单词 | 负责 |
释义 | 〔answer〕To be liable or accountable:负责:负有责任,有所交待:〔direct〕To have or take charge of; control.See Synonyms at conduct 负责;控制 参见 conduct〔existentialism〕A philosophy that emphasizes the uniqueness and isolation of the individual experience in a hostile or indifferent universe, regards human existence as unexplainable, and stresses freedom of choice and responsibility for the consequences of one's acts.存在主义:一种强调在怀有敌意或冷漠的世界中个人经历的独特性和孤立性的哲学,它认为人的存在是不可解释的,并强调选择的自由和对自己行为的结果负责〔charge〕Having control over or responsibility for:管理,负责:具有对…的控制或责任的:〔stable〕The personnel employed to keep and train such a group of racehorses.赛马的训练人员:负责饲养和训练这种赛马群的雇佣人员〔optometrist〕A person who is professionally trained and licensed to examine the eyes for visual defects, diagnose problems or impairments, and prescribe corrective lenses or provide other types of treatment.验光师,配镜师:经过专业训练并领取执照以专门从事对眼睛的视力缺陷、疑难杂症 或损害情况进行检查的人,他还负责提供有助视力改善的眼镜或其他类型的治疗手段〔gendarme〕A member of the French national police organization constituting a branch of the armed forces with responsibility for general law enforcement.乡村警察:法国警察组织的一员,由一支武装力量组成,负责普通法律的实施〔builder〕Abbr. bldr.One that builds, especially a person who contracts for and supervises the construction of a building.缩写 bldr.建筑工人,建立者:建房的人,尤指负责和监督楼房建设的人〔Rabin〕Israeli military and political leader who commanded Israeli forces in the Six-Day War (1967) and served as prime minister (1974-1977).拉宾,伊察克:(生于 1922) 以色列军事和政治领袖,1967年六日战争期间负责指挥以色列军队,并曾出任总理(1974-1977年)〔beat〕The area regularly covered by a reporter, a police officer, or a sentry:采访区:新闻记者,警察,或哨兵经常涉猎,负责的范围,地区:〔secure〕The troops secured the area before the civilians were allowed to return.在百姓返回之前军队负责保护这个地区〔steamfitter〕One who installs and repairs heating, ventilating, refrigerating, and air-conditioning systems.蒸汽管装修工:负责安装和修理加热系统、通风系统、冷冻系统和空调系统的人〔shipmaster〕The officer in command of a merchant ship.商船,船长:商船负责指挥的官员〔swabber〕One who uses a swab.用拖把的人,负责打扫的人〔trierarch〕An Athenian who outfitted and maintained a trireme as a part of his civic duties.雅典负责装备三层划桨战船的公民〔ombudsman〕The wordombudsman looks as if its constituents would be familiar, judging from the element man, but it is difficult to think of whatombuds could mean. Ombudsman is from Swedish, a Germanic language in the same family as English, andman in Swedish corresponds to our word man. Ombud means "commissioner, agent,” coming from Old Norseumbodh, "charge, commission, administration by a delegacy,” umbodh being made up of um, "regarding,” and bodh, "command.” In Old Norse anumbodhsmadhr was a "trusty manager, commissary.” In Swedishanombudsman was a deputy who looked after the interests and legal affairs of a group such as a trade union or business. In 1809 the office ofriksdagens justitieombudsman was created to act as an agent of justice, that is, to see after the interests of justice in affairs between the government and its citizens.This office of ombudsman and the wordombudsman have been adopted elsewhere, as in individual states in the United States.The term has also been expanded in senseto include people who perform the same function for business corporations or newspapers.从ombudsman 这个词的 man 这一组成部分看,它的构成似乎很眼熟, 但接下去就很难令人想起ombuds 到底是什么意思了。 Ombudsman 这个词源于和英语同属于日耳曼语族的瑞典语, 而man 这个词在瑞典语中的意思恰好和英语中的 man相对应。 Ombud 的意思是“调查团成员,代表”, 源于古斯堪的纳维亚语umbodh, 意为“由代表团负责,调查,管理”, umbodh 是由 um, 即“注视”和 bodh “命令、管理”两部分所构成。 在古斯堪的纳维亚语中,umbodhsmadhr 指一个“值得信任的管理者或代表”。 在瑞典语中,ombudsman 曾指一个管理一个群体如工会、商行的利益和法律事务的人。 1809年成立了司法巡查局 ,它是一司法机构, 即专门管理调查政府和公民之间事务的司法权益。巡检局和ombudsman 这个词也被其它地区采用, 如美国一些个别的州。现在这个名词术语的使用范围比以前更广,还包括在商务或报纸新闻业负有此项职能的人〔marshal〕A U.S. federal officer of a judicial district who carries out court orders and discharges duties similar to those of a sheriff.联邦司法区执政官:美国司法区的联邦官员,负责实施法庭命令和征收税金,类似行政司法长官〔cerebellum〕The trilobed structure of the brain, lying posterior to the pons and medulla oblongata and inferior to the occipital lobes of the cerebral hemispheres, that is responsible for the regulation and coordination of complex voluntary muscular movement as well as the maintenance of posture and balance.小脑:脑的三裂叶状组织,位于脑桥和延髓之后脑半球的枕叶下面,负责调节和协调复杂的自发肌肉运动,同时负责保持身体姿势的平衡〔quartermaster〕An officer responsible for the food, clothing, and equipment of troops.