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单词 说服力
释义 〔rely〕 Trust stresses confidence arising from belief that is often based on inconclusive evidence: Trust 常强调基于没有说服力的证据的信仰产生的信心: 〔Blarney〕A village of southern Ireland near Cork. Blarney Castle (dating from the 15th century) is the site of the Blarney Stone, said to impart powers of eloquence and persuasion.布拉尼:爱尔兰南部科克附近一村庄。布拉尼城堡(始于15世纪)是布拉尼石的所在地。据说可赋予人以口才与说服力的力量〔persuasion〕The ability or power to persuade:说服力:劝说的能力或力量:〔persuade〕 Persuade means to win someone over, as by reasons, advice, urging, or personal forcefulness: Persuade 意思是用理由、建议、敦促或个人说服力来战胜某人: 〔mighty〕a mighty orator; a mighty blow.极具说服力的演说家;猛击〔valid〕These adjectives describe assertions, arguments, conclusions, reasons, or intellectual processes that are persuasive because they are well founded, as in fact, logic. or rationality.What isvalid is based on or borne out by truth or fact or has legal force: 这些形容词描述了因为有确凿证据,如在事实、逻辑或理由上,而很具说服力的主张、争论、结论、理由或智力过程。valid 的事物是建立在或产生于真理或事实上或具有法律效应: 〔power〕a novel of unusual power.极具说服力的小说〔force〕A capacity for affecting the mind or behavior; efficacy:说服力,有效力:影响思想或行为的力量;有效力:〔urge〕 Urge implies strong pressure or persuasion: Urge 指有强大的压力或说服力〔pressure〕To force, as by overpowering influence or persuasion.迫使,如用压倒一切的影响或说服力〔inconvincible〕was inconvincible as to the validity of our idea.关于我们意见的可行性这一点是没有说服力〔authority〕political observers who acquire authority with age.需要以年龄作为说服力的政治观察家们〔authority〕Power to influence or persuade resulting from knowledge or experience:说服力:建立在知识或经验基础上的影响力或说服力〔handle〕wields a persuasive pen. It also connotes effectiveness in the exercise of intangibles such as authority or influence: 运用具说服力的笔杆子。 它还意味着其中有诸如权威和影响等不可捉摸的东西的效力: 〔weak〕Lacking persuasiveness; unconvincing:缺乏说服力的;无说服力的:〔vehement〕Characterized by forcefulness of expression or intensity of emotion or conviction; fervid:激烈的;热烈的:以表达的有力或感情、说服力的强烈为特征的;热情的,热诚的:




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