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单词 语源
释义 〔butterscotch〕[of unknown origin] [语源不详] 〔bush〕and partly of Scandinavian origin ; akin to Danish busk 并且部分为斯堪的纳维亚语源 ;类似于 丹麦语 busk 〔lemon〕Although we know neither where the lemon was first grownnor when it first came to Europe,we do know from its name alone that it came to us from the Middle East,because we can trace its etymological path.One of the earliest if not the earliest occurrences of our word is found in a Middle English customs document of 1420-1421.The Middle English word, which was of the formlimon, goes back to Old Frenchlimon, showing that yet another delicacy passed into England through France.The Old French word probably came from Italianlimone, another step on the route that leads back to the Arabic wordlaymūn or līmūn, which comes from the Persian wordlīmūn. 虽然我们既不知道柠檬是在哪儿被最早种植的,也不知道它是什么时候传到欧洲的,但是我们却能单从它的名字确切地判断出它是从中东地区传到我们的,因为我们可以追溯出它的语源的发展道路。如果不是最早出现的话,最早的发现记录于1420年至1421年之间的一份中古英语海关文件中。这个中古英语单词的形式是limon , 可以追溯到古代法语中的limon 一词, 它表明又一种美味佳肴由法国传入了英国。这个古代法语单词很可能来源于意大利单词limone , 这就更朝前一步地回到了阿拉伯语中的laymun 或 limun , 这一单词来源于波斯语limun 〔sag〕probably of Scandinavian origin ; akin to Swedish sacka [to sink] 可能为斯堪的纳维亚语源 ;类似于 瑞典语 sacka [下沉] 〔grossularite〕of Germanic origin ; akin to Middle Dutch kroes [curled] 日耳曼语语源 ;类似于 中古荷兰语 kroes [卷曲的] 〔rickets〕[Origin unknown] [语源未知] 〔peak〕[Origin unknown] [语源不明] 〔tab〕[Origin unknown] [语源不明] 〔vulgar〕The wordvulgar brings to mind off-color jokes, but this was not always so.Ironically the wordvulgar is itself an example of pejoration, the process by which the semantic status of a word changes for the worse over a period of time.The ancestor ofvulgar, the Latin word vulgāris (from vulgus, "the common people"), meant "of or belonging to the common people, everyday,”as well as "belonging to or associated with the lower orders.”Vulgāris also meant "ordinary,” "common (of vocabulary, for example),” and "shared by all.” Its only sense of the sort we might expect was related to the notion of general sharing, that is, "sexually promiscuous.”Our word, first recorded in a work composed in 1391,entered English during the Middle English period,and in Middle English and later English we find not only the senses mentioned above but also related senses.What is common can be seen as debased,and in the 17th century we begin to find instances ofvulgar that made very explicit what was already implicit. Vulgar now meant "deficient in taste, delicacy, or refinement.” From such usevulgar has gone downhill, and at present "crudely indecent" is probably one of the first senses ofvulgar that occurs to many when the word is used. Vulgar 这个词使人想起下流的玩笑, 但这并不尽然。具有讽刺意味的是vulgar 这个词本身就是一个贬义词, 是一个词的语义经过一段时间变为贬义的过程。Vulgar 的语源,拉丁词 vulgaris (来自于 vulgrs, “普通人”), 意思是平常人的、属于平常人的或日常的,”也意味着“属于低等阶级的,与低阶级有关的。”Vulgaris 也意味着“平常的”,“普通的(如词汇表的)”,和“大家共有的。” 我们可能会想到的这一类的唯一意思与“大家共有的”的意思是有关,即“滥交的。”这个词,首先记载于1391年编的一部书里,在中古英语期间进入英语,在中古英语和后期的英语中我们不仅发现它有上述的意思,也有其它相关的意思。普通的可以被看作是低下的,在17世纪我们开始发现vulgar 把含蓄的意思变得很明显的例子。 