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释义 〔dictionary〕A reference book containing an alphabetical list of words, with information given for each word, usually including meaning, pronunciation, and etymology.词典:含有字母顺序的参考书,提供有各个词的资料,通常包括词义、语音和词源〔cuddle〕[Origin unknown] [词源未知] 〔ditto〕Ditto, which at first glance seems a handy and insignificant sort of word, actually has a Roman past,for it comes fromdictus, "having been said,” the past participle of the verbdīcere, "to say.” In Italiandīcere became dire anddictus became detto, or in the Tuscan dialect ditto. Italiandetto or ditto meant what said does in English, as in the locution "the said story.”Thus in a construction such asDecember 22 the worddetto or ditto could be used by itself instead of the month nameat the next mention of a date in the same month, for example,26 detto. The first recorded use (1625) ofditto occurs in English in such a construction. The sense "copy" is an English development,first recorded in 1818. Ditto has even become a trademark for a duplicating machine,something that has not happened tosaid yet. Ditto 这个词第一眼看上去好象是一种方便的、无意义的词, 其实它出于过去的罗马,因为该词源自dictus “已说过的”, 是动词dicere “说”的过去分词。 在意大利语中,dicere 变成了 dire , 而dictus 变成了 detto 或托斯卡纳方言的 ditto。 意大利语中的detto 或 ditto 的意义相当于现在英语中的 said , 如惯用语"the said story"(该故事,上述故事)。因此在诸如这样的结构December 22 (12月22日)中, 当下面提及同一个月的某一天时,就可用detto 或 ditto 来代替月份, 例如,26 detto (12月26日)。 ditto 一词的最初有记录的用法(1625年)出现在英语的这种结构中。 “复制”这一词义是在英语中发展起来的,最早的记录在1818年, Ditto 甚至成了复印机的商标,而said 还没有 〔scag〕[Origin unknown] [词源不详] 〔palooka〕[Origin unknown] [词源不详] 〔tantrum〕[Origin unknown] [词源不明] 〔dory〕[Origin unknown] [词源不明] 〔dudgeon〕[Origin unknown] [词源不明] 〔cuff〕[Origin unknown] [词源未知] 〔rankle〕A persistent resentment, a festering sore, and a little snake are all coiled together in the history of the wordrankle. "A little snake" is the sense of the Latin worddracunculus to whichrankle can be traced, dracunculus being a diminutive of dracō, "snake.” The Latin word passed into Old French, asdraoncle, having probably already developed the sense "festering sore,”because some of these sores resembled little snakes in their shape or bite.The verbdraoncler, "to fester,” was then formed in Old French. The noun and verb developed alternate forms without thed-, and both were borrowed into Middle English, the nounrancle being recorded in a work written around 1190, the verbranclen, in a work probably composed about 1300. Both words had literal senses having to do with festering sores.The noun is not recorded after the 16th century,but the verb went on to develop the figurative senseshaving to do with resentment and bitterness with which we are all too familiar.Rankle 这个词有不停的埋怨、折磨人的疼痛以及小蛇这三个意思。 “小蛇”是拉丁语dracunculus 的词义, 该词同时也是rankle 的词源, dracunculus 是意为“蛇”的 daaco 的小词尾。 该拉丁词进入古法语成为draoncle 时, 可能已有“折磨人的痛苦”这一词义,因为这种痛苦类似于小蛇的形状和撕咬。意为“骚扰,折磨”的动词draoncle 形成于法语中。 名词和动词去掉d- 后发展了各自的形式并都被借入中古英语, 名词rancle 第一次记载于1190年的一部作品中, 动词ranclen 记载于大约作于1300年的一部作品中。 