单词 | 语义 |
释义 | 〔grammar〕A book containing the morphologic, syntactic, and semantic rules for a specific language.语法书:某种语言的词法规则,句法规则和语义规则的书〔claustrophobic〕This latter usage was unacceptable to 74 percent of the members of the Usage Panel,many of whom said thatclaustrophobic should be used only to describe a psychological state. In defense of this usage,however, it can be pointed out that it is well establishedand that it follows a general tendencyto combine adjectives with nouns according to a progressively looser construal of the semantic connection between the two.Thus the phrasetopless swimsuit came to be followed by topless dancers, which led in turn totopless bars, topless districts, and topless ordinances. By the same token,a room that induces a particular emotion may be described assad or cheerful without objection, and there seems to be no principled basis for drawing the line at calling itclaustrophobic. 后种用法为用法使用小组中74%的成员所不接受,其中许多人说claustrophobic 应只能用来描述一种心理状态。 为维护这种用法,毕竟要指出这种用法已经很好地确定了下来,并且它跟随一种普遍倾向,即通过对形容词与名词之间语义联系积极的、更密切的解释将两者合并。这样,词组topless swimsuit 导引出 topless dancers, 随之又引出topless bars,topless district 和 topless ordinance 。 用同样的表示法,导致一种特殊情绪的状况可描述为无任何异议的sad 或 cheerful , 称其为claustrophobic 似乎不存在什么描述性的原则 〔repose〕Latin re- [re-] 拉丁语 re- [前缀,强调语义] 〔allow〕from Latin allaudāre [to praise] ad- [intensive pref] * see ad- laudāre [to praise] * see laud 源自 拉丁语 allaudāre [称赞] ad- [加强语义的前缀] * 参见 ad- laudāre [称赞] * 参见 laud〔repine〕re- [re-] re- [前缀,强调语义的] 〔disambiguate〕To establish a single grammatical or semantic interpretation for.消除…的歧义:建立唯一的语法或语义解释〔melioration〕The linguistic process by which a word over a period of time grows more elevated in meaning or more positive in connotation.改良:在一段时期里一个字的语义逐渐提高及内涵更明确的语言学过程〔kanamycin〕New Latin kanamyc(ēticus) [specific epithet of a species of actinomycete] kana [of unknown meaning] mycēticus [fungus] from -mycētēs * see -mycete 新拉丁语 kanamyc(ēticus) [一种放线菌的种名形容词] kana [语义不详] mycēticus [细菌] 源自 -mycētēs * 参见 -mycete〔nice〕Used as an intensive withand : 用作一个加强语义词,和"and" 联用: 〔classifier〕A word or morpheme used in some languages in certain contexts, such as counting, that indicates the semantic class to which an item belongs. For example,hon is used in Japanese in counting long, slender objects such as sticks or pencils. 量词:在特定的上下文中用于某些语言的词汇或词素,如在计数时,指明一个物品所属的语义类别。例如,hon 在日语中用来计数细长物体(如木棍或铅笔) 〔clever〕Being too clever is thought to be unwise,and support for this popular notion may be afforded by the fact that the devil seems to have been the first "clever" one in English.The source of our wordclever is probably the Middle English word cliver, recorded only once in a work written before 1250,in which it is said that the devil is "cliver on sinnes.”This means something like "skillful in respect to sins.”Cliver probably goes back to the Indo-European root gleubh-, "to cut, cleave.” Although the intermediate ancestry ofcliver is unclear, the semantic connection has to do with penetration or incisiveness—that is, cutting through to the heart of the matter,just as a woodcarver cuts through material in order to realize a certain vision.