单词 | 该处 |
释义 | 〔prothorax〕The anterior division of the thorax of an insect, bearing the first pair of legs.前胸:昆虫胸部前面的一节,第一对足就长在该处〔sheer〕The position in which a ship is placed to enable it to keep clear of a single bow anchor.单锚系泊的船位:放置船以使之能在该处保持单锚停泊的位置〔areola〕A small, specialized, cushionlike area on a cactus from which hairs, glochids, spines, branches, or flowers may arise.果隙,细隙:仙人球上的小的,特殊的,衬垫状区域,从该处可长出毛丝、倒钩、刺、分支或花〔boil〕A painful, circumscribed pus-filled inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue usually caused by a local staphylococcal infection. Also called furuncle 疖:皮肤和皮下组织灌脓和发炎的一块,有疼痛,常为该处葡萄球菌感染引起 也作 furuncle〔thermojunction〕The point of contact between two dissimilar metals in a thermocouple at which a thermoelectric current is produced.热接头:热电偶中两种不同金属的接触点,在该处热电流产生〔Elephantine〕An island of southeast Egypt in the Nile River below the First Cataract. In ancient times it was a military post guarding the southern frontier of Egypt. The Elephantine papyruses, dating from the fifth centuryb.c. , were discovered here in 1903. 埃勒分蒂尼:埃及东南部的一个岛,位于尼罗河上,在第一大瀑布下。古代为保卫埃及南部边疆的军事要塞。1903年在该处发现公元前 5世纪前埃的勒分蒂尼纸莎草文件 〔Esquiline〕One of the seven hills of ancient Rome. Nero's Golden House and Trajan'sThermae, or hot baths, were in the area. 埃斯奎利诺山:古罗马传说的七座山之一,尼禄的金房子和图雷真的家就在该处,有古罗马的《公共浴池》 热水浴 〔shed〕Something that sheds, especially an elevation in the earth's surface from which water flows in two directions; a watershed.分水岭:使散开的某些东西,尤指地球表面的高地,水由该处向两个方向流动;分水岭〔felony〕One of several grave crimes, such as murder, rape, or burglary, punishable by a more stringent sentence than that given for a misdemeanor.重罪,大罪:如谋杀、强奸或抢劫等该处以比轻罪更严厉的惩罚的严重罪行 |
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