两个词的本义都与“折磨人的疼痛”有关。名词在16世纪后就不见使用了,但动词却不断发展,后来便有了我们熟知的与抱怨和恼怒相关的比喻义了〔titi〕[Origin unknown] [词源不明] 〔bludgeon〕[Origin unknown] [词源不详] 〔lop〕[Origin unknown] [词源不详] 〔trepan〕[Origin unknown] [词源不明] 〔slapstick〕When we talk about slapstick,we probably do not think of two sticks slapping together,yet the word has its origin in a device that was made of two flat pieces of wood fastened at one end.This device made a loud sound if one struck someone with it,a much louder sound than a single piece would have made.Such a sound and such a blow were the stuff of comedy,albeit the comedy of farce and pantomine in which this device was originally used (the word is first recorded in 1896).Through its use with other nouns,such ascomedy, slapstick developed an abstract sense that encompassed far more than its original literal meaning.Slapstick by itself (first recorded in 1926) could now refer to the whole genre of comedy in which the literal slapstick played a role. 当我们谈到闹剧时,我们可能不会想到两根木棍敲到一起,但这个词源于一种用两块一端绑在一起的平木板制成的装置。当一个人用这个装置打某人的时候,它会发出很大的声音,这种声音比一块木板所能发出的声音大得多。这种声音和打击是喜剧里的东西,尽管这种装置最初用于闹剧和哑剧中(这个词最早的有记载的使用是在1896年),通过与其它名词连用,如comedy, slapstick 发展到了抽象的含意, 包含了远比最初的字面意思要多的含意。Slapstick (最早的有记载的使用是在1926年)这个词本身现在指的是使用闹剧中的手法的一整类喜剧 〔bolection〕[Origin unknown] [词源不明] 〔gammon〕[Origin unknown] [词源不明] 〔pilot〕The pilot of an aircraft flying through the air has a foot on the ground not literallybut etymologically.If we poke around in the etymological soil for the roots of the wordpilot, we find that it goes back to the Indo-European rootped-, meaning "foot.” From the lengthened-grade suffixed formpēdo- came the Greek word pēdon, "blade of an oar,” and in the plural, "rudder.” In Medieval Greekthere is assumed to have existed the derivativepēdōtēs, "steersman,” which passed into Old Italian and acquired several forms,includingpedota, and pilota, the form that was borrowed into Old French aspilot. English borrowed the word from French,and aspilot it has moved from the water to the air, first being recorded in 1848 with reference to an airborne pilot—a balloonist.飞行员一脚踩地飞进天空这句话字面上虽讲不通,但在词源上却可以。如果为找到pilot 的根源而溯其词源, 我们会发现它源自印欧语系词根ped- 意为“脚”。 从加长的这个词根的后缀形式pedo- 我们得到希腊词语 pedon “桨叶”及复数形式,“舵”。 在中世纪的希腊,据称曾存在派生词pedotes “舵手”, 该词进了古意大利语并添了一些形式,包括pedota 和 pilota , 这些形式被法语借用过来,便成了pilot 。 英语又借自法语,随着pilot 从水上被移用到天上, 于1848年第一次用来指天上飞行员——热气球驾驶员〔posh〕"Oh yes, Mater, we had a posh time of it down there.”So inPunch for September 25, 1918, do we find the first recorded instance of that mysterious wordposh, meaning "smart and fashionable,”although in a 1903 book by P.G. Wodehouse,Tales of St. Austin's, there is a mention of a waistcoat that was "push.” The latter may be a different word,but in either case the dates of occurrence are importantbecause they are part of the objection to derivingposh from the initials of "Port Out, Starboard Home.” This was the cooler, and thus more expensive, side of ships traveling between England and India in the