烈的信号。词源学家以及词典编纂者对intrpreneur 以及它的派生词产生了独特的兴趣, 因为它们说明现用语言所固有的持续不断的变化〔umpire〕The anguished, hostile cry "Kill the ump" could have been "kill the nump" had it not been for the linguistic process known as false splitting or juncture loss.In the case ofumpire we can almost see the process in action if we study the Middle English Dictionary entry for noumpere, the Middle English ancestor of our word. Noumpere comes from the Old French nonper, made up ofnon, "not,” and per, "equal,” as is someone who is requested to act as arbiter of a dispute between two people; that is, the arbiter is not paired with one of them.In Middle English the earliest recorded form isnoumper (about 1350). The earliest dated form without ann in the entry is owmpere ( a Middle English variant spelling),in a text composed in 1440.How then was lost can be seen if we compare the sequence a noounpier in a text written in 1426-1427 with the sequence an Oumper from a text written probably around 1475. Then of noumpere became attached to the indefinite article, giving usan instead of a and, eventually,umpire instead of .numpire. 要不是因为被称为假分裂或失去连音的语言学过程,"Kill the ump"(杀掉裁判)这样痛苦,仇恨的呐喊可能会成为"kill the nmup"。在umpire 这一例子中,如果我们研究一下 中古英语词典 中 noumpere 这一词条,即该词在中古英语中的原型,便会了解这一语言学现象的过程。 Noumpere 来自于古法语 nonper, 由non, “不”,和 per, “平等的”组成,表示一个应要求就两人之间的争议做出仲裁的人; 也就是说,不与任何一人合作的公断人。中古英语的最先记录形式是noumper (约1350年)。 词条中没有n 的最早形式是 owmpere ( 中古英语的变体拼写),出现于1440年所做的一篇文章。通过比较两个顺序可以看出n 是我们被省略的:一个是 a noounpier ,出现于写于1426年至1427年间的一篇文章;另一个是 an Oumper 摘自可能写于1475年的文章。 noumpere 中的 n 变得和不定冠词连在一起, 成为an 而非 n , 最后就出现了umpire 而不是 ·numpire




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