太聪明被认为是愚蠢的,英语中魔鬼被认为是第一“聪明的”,这一事实可能是这一普遍概念的例证。clever 的词源可能是中世纪英语单词 cliver , 仅在一本1250年以前写的著作中出现过一次,书中说魔鬼“在犯罪方面很聪明”。这个含义有些类似于“在犯罪方面很有本事。”Cliver 可以追溯到印欧词根 gleubh- “切、削”。 虽然cliver 的中介来源尚不清楚, 但语义的联系肯定与穿透力或透彻性有关--即穿透事物的本质,就象木工劈开材料以了解其内在材质〔report〕re- [re-] re- [表示强调语义的前缀] 〔reparation〕 Amends, less forceful thanredress, usually implies the giving of satisfaction for a minor grievance or lesser injury: Amends, 语义比redress 稍弱, 通常指的是对较小的冤屈或伤害作出满意的补偿: 〔reserve〕re- [re-] re- [加强语义的前缀] 〔reside〕re- [re-] re- [前缀,加强语义] 〔vulgar〕The wordvulgar brings to mind off-color jokes, but this was not always so.Ironically the wordvulgar is itself an example of pejoration, the process by which the semantic status of a word changes for the worse over a period of time.The ancestor ofvulgar, the Latin word vulgāris (from vulgus, "the common people"), meant "of or belonging to the common people, everyday,”as well as "belonging to or associated with the lower orders.”Vulgāris also meant "ordinary,” "common (of vocabulary, for example),” and "shared by all.” Its only sense of the sort we might expect was related to the notion of general sharing, that is, "sexually promiscuous.”Our word, first recorded in a work composed in 1391,entered English during the Middle English period,and in Middle English and later English we find not only the senses mentioned above but also related senses.What is common can be seen as debased,and in the 17th century we begin to find instances ofvulgar that made very explicit what was already implicit. Vulgar now meant "deficient in taste, delicacy, or refinement.” From such usevulgar has gone downhill, and at present "crudely indecent" is probably one of the first senses ofvulgar that occurs to many when the word is used. Vulgar 这个词使人想起下流的玩笑, 但这并不尽然。具有讽刺意味的是vulgar 这个词本身就是一个贬义词, 是一个词的语义经过一段时间变为贬义的过程。Vulgar 的语源,拉丁词 vulgaris (来自于 vulgrs, “普通人”), 意思是平常人的、属于平常人的或日常的,”也意味着“属于低等阶级的,与低阶级有关的。”Vulgaris 也意味着“平常的”,“普通的(如词汇表的)”,和“大家共有的。” 我们可能会想到的这一类的唯一意思与“大家共有的”的意思是有关,即“滥交的。”这个词,首先记载于1391年编的一部书里,在中古英语期间进入英语,在中古英语和后期的英语中我们不仅发现它有上述的意思,也有其它相关的意思。普通的可以被看作是低下的,在17世纪我们开始发现vulgar 把含蓄的意思变得很明显的例子。 现在vulgar 指“品味、格调或教养不高的。” 以这个意思vulgar 开始走下坡路, 现在当人们使用vulgar 时,对许多人来讲“粗野下流的”可能是第一个意思 〔reposit〕re- [re-] re- [前缀,加强语义] 〔altogether〕Altogether should be used only when the sense could be expressed by entirely or completely. Altogether只有在其语义可以用 entirely 或 completely表达出来时才可以被使用。 〔participle〕The "dangling participle" is quite common in speech,where it often passes unremarked;but its use in writing can lead to unintentional absurdities,as in He went to watch his horse take a turn around the track carrying a copy of the breeders' guide under his arm. Even when the construction occasions no ambiguity,it is likely to distract the reader,who will ordinarily be operating on the assumption that a participle or other modifying phrase will be associated with the noun phrase that is immediately adjacent to it.Thus the sentenceTurning the corner, the view was quite different would be better rewritten as The view was quite different when we turned the corner or Turning the corner, we saw a different view. · A