mid-19th century,and the acronymPOSH was supposedly stamped on the tickets of first-class passengers traveling on that side of ships owned by the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company. No evidence is definitely known to exist for this theory, however.TheOxford English Dictionary Supplement may have found a possible source or sources for posh. Another wordposh was 19th- and early 20th-century British slang for "money,” specifically "a halfpenny, cash of small value.”This word is borrowed from the common Romany wordpåšh, "half,” which was used in combinations such aspåšhera, "halfpenny.” Posh, also meaning "a dandy,” is recorded in two dictionaries of slang published in 1890 and 1902,although this particularposh may be still another word. This word or these words, however, are much more likely to be the source ofposh than "Port Out, Starboard Home,” although the latter source certainly has caught the public's etymological fancy.“哦是的,妈妈,我们在那里过着豪华的生活。”因此在1918年9月25日的punch 上, 我们看到了那个神秘单词posh 的首次记录, 意为“豪华的,时髦的,”虽然早在1903年P·G·伍德豪斯的名为圣·奥斯汀传说 的作品中就提及了意为"push"的马夹这个词。 后者也可能是另外一个不同的词,但在任何一种情况下两者被使用的时间都很重要,因为它们都反对posh 这个词源于"Port Out,Starboard Home。” 这是意指19世纪中期往来于英格兰及印度的船只中较凉爽、因而票价也就较为昂贵的一侧,而POSH 这个首字缩拼词据说就印在半岛——东方蒸汽船航运公司所拥有的船只上较为凉爽的一侧头等舱的票上。 然而对于这一说法并没有确凿的证据来加以证明。牛津英语词典增补本 也许为 posh 找到了一个或多个可能的词源。 另一个词posh 则是19世纪和20世纪初英国人用来表示“钱”的俚语, 尤指“半便士,小面值钱币。”这个词源于吉卜赛常用词på歨 ,意为“一半”, 用在诸如意为“半便士”的复合词på歨era 中。 Posh 也有“花花公子”之意, 这一用法记录于1890年及1902年出版的两本俚语词典中,尽管这个特有的posh 也有可能是另一个词。 然而这个词及上文提到的那些词比"Port Out,Starboard Home"更有可能是posh 这个词的词源, 虽然后者早被人们确认为这个词的词源〔charlatan〕A charlatan and chatter are inseparable,even perhaps in the etymology ofcharlatan. According to one explanation,charlatan goes back through French to Italian ciarlatano, "mountebank, fraud,” from the wordciarlare, "to chatter.” Another explanation would derivecharlatan from the Italian word cerretano, "an inhabitant of Cerreto, a quack,” the village of Cerreto being noted for its charlatans.It seems, however, that bothciarlare and cerretano have been involved in the formation of the Italian word. The first example of the English word and of its earliest recorded sense,"huckster, especially of medicines, who gives his pitch to a crowd; mountebank,” is found in 1618.The sense familiar to us,"a person pretending to skill or knowledge,”is first recorded in 1809.“冒充内行者”与“喋喋不休”是分不开的,甚至也许在charlatan 的词源上。 根据一种解释,charlatan 可以由法语追溯到意大利语的 ciarlatano, “江湖郎中,骗子”, 其来自ciarlare “喋喋不休”。 另一种解释是从意大利词cerretano 派生出 charlatan, “塞利托的居民,庸医,” 以其庸医闻名的塞利托村。但似乎ciarlare 与 cerretano 两个词都与这个意大利词的形成有关。 这个英语词第一个例子以及它最早记载的意义,“大吹大擂推销商品的人,尤指向人群推销药品的人;江湖医生,”见于1618年。对于我们熟悉的含义,“冒充在技能和知识上内行的人,”最早记载于1809年〔carouse〕The origin of the wordcarouse can be found in a German interjection that meant "time to leave the bar.” Germangaraus, which is derived from the phrase gar ("all") aus ("out"), meaning "all out,” then came to mean "drink up, bottoms up,” and "a last drink before closing time.”The English borrowed this noun, with the meaning "the practice of sitting around drinking until closing time,”sometimes spelling the wordgaraus but usually spelling it closer to the way it is spelled today.Soon after the word is first recorded as a noun in 1559,we find the verbcarouse, in 1567. 