军需官:负责部队食物、衣服和装备的军官〔keep〕To manage, tend, or have charge of:管理、照管或负责…:〔testosterone〕A white crystalline steroid hormone, C19H 28O 2, produced primarily in the testes and responsible for the development and maintenance of male secondary sex characteristics. It is also produced synthetically for use in medical treatment. 睾丸激素:白色结晶固酮类激素,C19H 28O 2,主要由睾丸产生,负责男性第二性征的发展和维持。它同样人造合成用于药物治疗 〔coroner〕Coroner comes from Anglo-Norman corouner, a word derived fromcoroune, "crown.” Corouner was the term used for the royal judicial officer who was called in Latin custos placitorum coronae, or "guardian of the crown's pleas.” The person holding the office of coroner, a position dating from the 12th century, was charged with keeping local records of legal proceedings in which the crown had jurisdiction.He helped raise money for the crown by funneling the property of executed criminals into the king's treasury.The coroner also investigated any suspicious deaths among the Normans,who as the ruling class wanted to be sure that their deaths were not taken lightly. At one time in England all criminal proceedings were included in the coroner's responsibilities.Over the years these responsibilities decreased markedly,but coroners have continued to display morbid curiosity.In the United States, where there is no longer the crown, a coroner's main duty is the investigation of any sudden, violent, or unexpected death that may not have had a natural cause.Coroner 一词来源于盎格鲁-诺曼底语中的 corouner , 是从coroune “王冠”变来的。 Corouner 是皇家司法官,在拉丁语叫 custos placitorum coronae 或“国王请求的保护者。” 起源于12世纪的这一职位,当时负责记录当地的国王具有裁判权的法律程序。持这一职位者通过收集死刑犯的财产入国库来为国王聚殓钱财。他也负责调查诺曼底人中任何可疑的死亡。因诺曼底人是统治阶级,他们希望确知他们的死没有被轻看。在英国曾由验尸官一度负责罪犯的全部事务。随着时间推移。这些责任明显减少,但仍继续显示对死亡的调查的兴趣。在美国,已不再有国王,验尸官的主要任务是调查任何突发的、剧烈的或预料不到的,大概无自然原因的死亡〔headwaiter〕A waiter who is in charge of the waiters and waitresses in a restaurant and is often responsible for taking reservations and seating guests.侍者领班:餐馆中管理侍者和女招待的侍者,通常负责订座及把顾客领入就座位置的事务〔go〕Go about your chores in a responsible way.请以负责的态度去做你的工作〔gaffer〕An electrician in charge of lighting on a movie or television set.照明电工:电影或电视拍摄小组负责照明的电工〔undertake〕To make oneself responsible. Used withfor. 负责,担保。与for 连用 〔quaestor〕Any of various public officials in ancient Rome responsible for finance and administration in various areas of government and the military.古罗马的财务官:在古罗马,负责各个地区政府和军队的财政和行政管理的政府官员〔spotter〕One who is responsible for watching and guarding a performer during practice to prevent injury, as in gymnastics or water-skiing.监护员:负责观察和警告演练者防止受伤,如在体操和滑水中〔manager〕A student who is in charge of the equipment and records of a school or college team.保管员:负责某个学校或学院队的器材和记录的学生〔sexualize〕"the thesis that one can sexualize life completely without ever bumping into responsibility"(Stephen Koch)“一种人可以使生活彻底情欲化而不必负责的理论”(斯蒂芬·科克)〔groundskeeper〕One who maintains grounds, as of an estate, a park, or an athletic field.场地管理员;看管人:负责维护场地,如庄园、公园或运动场场地的人〔greenskeeper〕One who is responsible for the maintenance of a golf course.高尔夫球场看管员:负责看护高尔夫球场的人〔logistics〕The branch of military operations that deals with the procurement, distribution, maintenance, and replacement of materiel and personnel.军事后勤学:军事行动的分支,负责物资和人员的获得、分配、维护和补充〔he〕Traditionally, English speakers have used the pronounshe, him, and his generically in contexts in which the grammatical form of the antecedent requires a singular pronoun, as inEvery member of Congress is answerable to his constituents; 传统上,说英语的人一般把代词he,him 和 his 用在先行词的语法形式要求跟一个单数代词的语境中, 如国会中每一位成员都应对 其 选民负责; 〔liability〕Something for which one is liable; an obligation, a responsibility, or a debt.责任:一个人应对其负责的事物;责任、义务或债务〔bureau〕An office, usually of a large organization, that is responsible for a specific duty:办公署:负责特定任务的一个办公室,通常为一个大组织:〔Brahmin〕The first of the four Hindu classes, responsible for officiating at religious rites and studying and teaching the Vedas.婆罗门:印度教四个阶级中的最高阶级,负责执掌宗教仪式和学习及教授《吠陀经》〔charge〕In a position of leadership or supervision:主管,领导,负责:处于领导或管理的职位:〔Clark〕American explorer who joined Meriwether Lewis in an expedition to the Pacific Ocean (1804-1806). Clark was responsible for the careful mapmaking en route.克拉克,威廉:(1770-1838) 美国探险家,曾参加麦瑞韦德·路易斯对太平洋的一次探险(1804-1806年)。他负责仔细标明每条道路〔treasury〕The department of a government in charge of the collection, management, and expenditure of the public revenue.财政部:一个政府部门,负责公共收入的收集、管理和支出 |
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