number of expressions originally derived from active participles are now well established as prepositions of a kind,and these may be used freely to introduce phrases that are not associated with the immediately adjacent noun phrase.Such expressions includeconcerning, considering, failing, granting, judging by, and speaking of. Thus one may writeSpeaking of politics, the elections have been postponed or Considering the hour, it is surprising that he arrived at all. “不连结分词”在口语中十分常见,只是常常被忽略;但它在书面中却会无意地导致语义模糊,如:他胳膊下夹着一本饲养员指南书去看他的马转过跑道的拐弯处。 即使这种结构不会产生语义不清,它也很可能迷惑读者,他们通常会假定分词或其它的修饰性短语会跟其紧接的名词性短语相联系。这样,最好把句子转弯后,景色大为不同 写成 我们一转弯就发现景色大为不同 或 转弯后我们看到景色大为不同。 · 一些最初由主动分词派生出来的表达方式现在已经作为某类介词而被固定下来,这些表达方式可以用来引入一些与紧接的名词短语没有联系的短语,这些表达方式包括concerning,considering,failing,granting,judging by 和 speaking of。 由此我们就可以这样写考虑到政治因素,将选举延期了 或 就时间来说,他在任何情况下到来都令人惊讶 〔semanteme〕An irreducible unit of meaning.义素,语义成分:不可再分的语义单位〔grammar〕The study of structural relationships in language or in a language, sometimes including pronunciation, meaning, and linguistic history.语法学:对语言间或一种语言内部的结构关系的研究,有时包括语音,语义或语言史〔unique〕Over the course of the centuryunique has become the paradigmatic example of the class of terms that do not allow comparison or modification by an adverb of degree such as very, somewhat, or quite. Thus, most grammarians believe that it is incorrect to say that something isvery unique or more unique than something else, though phrases such asnearly unique and almost unique are acceptable. In the most recent survey the sentenceHer designs are quite unique in today's fashion scene was unacceptable to 80 percent of the Usage Panel. · Critical objections to the comparison and degree modification of absolute terms date to the 18th centuryand have been applied to a wide group of adjectives includingequal, fatal, omnipotent, parallel, perfect, and unanimous. According to the standard argument, such words denote properties that a thing either does or does not have but cannot have to a qualifiable degree.Thus ifunique is properly used to mean "without equal or equivalent,” something either is unique or it isn't, and phrases such asvery unique and more unique can only betray a weakening of the sense to mean something like "unusual" or "distinctive.” It is true that comparison and modification ofunique are often associated with the style favored by copywriters, as in the advertisement announcing thatOmaha's most unique restaurant is now even more unique or in the claim that a new automobile is So unique, it's patented. But modification ofunique is also found in the work of reputable writers, where it may lack any connotations of hyperbole.A painting is described asthe most unique of Beckman's self-portraits, and a travel writer states thatChicago is no less unique an American city than New York or San Francisco. The relative acceptability of these usages reflects the semantic subtlety ofunique itself. If we were to useunique only according to the strictest criteria of logic, after all, we might freely apply the term to anything in the worldsince nothing is wholly equivalent to anything else.Clearly, then, when