单词carouse 的词源可以在意为“是离开酒吧的时候了”的日耳曼语感叹词中找到。 日耳曼语garaus 是从短语 gar (“所有的”) aus (“出去”),即“竭尽全力。全力以赴”的意思中衍生出来的; 接着又表示“喝光,干杯”和“打烊前的最后一杯”的意思。英语中借用这个名词,意为“坐着饮酒直至打烊的做法”;有时拼写成garaus , 但通常其拼写更接近于现今的拼法。该词于1559年首次做名词记录下来后,我们很快地在1567年发现了动词carouse 〔quiz〕[Origin unknown] [词源不明] 〔syphilis〕In 1530 Girolamo Fracastoro, a physician, astronomer, and poet of Verona,published a poem entitled "Syphilis, sive Morbus Gallicus,” translated as "Syphilis, or the French Disease.” In Fracastoro's poem the name of this dreaded venereal disease is an altered form of the hero's name,Syphilus. The hero, a shepherd, is supposed to have been the first victim of the disease. Where the nameSyphilus itself came from is not known for certain, but it has been suggested that Fracastoro borrowed the name from Ovid'sMetamorphoses. In Ovid's work Sipylus (spelledSiphylus in some manuscripts) is the oldest son of Niobe, who lived not far from Mount Sipylon in Asia Minor.Fracastoro's poem about Syphilus was modeled on the story of Niobe.Although the etymology involving Sipylus was known to the editors of theOxford English Dictionary, it was not accepted as their last word on the subject.C.T. Onions, one of the dictionary's editors, writing in theOxford Dictionary of English Etymology, says that “ Syphilus [the shepherd's name] is of unkn[own] origin.” Fracastoro went on to use the termsyphilis again in his medical treatise De Contagione, published in 1546. The word that Fracastoro used in Latin was eventually borrowed into English, being first recorded in 1718.1530年,吉罗拉莫·弗拉卡斯特罗,一位医生,天文学家,也是维罗纳的诗人,发表了名为"Syphius, sive Morbus Gallicus"的诗,译作“梅毒,或法国疾病”。在弗拉卡斯特罗的诗中,这种可怕的性病的名字是主人公名字 Syphilus(西弗乐斯) 的变体。 主人公是一名牧羊人,据认为是该病的第一个受害者。 Syphilus(西弗乐斯) 这一名字本身的来源并不明确, 但有人认为弗拉卡斯特罗是从奥维德的变形记 中借用的。 在奥维德的作品中,西皮卢斯(Sipylus)(有些版本写作Siphylus )是尼俄柏的大儿子, 他住在小亚细亚的锡皮劳恩山附近。弗拉卡斯特罗的有关西弗乐斯的诗是以尼俄柏的故事为原型的。尽管牛津英语词典 的编者们知道有关西弗乐斯的词源, 这种词源解释还没有被最终确认下来。该词典的编者之一,C·T·奥尼恩斯在牛津英语词源 中写道“ 西弗乐斯 的词源不详”。 在弗拉卡斯特罗发表于1546年的医学论文传染病 中,他继续用 梅毒 这一词语。 弗拉卡斯特罗用的这一拉丁语词是终被借用进英语,其最早的记录出现于1718年〔joke〕It is hard to imagine the English language without the wordjoke , butjoke is only first recorded in 1670. Sincejoke was originally considered a slang or informal usage, it was not suitable to all contexts.The change in status ofjoke from then to now provides us with an excellent example of how usage changes. Joke has a decent enough heritage at any rate, coming from Latiniocus, "jest, sport, laughingstock, trifle.”Iocus in turn can be traced back to the Indo-European root yek-, meaning "to speak,” from which also comes the Umbrian wordiuka, "prayers,” and the Welsh wordiaith, "speech.” 我们很难想象英语中如果没有joke 这个词会怎样, 但是joke 在1670年才首次有文字记载。 