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单词 话语
释义 〔homily〕from Greek [discourse] 源自 希腊语 [话语] 〔sarcasm〕A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.讽刺,挖苦:意在伤害他人的尖刻的,常带讽刺意味的话语〔phrase〕A sequence of words intended to have meaning.话语:具有意义的一系列词语〔word〕Something said; an utterance, a remark, or a comment:话语:说的东西、言辞、评论或评语:〔mot〕A witty or incisive remark.警句:充满智慧或机智的话语〔cut〕A wounding remark; an insult.辱骂,谩骂:伤别人感情的话语;辱骂〔zinger〕A witty, often caustic remark.有力的驳斥:机智的、常常是尖利刺人的话语〔alliterate〕To use alliteration in speech or writing.押头韵:在话语或文字中使用头韵〔epilogue〕logos [word, speech] * see leg- logos [字,话语] * 参见 leg- 〔weight〕the weight of the speaker's words.发言者话语的分量〔whisper〕Soft speech produced without full voice.低语:压低嗓音说出的轻声话语〔piety〕A devout act, thought, or statement.虔诚的行为、信仰或话语〔Putonghua〕huà [words] huà [词,话语] 〔tactful〕a tactful person; a tactful remark.机敏的人;谨慎的话语〔amphibology〕An ambiguous or equivocal statement.模棱两可的言词,暧昧的话语〔animadversion〕A critical or censorious remark:意见,评论,评语:评论或批评性的话语〔anticlimax〕A sudden descent in speaking or writing from the impressive or significant to the ludicrous or inconsequential, or an instance of it:突降法:话语或写作中的精彩,重要内容突然转入荒谬的,平淡的或其中的一例:〔glib〕Marked by ease and fluency of speech or writing that often suggests or stems from insincerity, superficiality, or deceitfulness.油嘴滑舌的,能言善道的:以自如流利的话语或笔调为特征的,常含有不诚实、轻率或欺诈之举动〔mouthing〕A bombastic or empty phrase or speech. Often used in the plural:夸夸其谈:空话或言过其实的话语或词组,通常用作复数:〔quote〕To repeat or copy the words of (another), usually with acknowledgment of the source.引用,引述:重复或复录(他人)的话语,通常确定出处〔conjuration〕A magic spell or incantation.有魔力的话语或咒文〔profane〕 Blasphemous refers to impious utterances: Blasphemous 指不虔诚、不敬神的话语〔monotone〕A succession of sounds or words uttered in a single tone of voice.单调:以一种声调发出的一连串的声音或话语〔charm〕An action or formula thought to have magical power.法术:被认为有魔力的举动或话语〔quip〕A clever, witty remark often prompted by the occasion.妙语,俏皮话:经常是即兴说出的机智风趣的话语〔sarcasm〕A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.讥讽:一种措辞巧妙的话语,以运用讽刺性语言为特征,意在使被讥讽者成为被人蔑视或讽刺的对象〔forebode〕harsh words that foreboded estrangement.预示着隔阂的刺耳话语〔regionalism〕The use of regional characteristics, as of locale, custom, or speech, in literature or art.地方色彩:地方性特点,如事件的现场,风俗或话语在文学或艺术中的使用〔idiot〕A person of profound mental retardation having a mental age below three years and generally being unable to learn connected speech or guard against common dangers. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.低智商者:指智力水平在三岁小孩以下,听不懂连贯话语,也不会提防普通危险的智力有严重障碍的人。这个词现在已不用来区别人的类型,现在被认为有对人不友好的意思〔move〕words that have the power to move.令人感动的话语〔crack〕Their rude remarks cracked his equanimity.他们粗俗的话语使他再也不能保持镇定〔abracadabra〕"Abracadabra,” says the magician, unaware that at one time the thing to do with the word was wear it, not say it. Abracadabra was a magic word,the letters of which were arranged in an inverted pyramidand worn as an amulet around the neck to protect the wearer against disease or trouble.One fewer letter appeared in each line of the pyramid,until onlya remained to form the vertex of the triangle. As the letters disappeared, so supposedly did the disease or trouble.While magicians still useabracadabra in their performances, the word itself has acquired another sense, "foolish or unintelligible talk.”巫师没意识他所说的"Abracadabra"一词曾一度只是被用来佩带,而不是谈及。 Abracadabra 是一巫术用语,其字母可被排成倒金字塔形,当作护身符戴在脖子上可保护佩戴者免除疾病和灾难。金字塔形的每一行少一个字母,直到三角形顶端只剩a 一个字母。 当字母消失时,疾病和灾难也被认为是消失了。但现在的巫术师在表演时仍使用abracadabra , 于是这个词就带上了另一种意义,“愚蠢或无意义的话语〔salutatory〕An opening or welcoming statement or address, especially one delivered at graduation exercises.开幕词:表示开始或欢迎的话语或讲话,尤指在毕业典礼上的〔brachylogy〕A shortened or condensed phrase or expression.简略语:短而凝炼的话语或表述〔farewell〕An acknowledgment at parting; a good-bye.离别时的话语;再见〔parrot〕One who imitates the words or actions of another, especially without understanding them.应声虫,学舌者:模仿别人的话语或动作的人,尤指未经理解就模仿〔slang〕A kind of language occurring chiefly in casual and playful speech, made up typically of short-lived coinages and figures of speech that are deliberately used in place of standard terms for added raciness, humor, irreverence, or other effect.俚语:主要出现在非正式的、游戏性的话语中的一种语言,基本由存在时间很短的派生词和修辞构成,它们被故意地用来取代标准的词语以达到生动、幽默、无礼或其它效果〔obscenity〕Something, such as a word, an act, or an expression, that is indecent or lewd.猥亵的话:不正经或淫猥的事物,如话语、行动或表情〔parrot〕Any of numerous tropical and semitropical birds of the order Psittaciformes, characterized by a short hooked bill, brightly colored plumage, and, in some species, the ability to mimic human speech or other sounds.鹦鹉:多种热带和亚热带鹦形目鸟类中的任一种,其特征是长有短钩喙,亮色羽毛,有些种类的鸟能模仿人的话语或其它声音〔prose〕from Latin prōsa (ōrātiō) [straightforward (discourse)] [feminine of] prōsus 源自 拉丁语 prōsa (ōrātiō) [直来直去的(话语)] prōsus的阴性词




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