现在vulgar 指“品味、格调或教养不高的。” 以这个意思vulgar 开始走下坡路, 现在当人们使用vulgar 时,对许多人来讲“粗野下流的”可能是第一个意思 〔marchese〕of Germanic origin * see merg- * 参见 merg-的德语语源 〔bunt〕[Origin unknown] [语源不详] 〔swizzle〕[Origin unknown] [语源不明] 〔grungy〕[Origin unknown] [语源不详] 〔prang〕[Origin unknown] [语源不明] 〔burlap〕[Origin unknown] [语源不明] 〔barathea〕[Origin unknown] [语源不详] 〔swivet〕[Origin unknown] [语源不明] 〔jumbuck〕perhaps of English origin 可能为 英语语源 〔resent〕When we read the statement "Should we not be monstrously ingratefull if we did not deeply resent such kindness?” (from theSermons of Isaac Barrow, written before 1677), we may be pardoned for momentarily thinking we are in never-never land.For a time ranging roughly from the last part of the 17th century to the second half of the 18th,the wordresent did refer to gratefulness and appreciation as well as injury and insult. Resent has also been used in other senses that seem strange to us, such as "to feel pain" or "to perceive by smell.”The thread that ties the senses together is the notion of feeling or perceiving.The Old French source of our word,resentir, "to feel strongly,” is made up of the prefix re-, acting in this case as an intensive, and sentir, "to feel or perceive.” There is much that one can feel,but at least for now this word has narrowed its focus to a feeling of indignation.当我们读到“假如我们对这种仁慈不深表感激,我们就应该极度地忘恩负义吗”(选自伊萨克·巴罗的启示 ,写于1677年以前)这一叙述时, 我们瞬间地想到我们处于人烟稀少的边远地区就可以得到原谅了。在大致从17世纪后期到18世纪下半期这段时间内,resent 一词确实意指感激和赏识,同时又可以指伤害和侮辱。 Resent 还可以用于在我们看来很古怪的其它意义上, 如“感到痛楚”或“通过气味感知”等。把这些意义联结在一起的线是感觉或感知的概念。该词意为“强烈地感觉”的古法语语源resentir 是由用于加强语气的前缀 re- 以及意为“感觉或感知”的 sentir, 构成的。 可以感觉到的东西很多,但至少现在这个词的重点用法已被集中于愤怒的感觉〔rhyme〕[of Germanic origin] * see ar- [德语语源的] * 参见 ar- 〔warble〕[of Germanic origin] [出于德语语源] 〔rhubarb〕The wordrhubarb may contain two hidden references to its origins. The first of these is in therhu- part of the word, which can be traced back to the Greek wordrha, meaning "rhubarb.”According to the Late Latin historian Ammianus Marcellinus,rhubarb was namedrha because it grew near the river namedRha, which we know as the Volga. The-barb part of rhubarb was actually added first to Late Latin rha, descended from Greek rha, in the form rhabarbarum, barbarum being the neuter form of barbarus, "foreign.” Another Greek word for rhubarb,rhēon, influenced the Late Latin word rhabarbarum, giving usreubarbarum, which yielded Old Frenchreubarbe. The Old French form gave us Middle Englishrubarbe, first recorded in a work written around 1390.In imitation of the way the Greek wordrha is spelled, anh was added, completing the long journey of this word into English from the banks of the Volga in classical times.单词rhubarb 可能包含两个关于其语源的隐藏的参考信息。 第一个是单词中的rhu- 部分, 它可追溯到希腊单词rha, 意为“大黄。”根据后期拉丁历史学家阿米亚诺斯·马塞勒斯的意见,大黄被命名为rha, 因为它生长在我们称之为伏尔加河的Rha 河附近。 Rhubarb 中的 -barb 实际上最初以 rhabarbarum 的形式加在由希腊语 rha 传下来的后期拉丁语 rha 上, barbarum作为 barbarus (“异族的”)的中性形式。 另一个表大黄的希腊单词rheon 影响了后期拉丁单词 rhabarbarum, 让我们得到单词reubarbarum, 并由此产生了古法语词reubarbe 。 