因为joke 起初被认为是俚语或非正式用语, 以前它并不是在所有的文章中都适用的。从那时到现在joke 地位上的变化给我们提供了一个关于语言用法如何变化的极好的例子。 不管怎样joke 的词源算得上很体面, 它来自于拉丁语中iocus 一词, 表示“玩笑,游戏,笑柄,琐事”。Iocus 反过来又可追溯到印欧语系中的词根 yek- 表示“说话”, 从这个词根还派生出翁布里亚语中iuka 一词,即“祈祷”, 以及威尔士语中iaith 一词,即“讲话,演说” 〔bet〕[Origin unknown] [词源未知] 〔retire〕Despite the upbeat books written about retiringand the fact that it is a well-earned time of relaxation from the daily rigors of work,many people do not find it a particularly pleasant prospect.Perhaps the etymology ofretire may hint at why. The ultimate source of our word is the Old French wordretirer, made up of the prefixre-, meaning in this case "back,” and the verb tirer, "to draw,” together meaning "to take back or withdraw.” The first use of the English wordretire is recorded in 1533 in reference to a military force that withdraws.It is not until 1667 that we find the word used to mean "to withdraw from a position for more leisure.”In regard to the sting in all thiswe need to look at the source oftirer, "to draw, draw out, endure,”which ultimately may be from Old Frenchmartir, "a martyr,” probably reflecting the fact that martyrs had to endure the torture of being stretched up to and beyond the point of dislocating their bones.尽管有关于退休的乐观书籍,以及退休是从日常工作的严酷中解放出来的极好时光的事实,许多人并没有发现它特别令人愉悦的地方。也许retire 的语源学暗示了原因。 这个词最早的来源是古法语单词retirer , 由在此意指“向后”的前缀re- 及意为“拉”的动词 tiver 合在一起组成,意为“撤回或退回”。 英语单词retire 的使用则最早记录于1553年, 指撤退的军队。直到1667年我们才发现该词用于表达“为得到更多的闲暇而退出职位。”考虑到所有这些词的负面含义,我们有必要看看tirer 的词源, 其意为“拉,拉出,容忍,”它可能最初源于意为“殉道者”的古法语martir , 这可能反映了一个事实,即殉者不得不忍受四肢被拉直至骨肉脱离的酷刑〔comrade〕A comrade can be socially or politically close,a closeness that is found at the etymological heart of the wordcomrade. In Spanish the Latin wordcamara, with its Late Latin meaning "chamber, room,” was retained, and the derivativecamarada, with the sense "roommates, especially barrack mates,” was formed. Camarada then came to have the general sense "companion.” English borrowed the word from Spanish and French,Englishcomrade being first recorded in the 16th century. The political sense ofcomrade, now associated with Communism, had its origin in the late-19th-century use of the word as a title by socialists and communists in order to avoid such forms of address asmister. This usage, which originated during the French Revolution,is first recorded in English in 1884.同志在社会或政治关系上是亲密的,这种亲密的意思可以从comrade 的词源中找到。 在西班牙语中,拉丁词camara 仍保留有它的拉丁语意思“小房间,房间”, 同时出现了它的派生词camarada 意思是“室友,尤指同营房的战友”。 接着Camarada 具有了一般“同伴”的意思。 英语从西班牙语和法语中借用了这个词,英语中comrade 第一次出现是在16世纪。 comrade 的政治意义现在是与共产主义相联的, 最初在19世纪末,它是作为社会主义者或共产主义者的前称以区别于mister(先生) 一词的。 这种用法起源于法国大革命时期,第一次在英语中出现则是在1884年。