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单词 误用
释义 〔go〕Go has long been used to describe the production of nonlinguistic noises, as inThe train went "toot.” The cow goes "moo.” In recent years, however,younger speakers have extended this use ofgo to the report of speech, as inThen he goes, "You think you're real smart, don't you.” For speakers young enough to get away with it,this usage serves a useful purpose in informal spoken narrative as an explicit indicator of a direct quotation, particularly when the speaker wishes to mimic the accent or intonation of the original spoken source.Largely restricted to the "narrative present" used in vivid description,it is highly inappropriate in formal speech or writing.Go 很久以来用来描述非语言学上的发声, 如在火车发出“突突”声, 牛“哞哞”地叫。 然而,近些年来,年轻的演讲者把go 的这一用法运用到演讲报告中去了, 如在接着他说道,“你认为你 的确 聪明,是吗?” 。 由于年轻人太年轻了而被人们忽视了这一误用,这一用法在非正式口语中作为直接引语的明显的指示词起到十分有益的作用,尤其在说话者想模仿原口语材料的重音或语调时,这一作用更明显。主要用于生动形象的“描述”里,限于陈述句现在时中,在正式的演讲或书面语中十分不适用〔misapply〕To use or apply wrongly.误用:错误使用或应用〔pervert〕To put to a wrong or improper use; misuse.See Synonyms at corrupt 滥用,误用:使错误或不恰当地使用;误用 参见 corrupt〔misnomer〕Application of a wrong name.名称的误用:一个错误的名字使用〔read〕To have or use as a preferred reading in a particular passage:误念,误用:在某一特定篇章中具有或作为优先读物来使用:〔abuse〕We let ourselves maltreat it as though it naturally belonged to us" (Manchester Guardian Weekly).我们就象对待自己的东西那样误用它” (曼彻斯特守护者周刊)〔abuse〕Improper use or handling; misuse:误用:不正确的使用或处理;误用〔alleged〕Analleged burglar is someone who has been accused of being a burglar but against whom no charges have been proved. Analleged incident is an event that is said to have taken place but has not yet been verified. In their zeal to protect the rights of the accused,newspapers and law enforcement officials sometimes misusealleged. A man arrested for murder may be only analleged murderer, for example, but he is a real, not analleged, suspect in that his status as a suspect is not in doubt. Similarly, if the money from a safe is known to have been stolen and not merely mislaid,then we may safely speak of a theft without having to qualify our description withalleged. 一个alleged(有嫌疑的) 强盗是指被指控为强盗但并未得到证实的人。 alleged(据称的) 的事件是一件据说发生过但还未被证实的事。 出于保护被指控者权力的热情,报界和执法官员有时误用alleged 这个词。 比如说,一个因谋杀而被捕的人,可能只是个alleged(有嫌疑的) 谋杀犯, 但当他是真正的而不是alleged(据称的) 嫌疑犯时,那么他身为嫌疑犯的处境就是毫无疑问的。 与此相似,如果放在保险箱里的钱已知是被人偷走而不仅仅是放错了,那么我们应该可以毫不犹豫地把它说成盗窃案而不用加alleged 这个词来限定我们的描述 〔distort〕To cause to work in a twisted or disorderly manner; pervert.误用,滥用:以扭曲或混乱的方式工作;误用〔malapropism〕Ludicrous misuse of a word, especially by confusion with one of similar sound.荒唐的用词错误:对某词荒唐地误用,尤指对同音或近音词的误用〔abuse〕"When we misuse [a language other than our native language], we are in fact trying to reduce its element of foreignness. “当我们误用时,我们事实上是在试图减少它的外来成分。〔catachresis〕from katakhrēsthai [to misuse] 源自 katakhrēsthai [误用] 〔malapropism〕An example of such misuse.这样误用的例子〔read〕Forchange read charge . charge 是 change 的误用 〔misusage〕Improper application, as of words.误用:不正确的使用,如字词〔corrupt〕perverted her talent by putting it to evil purposes;有意为恶而误用她的天赋;〔abuse〕To use wrongly or improperly; misuse.乱用,滥用:错误或不适当使用;误用〔wrest〕To divert to an improper use; misapply.误用,滥用:挪用于不适当的用途;滥用〔disabuse〕abuser [to delude] from Old French [to misuse] * see abuse abuser [欺骗,迷惑] 源自 古法语 [滥用,误用] * 参见 abuse〔malaprop〕"She's as headstrong as an allegory on the banks of the Nile" and "He is the very pineapple of politeness" are two of the statements from the mouth of Mrs. Malapropthat helped her name become synonymous with ludicrous misuse of language.Mrs. Malaprop, a character in Richard Brinsley Sheridan's playThe Rivals, produced in 1775, consistently uses language malapropos,that is, inappropriately.The wordmalapropos comes from the French phrase mal à propos, made up ofmal, "badly,” à, "to,” and propos, "purpose, subject,” and literally means "badly to the purpose,” or "inappropriate.” The Rivals was a popular play, and Mrs. Malaprop became enshrined in a common noun,first in the formmalaprop and later inmalapropism, which is first recorded in 1849.Perhaps that is what Mrs. Malaprop fearedwhen she said "An aspersion upon my parts of speech" and "If I reprehend any thing in this world,it is the use of my oracular tongue,and a nice derangement of epitaphs!”“她与尼罗河堤岸上的寓言一样顽固”和“他正是礼貌的菠萝”是从马勒普罗太太嘴里说出的两句话。她的这张嘴使她的名字成为荒唐地错用语言的代名词。1775 年,理查德·布林斯利·夏里丹写成了剧本情敌 ,马勒普罗太太就是这剧中的一个人物。 她不断地误用词语,即遣词造句不当。单词malapropos 来源于法语短语 mal _ propos, 构成是mal, “坏地”, _ “对于”和 propos, “目的,目标”结合起来,意指“对于目标不适当地”或“不恰当的”。 情敌 是一部很受欢迎的戏剧, 马勒普罗太太逐渐演变成一个大家都接受的名词。这个名词一开始的形式是malaprop , 后来变成malapropism, 最早的记载是在1849年。可能使马勒普罗太太最为担心的,是当她说“对我部分言语所进行的诽谤”和“如果我还对这个世界上的任何事物能理解的话,那就是我玄妙的言语运用,以及墓志铭上那美妙的错乱!”〔misuse〕Improper, unlawful, or incorrect use; misapplication.错用:不正确,不合法或错误的使用;误用〔pea〕Back-formation from Middle English pease [mistaken for pl.] 源自 中古英语 pease的逆构词 [误用作复数] 〔fiasco〕from fiasco [bottle] translation of French bouteille [bottle, error, used by the French for linguistic errors committed by Italian actors on the 18th-century French stage] 源自 fiasco [瓶子] 法语 bouteille的翻译 [被法国人误用来指18世纪法国舞台上意大利演员们所犯的语言错误] 〔Barzun〕French-born American educator, author, and historian whose works includeDarwin, Marx, Wagner (1941), The American University (1968), and The Use and Abuse of Art (1974). 巴曾,雅克·马丁:(生于 1907) 法裔美国教育家、作家和历史学家,著作有《达尔文,马克思,瓦格纳》 (1941年) 《美国的大学》 (1968年)和 《艺术的使用和误用》 (1974年)




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