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释义 | 〔kind〕The use of the plural demonstrativesthese and those with kind and sort, as inthese kind (or sort ) of films, has been a traditional bugbear of American grammarians. By and large,British grammarians have been more tolerant,and the construction can be found in the works of British writers from Pope to Dickens to Churchill.Grammatically, the question boils down towhetherkind and sort should be treated as head nouns (analogous to species or variety, for example) or whether they have become semantically weakened to the status of a sort of phrasal quantifierthat functions like an adjective,analogous in some ways tobunch and number in expressions such asa bunch of friends, a number of reasons. Ifkind and sort are unambiguously nouns, one would expect to see only singular demonstratives and singular verbs accompanying them: 复数形式的指示代词these 和 those 与 kind 和 sort 的用法, 如these kind (或 sort ) of films, 成为美国语法专家长期感到头痛的问题。 总的说来,英国语法专家对此更能容忍,这一句法结构可以在从蒲柏到狄更斯以至丘吉尔这些英国作家的著作中找到。在语法上,问题归结起来是,是否kind 和 sort 应当作中心词名词(例如,与 species 或 variety 类似), 或者是否他们语义上减弱到一种数量词短语的地位,其功能像一个形容词,某些方面类似于bunch 和 number , 其表述例如一群朋友,一大堆理由。 如果kind 和 sort 是明确的名词, 人们应该希望只看到单数指示代词和与之相伴的单数动词: 〔grammarian〕A specialist in grammar.语法专家,语言学专家〔loan〕The verbloan is well established in American usage and cannot be considered incorrect.The frequent objections to the form by American grammarians may have originatedfrom a provincial deference to British critics,who long ago labeled the usage a typical Americanism.Butloan is used only to describe physical transactions, as of money or goods.For figurative transactions,lend is the only possible form: 动词loan 在美国英语中的用法已根深蒂固, 不能认为是不确切的。美国语法专家们之所以对这一形式经常提出异议,是出于对英国批评家的狭隘尊崇,他们很久以来一直把这一用法列为典型美国腔。但loan 只用于描述物质交易, 如钱或商品。至于象征性的交易,只可能用lend : 〔kind〕To this may be added a word of caution to American writers:despite the existence of ample literary precedent forthese kind of films, the construction has been so thoroughly stigmatized by native grammariansthat its use would have to be reckoned indiscreet, if not strictly incorrect.关于这一点也许可以给美国作家加上一句警告:尽管有大量的像these kind of films 一样的文学上的先例存在, 这一结构已被本国的语法专家彻底否定掉,以至于它的用法即使不认为是严格的错误,也会被认作不慎重 |
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