该古法语形式产生了中世纪英语rubarbe, 首次记录在写于1390年左右的一本著作中。模仿希腊单词rha 拼写的方式, 再加上一个h, 从而完成了这个词从古代伏尔加河岸转变到英语的漫长历程〔hug〕Probably of Scandinavian origin ; akin to Old Norse hugga [to comfort] 可能为斯堪的纳维亚语源 ;类似于 古斯堪的纳维亚语 hugga [安抚] 〔syllabub〕[Origin unknown] [语源不详] 〔derivation〕The historical origin and development of a word; an etymology.词源:一个词的历史起源及演变;(某字的)语源〔lurk〕[possibly of Scandinavian origin] [可能是源于斯堪的纳维亚语源的] 〔welsh〕[Origin unknown] [语源不明] 〔reward〕re- [intensive pref.] from Latin * see re- warder [to guard, watch over] [of Germanic origin] * see wer- 3re- [加强词义的前缀] 源自 拉丁语 * 参见 re- warder [警戒,监视] [属德语语源的] * 参见 wer- 3〔jollyboat〕[Origin unknown] [语源不详] 〔ribald〕[of Germanic origin] * see wer- 2[德语语源的] * 参见 wer- 2〔ballyhoo〕[Origin unknown] [语源不详] 〔wangle〕[Origin unknown] [语源不详] 〔rumaki〕[Origin unknown] [语源未知] 〔prat〕[Origin unknown] [语源不明] 〔dab〕[Origin unknown] [语源不明] 〔drudge〕"Out here on the Chesapeake,they call it ‘drudging for arsters,’”says Charles Kuralt in his bookOn the Road with Charles Kuralt. The standard English verbdredge is pronounced with a centralized vowel by Chesapeake Bay oyster fishermen, yielding drudge. Drudge in turn has been picked up by city dwellers on the Delmarva Peninsula;a survey of some young people from Baltimore revealed thatthey did not even know that there was a standard English verbdredge. Kuralt gives the regional pronunciation a whimsical folk etymology with the standard meaning ofdrudge, "to do tedious, menial, or unpleasant work,” observing, "Whatever you do for a living, it's not as hard as ‘drudging for arsters.’”在切萨皮克湾那边,他们把它称之为“为捕虾做苦工,”查尔斯·库洛特在他的与查尔斯·库洛特同游 一书中谈及。 标准英语动词dredge ,在发音时其元音被切萨皮克湾捕虾渔民发成中元音,随后产生 drudge。 Drudge 又被德尔马瓦半岛一城市居民吸收;对来自巴尔的摩的一部分年轻人的调查表明,他们甚至不知道有一个标准英语动词dredge 。 对具有标准含义的drudge “做单调、卑贱或无趣工作”,库洛特给出了一个稀奇古怪的民俗语源, 他说道,“无论你以何谋生,再没有比捕虾做的工更苦的了”〔ribbon〕[probably of Germanic origin] * see bhendh- [可能是德语语源的] * 参见 bhendh- 〔bargeboard〕[Origin unknown] [语源不详] 〔buggy〕[Origin unknown] [语源不详] 〔acrostic〕An acrostic gives the reader two for one,and the etymology of the word emphasizes one of these two.Our word goes back to the Greek wordakrostikhis, "acrostic,” which is a combination of Greekakron, "head,” and stikhos, "row, line of verse.” Literallyakrostikhis means "the line at the head,” emphasizing the fact that an acrostic has in addition to horizontal rows a vertical row formed of the letters at the "head" or start of each line.In ancient manuscripts, in which a line of verse did not necessarily correspond to a line of text,an acrostic would have looked particularly striking, with each of its lines standing by itself and beginning with a capital letter.Our word for this type of composition is first found in English in the 16th century.离合诗一词实际上有两种含义,在此这个词的语源只强调其中的一种。此词可追溯到希腊词akrostikhis “藏头诗”, 是希腊字akron “头,”和 stikhos “诗行”的合并。 akrostikhis 本来指“在开头的诗行”, 强调一首离合诗除了水平方向的行数外,还有由每一行的“头”或起首词组成的垂直方向的诗行。在古代的作品中,一诗行并不一定要和文章中的一行相对应。一首离合诗,当其每一行单列出来,且以一大写字母开头, 那就非常引人注目了。在英语中首次用藏头诗一词表示这种作品是在16世纪




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