we say that a restaurant or painting is unique,we mean that it is worthy of inclusion in a class by itself according to certain implicit but generally accepted criteria.Thus a legitimately unique painting might be one that realizes an unparalleled aesthetic vision,but not one that is rendered only in pigments whose names begin with the lettero; and a legitimately unique restaurant might be one that serves 18th-century French cuisine according to the original recipes,not one that has been installed in a converted sardine cannery.Given this understanding, it is not inherently impossible to think of uniqueness as a matter of degree,in the sense that one painting or restaurant may be more or less worthy of inclusion in a class by itself than some other. ·What is troubling about the copywriters' use ofunique is not that the word has become a synonym for unusual. Rather, it is the copywriters who are using the word in conformity with strict logic.Uniqueness is claimed for a restaurant in virtue of some trivial properties of its decor or menu,or for a resort hotel that simply happens to have a singularly picturesque view of the bay.Though it may be true that such properties render these thingslogically unique, they do not constitute legitimate grounds for putting the things into a class by themselves according to the criteria ordinarily invoked when things are sorted into classes.In fact, the abuse ofunique can be cloying even when no modification or comparison is involved; when we read an advertisement for a line of sportswear that featuresa unique selection of colors, we may suspect that the distinctive properties of the color selection are not so remarkable as the advertiser would have us believe. But it is not surprising that these uses ofunique should lend themselves to promiscuous modification and comparison; for once it is granted that uniqueness can be claimed for any product or service that is somehow distinctive from all its competitors,it is inevitable that an increase in uniqueness will be seen in every minor innovation.See Usage Note at equal ,infinite ,parallel ,perfect 在本世纪整个过程中unique 已成为不能由程度副词,例 very、somewhat 或 quite, 比较或修饰的一类术语的例证。 因此,多数语法学家认为说某事是very unique 或 more unique than 是不正确的, 虽然短语例如nearly unique 和 almost unique 是可接受的。 在最近的调查中,句子Her designs are quite unique in today's fashion scene (她的设计在现今流行样式的场面中是很独特的) 对用法专题使用小组的百分之八十成员是不可接受的。 对纯粹术语的比较和程度修饰的主要异议可追述到18世纪,并已广泛用到许多形容词中,包括equal, fatal, omnipotent, parallel, perfect 和 unanimous。 根据标准论据,这些单词表示一事有或没有但不能有可修饰的程度的性质。于是如果unique 适当地用于表示“没有相等或相当的”,则某事是唯一的或不是唯一的, 而短语像very unique 和 more unique 仅能表露出说明某事像“不寻常的”或“独特的”的意义的减弱。 的确,unique 的比较和修饰常与撰稿人喜欢的文体相联系, 如在广告中称Omaha's most unique restaurant is now even more unique(奥马哈城的最独特的餐馆现在甚至是更加独特) 或声称新汽车是 So unique, it's patented(如此独特,它取得了专利权)。 但是unique 的修饰也在著名作家的作品中发现, 那里可能缺乏夸张法的任何涵义。描述一张油画为the most unique of Beckman's self-portraits(最独特的贝克曼的自画像), 一位旅游作家叙述Chicago is no less unique an American city than New York or San Francisco(芝加哥比纽约或旧金山是不逊独特的美国城市)。 这些用法的相对可接受性反映unique 自身语义的巧妙。 如果我们仅按照逻辑的严格标准使用unique , 则我们终于会自由地把此术语使用于世界上的任何事,因为没有完全等同于另一事的事。