〔jolt〕[Origin unknown] [词源不详] 〔jungle〕One might be surprised to learn that the wordjungle is not African in origin nor does it come from a word that only meant "land densely overgrown with tropical vegetation and trees.” Jungle goes back to the Sanskrit word jaṅgalam, meaning "desert, wasteland,”and also "any kind of uncultivated area, such as heavily forested land.”The Sanskrit wordjaṅgala- passed into various Indian languages and from one or more of these languages into English.In Englishjungle was used for land overgrown with vegetation, for the vegetation itself,and for such land outside India.The word was also extended figuratively in various ways.We have, for example, asphalt jungles, concrete jungles, blackboard jungles, academic jungles, corporate jungles,and, in a February 1972 issue of theGuardian, the government official who "lit up some lurid corners of the taxation jungle.”jungle 一词的词源不是非洲语,也不是来自仅仅意为“长满茂密的热带植物和树木的地带”的单词;知道这一点也许会让人吃惊。 Jungle 可追溯到梵语词 jangalam , 其意为“荒漠,荒原”,也指“任何未开垦的地域,如茂密的森林”。梵语词jangala- 传入多种印度语中, 又从这其中的一种或多种语言再传入英语。在英语中jungle 用来指长满植物的地带, 指植物本身,也指印度以外的类似地带。该词也在多方面引申为比喻意义。例如,我们有柏油丛林、水泥丛林、黑板丛林、学术丛林、公司丛林,此外在1972年2月发行的一期卫报 上, 还出现了“揭露税收丛林中鲜为人知的龌龊勾当”的政府官员〔copacetic〕We know very little about the origin of the wordcopacetic, meaning "excellent, first-rate.” Is its origin to be found in Italian, in the speech of southern Black people, in the Creole French dialect of Louisiana, or in Hebrew?John O'Hara, who used the word inAppointment in Samarra, later wrote thatcopacetic was "a Harlem and gangster corruption of an Italian word.” O'Hara went on to say, "I don't know how to spell the Italian,but it's something like copacetti.” His uncertainty about how to spell the Italian is paralleled by uncertainty about how to spellcopacetic itself. Copacetic has been recorded with the spellings copasetic, copasetty, copesetic, copisettic, and kopasettee. The spelling is now more or less fixed, however, ascopacetic or copasetic, even though the origin of the word has not been determined.The Harlem connection mentioned by O'Hara would seem more likely than the Italian,sincecopacetic was used by Black jazz musicians and is said to have been Southern slang in the late 19th century. Ifcopacetic is Creole French in origin, it would also have a Southern homeland.According to this explanation,copacetic came from the Creole French word coupersètique, which meant "able to be coped with,” "able to cope with anything and everything,” "in good form,”and also "having a healthy appetite or passion for life or love.”Those who support the Hebrew or Yiddish origin ofcopacetic do not necessarily deny the Southern connections of the word. One explanation has it that Jewish storekeepers used the Hebrew phrasekol bĕṣedeq, "all with justice,”when asked if things were O.K. Black children who were in the store as customers or employees heard this phrase ascopacetic. No explanation of the origin ofcopacetic, including the ones discussed here, has won the approval of scholars, as is clearly shown by the etymology ofcopacetic in the first volume of the Dictionary of American Regional English, published in 1985: "Etym unknown.” 我们对copacetic 这个词的词源所知甚少,其意为“极好的、一流的”。 它是起源于意大利语、南方黑人口语、路易斯安那州的克里奥耳人的法语方言还是希伯来语?约翰·奥哈拉在撒马拉的约会 中用到这个词, 他后来写到copacetic 是“变成哈莱姆黑人居住区和强盗土语的意大利词”。 奥哈拉还说,“我不知道原来的意大利词是如何拼写的,但是有点象copacetti"。与他不敢肯定如何拼写这个意大利词一样,他对copacetic 一词本身的拼法也不敢肯定。 Copacetic 曾经被拼写成 copasetic, copasetty, copesetic, copisettic 以及 kopasettee。 现在它的拼法多少已经固定成copacetic 或 copasetic, 尽管这个词的词源仍未被确定。奥哈拉所提及的它与哈莱姆黑人居住区的关系看上去比它和意大利语的关系更有可能,因为黑人爵士歌手曾用过copacetic 这个词,并且据说在19世纪晚期它曾是南方的俚语。 如果copacetic 在词源上是克里奥耳人的法语, 那么它也是从南方来的。根据这一解释,copacetic 来自克里奥耳人法语中 coupersetique 一词, 表示“有能力与人竞争的”、“有能力处理任何事情及一切事情的”、“以好的方式的”,还表示“对生活或爱情有正常的欲望或激情的”。那些认为copacetic 来自希伯来语或意第绪语的人并不一定否认这个词与南方的关系。 一种解释认为,犹太店主们在被询问是否一切都好时用了希伯来语中的短语kol bĕṣedeq 即“一切太平”之意, 在店里作工或买东西的黑人儿童将这个短语听成了copacetic。 在关于copacetic 词源的解释中,包括以上讨论的这些,没有一种得到学者们的认可, 这一点我们可以在美国方言英语辞典 (1985年出版)第一册关于 copacetic 一词的词源解释中清楚地看到:“词源不知” 〔terry〕[Origin unknown] [词源不详] 〔kibosh〕[Origin unknown] [词源不详] 〔turmoil〕[Origin unknown] [词源不明] 〔wingding〕[Origin unknown] [词源不详] 〔cushy〕Sincecushy has such an informal, breezy, American ring, it is difficult to believe that it is an import, as some etymologists claim.Members of the British army in India are supposed to have picked up the Anglo-Indian version of the Hindi word±hūush, meaning "pleasant,” to which the suffix-y, as in empty and sexy, was added, thus forming a new English word. Cushy, however, is actually first recorded in a letter from the European battlefront during World War I. This fact, in conjunction with our inability to find an Anglo-Indian source,casts some doubt on the Hindi or Anglo-Indian origin ofcushy. Two other possibilities are thatcushy is a shortening of cushion with the -y suffix or that it is a borrowing of Frenchcouchée, "lying down; a bed.” 既然cushy 一词具有如此非正式的、愉快的美国意义, 很难相信某些词源学者所认为的说它是一个外来词。驻印度的英国军队士兵被认为是选用了印度英语±hūush 的英语说法,意思是“愉悦的”, 并如同empty 和 sexy 等词在其上加了 -y 这个后缀,从而形成了一个新英语单词。 然而,事实上cushy 一词却最先被记录在第一次世界大战期间发自欧洲战斗前线的一封信里。 这一事实,再加上我们无法找到其印度英语的词源,使我们对于cushy 一词源于印地语或印度英语的说法产生了某些怀疑。 另两种可能性,一种是cushy ,它是 cushion 的缩略形式再加上后缀 -y ; 另一种是法语couchee “躺下;床”的外来语 〔steeve〕[Origin unknown] [词源不详] 〔lush〕[Origin unknown] [词源不详] 〔brill〕[Origin unknown] [词源不明] 〔punk〕[Origin unknown] [词源不明] 〔fiction〕"The latest fiction" to most people means the latest novels or storiesrather than the most recently invented pretense or latest lie.All three senses of the wordfiction point back to its source, Latin fictiō, "the action of shaping, a feigning, that which is feigned.” Fictiō in turn was derived from fingere, "to make by shaping, feign, make up or invent a story or excuse.” Our first instance offiction, recorded in a work composed around 1412, was used in the sense "invention of the mind, that which is imaginatively invented.”It is not a far step from this meaning to the sense "imaginative literature,” first recorded in 1599.“最新的小说”对大多数人来说是指最新的小说或故事,而不是指最新捏造出的谎言。Fiction 这一词的所有的三个意思都追溯到拉丁语中的词源 fictio ,“假装,伪造,做假的行为。” 反过来fictio 则起源于 fingere, “捏造一个故事或编一个借口”。 我们可以在一部写于1412年前后的作品中找到fiction 的第一个例子, 文中所用的意思是“头脑中的虚构,是充满想象的虚构的”。这一意思已经和1599年首次记录的“虚构的文学作品”这层意思相去不远了




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