于是,显然当我们说餐馆或油画是独特的时,我们意味着根据某种隐含的但可普遍接受的判据它是值得包含在一个等级内的。于是合理独特的油画可能是实现空前未有的审美型的,而不是仅给予名字以字母O开始的颜料; 合理独特的餐馆可能根据原来的食谱提供18世纪法国菜肴的餐馆,而不是配备转换的沙丁鱼罐头食品的餐馆。按这样了解,将独特性视为程度问题不是本来就不可能的,在这个意义上一张油画或一个餐馆或多或少可能是极好的有价值的内涵物而不是其他。关于撰稿人使用unique 的困惑不是此单词已成为 unusual 的同义词。 相反地,正是撰稿人使用此单词与严密的逻辑相一致。对餐馆声称独特性是由于它的布置或菜单的某些不重要的性质,或者对于人们常去的旅馆仅因为有海湾的独一无二地别致的景象。虽然这样的性质使得这些事logically 独特的可能是真实的, 但是当事情进行了分类,根据平常实行的判据把这些事情自身放到一类,他们不组成正常的基础。事实上unique 的滥用会使人发腻,即使在没有涉及修饰或比较的时候; 当我们读运动服装的unique selection of colors(颜色的独特选择) 的一行广告时, 我们会怀疑颜色选择的独特性质并非广告商希望我们所认为的那么明显。但不必惊讶于unique 的这些用法应当适用于杂乱的修饰和比较; 就这一次可以承认,独特性能用来指任何产品或服务,它们与所有的竞争者相比较有某种程度的特色,在每一小的创新中可以看到独特性的增加是必然会发生的 参见 equal,infinite,parallel,perfect〔represent〕re- [re-] re- [加强语义的前缀] 〔war〕A piece of liverwurst may perhaps help us gain some insight into the nature of war,at least into the semantic history of the wordwar. War and the -wurst part of liverwurst can be traced back to the same Indo-European root, wers-, "to confuse, mix up.” In the Germanic family of the Indo-European languages,this root gave rise to several words having to do with confusion or mixture of various kinds.In the case of the ancestry ofwar, the hypothetical Germanic stem .werza-, "confusion,” became .werra-, which passed into Old French, a language descended from spoken Latin but supplemented by more than 200 words borrowed from the Frankish invaders of the 5th century.From the Germanic stem came both the formwerre in Old North French, the form borrowed into English in the 12th century, and guerre (the source of guerilla ) in the rest of the Old French-speaking area. Both forms meant "war,” a very confused condition indeed.Meanwhile another Indo-European form derived from the same Indo-European root had developed into Old High Germanwurst, meaning "sausage,” from an underlying sense of "mixture,” which is, of course, related to the sense of the root "to confuse, mix up.”Modern Germanwurst was borrowed into English in the 19th century, first by itself (recorded in 1855) and then as part of the wordliverwurst (1869), the liver being a translation of Germanleber in leberwurst. 一块肝肠也许会帮助我们对战争的性质增加些认识,至少可了解war这一词的语义史。 War和 liverwurst 的一部分 -wurst 可以追溯到同一印欧语系词根 wers- “使迷惑,混杂”。 在印欧语系中的日耳曼语系中,该词根造出了好几个与迷惑或各种东西的混合物有关的词语。在war 的词源一例中,假定的日耳曼语词干 werza- “迷惑”变成了 werra- , 又传入了来自拉丁语口语的古法语中,但是又附加了由5世纪法兰克侵略者带来的200多个单词。从日耳曼语词干中,既产生了古老的北部法语中的werre (12世纪该词传入英语),又产生了其它讲古法语地区的人用的 guerre ( guerilla 的词源)。 两个形式都表示“战争”,一个的确很糟糕的局面。同时,另一个从相同的印欧语系词根派生来的印欧语形式发展成了旧高地德语wurst “香肠”, 这是从其潜含义“混合物”而来的,“混合物”显然与“使困惑,混杂”的词根的含义有关。现代德语中的wurst 于19世纪传入英语中, 首先是它的独立形式(记载于1855年),然后是liverwurst 的一部分(1869年), “肝”这层含义是由德语leberwurst 中的 leber 翻译而来 〔semantic〕Of or relating to meaning, especially meaning in language.语义的:意思的或与之相关的,尤指语义的〔nerd〕The wordnerd and a nerd, undefined but illustrated, first appeared in 1950 in Dr. Seuss'sIf I Ran the Zoo : "And then, just to show them,I'll sail to Ka-Troo And Bring Back an It-Kutch a Preep and a Proo a Nerkle a Nerd and a Seersucker, too!” (The nerd itself is a small humanoid creature looking comically angry,like a thin, cross Chester A. Arthur.)Nerd next appears, with a gloss, in the February 10, 1957, issue of the Glasgow, Scotland, Sunday Mail in a regular column entitled "ABC for SQUARES": "Nerd—a square, any explanation needed?”Many of the terms defined in this "ABC" are unmistakable Americanisms,such ashep, ick, and jazzy, as is the gloss "square,” the current meaning ofnerd. The third appearance ofnerd in print is back in the United States in 1970 in Current Slang : “Nurd [sic], someone with objectionable habits or traits. . . . An uninteresting person, a ‘dud.’” Authorities disagree on whether the two nerds—Dr. Seuss's small creature and the teenage slang term in theGlasgow Sunday Mail —are the same word. Some experts claim there is no semantic connectionand the identity of the words is fortuitous.Others maintain that Dr. Seuss is the true originator ofnerd and that the wordnerd ("comically unpleasant creature") was picked up by the five- and six-year-olds of 1950 and passed on to their older siblings, who by 1957, as teenagers,had restricted and specified the meaning to the most comically obnoxious creature of their own class,a "square.”单词nerd 和 a nerd,无定义但有说明, 第一次出现于1950年瑟斯博士写的要是我管动物园 中: “然后,仅仅是为了给他们看,我将航行到Ka-Troo,并带回It-Kutch a Preep和a Proo a Nerkle a Nerd ,还有一件印度泡泡纱!”(蠢货本身是一个具有人类特点的小动物,一副好笑发怒的样子,像瘦小很生气的切斯特·A阿瑟)。Nerd 接着在1957年2月10日苏格兰格拉斯哥人一期杂志上再次出现,还有一个解释。 星期日邮报 在一常设栏目中出了题为“古板之人ABC"的文章: "Nerd——古板之人,还需要任何解释吗?”许多在这个"ABC"中定义的术语是明显的美国特有词,如hep,ick 和 jazzy , 正如nerd 的现行意思“古板之人”一样, nerd 第三次出现于印刷品中又回到了1970年美国的 最新俚语 中: “Nurd [原文如此]带有令人不快的习惯或品质的人…一个没趣的人,一个‘饭桶。’” 权威们对这两个蠢货--瑟斯博士所指的小动物和格拉斯奇星期日邮报 上的青少年俚语是否是同一个词持不同意见。 有些专家宣称此处无语义联系,两个词的相似属偶然。其他人则坚持瑟斯博士是nerd 一词的始创者, 且nerd 一词(意为“令人不快的滑稽小动物”)让1950年时五、六岁的孩子们学会并传给了比他们大些的兄姐。 到1957年,作为青少年,他们把意思限定和专指他们当中最滑稽讨厌的家伙,即“古板守旧”的人〔whence〕The constructionfrom whence has been criticized as redundant since the 18th century. It is true thatwhence incorporates the sense of from : 词组from whence 自18世纪以来便一直被批评为重复且与语义无增的词。 确实whence 这个词含有 from 之意: 〔momentarily〕Momentarily is widely used in speech to mean "in a moment,”as inThe manager is on another line, but she'll be with you momentarily. This usage rarely leads to ambiguitysince the intended sense can usually be determined on the basis of the tense of the verb and the context.Nonetheless, many critics hold that the adverb should be reserved for the senses "for a moment" or "moment by moment,”and the extended usage is unacceptable to 59 percent of the Usage Panel.Momentarily 被广泛用于说话中, 表示“立即”,如在经理在和别人通话,但她马上会与你通话的。 这种用法很少导致语义模糊,因为要表达的意思通常可以由动词时态和上下文来决定。可是,许多评论家认为这一副词只应保留“片刻”或“即刻”的含义,对于其引申的含义,用法专题讨论小组中59%的人不予接受〔need〕Depending on the sense,the verbneed behaves sometimes like an auxiliary verb (such as can or may ) and sometimes like a main verb (such aswant or try ). When used as a main verb,need agrees with its subject, takesto before the verb following it, and combines withdo in questions, negations, and certain other constructions: 根据语义,动词need 有时当作助动词来使用(如 can 或 may ), 有时象实义动词(如want 或 try )。 当用作实义动词时,need 和主语一致, 把to 放在其后面动词的前面, 在疑问句、否定句或某些特定的造句法上和do 连用: 〔reprehend〕re- [re-] re- [前缀,加强语义] 〔ology〕A branch of learning:学科,学说,语义:学术的一个分支: |
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