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单词 赋予
释义 〔embody〕To give a bodily form to; incarnate.具体化:赋予…以形体;使具有躯体〔personate〕To endow with personal qualities; personify.赋予人的性格,拟人化〔anthropopathism〕Attribution of human feelings to things not human, such as inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena.与人同感论:赋予非人事物,如无生命的物体、动物或自然现象以人的感情〔right〕Something that is due to a person or governmental body by law, tradition, or nature:权利:由法律,习惯或本性赋予某人或政府机构的东西:〔larva〕The wordlarva referring to the newly hatched form of insects before they undergo metamorphosis comes from the Latin wordlārva, meaning "evil spirit, demon, devil.”To understand why this should be so,we need to know that the Latin word also was used for a terrifying mask,and it is this sense of the word that has come down to us.In Medieval Latinlarva could mean "mask or visor.” Larva is therefore an appropriate term for that stage of an insect's life during which its final form was still hidden or masked, and New Latinlārva was thus applied by Carolus Linnaeus, the Swedish botanist who originated our system of classifying plants and animals.The wordlarva is first recorded in English in its scientific sense in 1768, although it had been used in its "spirit" sense in 1651 and in a way that foreshadowed the usage by Linnaeus in 1691. larva 一词指昆虫在变形前刚孵化出来的幼虫, 来源于拉丁词larva , 意为“邪恶的精灵,鬼怪,恶魔”。为了了解为什么,我们需要知道这个拉丁词语还用于指一种令人恐惧的面具,而且正是该词的这一层含义流传了下来。在中世纪的拉丁语中,larva 有“面具或面甲”的意思。 Larva 在形容昆虫成熟之前被隐藏或遮盖的这一段时期的时候,成为一个适合的名称, 这样新拉丁语的larva 一词首先由瑞典植物学家卡罗拉斯里纽斯赋予以上含义, 卡罗拉斯是首创动植物分类系统的第一人。虽然larva 一词在1651年曾经以其“精灵”一层意思被使用并在一定程度上预示了于1691年出现的里纽斯的用法,但是于1768年才以科学术语的形式首先在英语中出现的 〔constitutionalism〕Government in which power is distributed and limited by a system of laws that must be obeyed by the rulers.立宪政体:其权力由统治者必须遵守的一个法律体系所赋予并加以限制的政府〔vest〕To invest or endow (a person or group) with something, such as power or rights. Used withwith : 授予,赋予:提供或给予(某人或者群体)一些东西比如力量或者权利。跟with 一起使用: 〔endow〕To equip or supply with a talent or quality:赋予,赐予:具有或赋予资质、才能:〔generalize〕To reduce to a general form, class, or law.使一般化:赋予一普遍形式、种类或定律〔manor〕A tract of land in certain North American colonies with hereditary rights granted to the proprietor by royal charter.永久租地:某些北美殖民地的一种地契,通过皇家宪章赋予土地所有者以继承权〔personify〕To think of or represent (an inanimate object or abstraction) as having personality or the qualities, thoughts, or movements of a living being:拟人化:认为或赋予(无生命的东西或抽象的事物)以人的特性或生物的特性、思维或活动:〔denizen〕To make a denizen of; grant rights of residence to.使定居:使…成为居民;赋予居住权〔constitutional〕a law that was declared constitutional by the court; the constitutional right of free speech.被法庭判为符合宪法的法规;宪法赋予的言论自由权利〔enable〕a law enabling the new federal agency.赋予新联邦机构权力的法律〔enfranchise〕To endow with the rights of citizenship, especially the right to vote.赋予公民权,尤其是选举权〔truth〕"merely corroborative detail, intended to give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative" (W.S. Gilbert). “试图赋予一原本枯燥而不可信的叙述以艺术真实性的区区确定性细节” (W.S.吉尔伯特)〔hoke〕To give an impressive but artificial, false, or deceptive quality to:故作多情:赋予一种表面上很感人,但实际上做作、错误或骗人的品质:〔redistrict〕To divide again into districts, especially to give new boundaries to administrative or election districts.重新分区:重新划分地区,特别是赋予行政或选举地区新的边界〔state〕"Eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation" (Franklin D. Roosevelt).“如果永恒真理不能赋予社会状况新的意义,则它既不为真理也不会永恒” (富兰克林·D·罗斯福)。〔whence〕It is difficult to label as incorrect a construction with such respectable antecedents.Still, it may be observed thatwhence (like thence ) is most often used nowadays to impart an archaic or highly formal tone to a passage, and that this effect is probably better realized if the archaic syntax of the word—withoutfrom —is preserved as well. 由于这样一些值得尊敬的先人,故而将其归类为一个不正确的结构就比较困难。不过,仍然可以注意到whence (如同 thence )在今天最常用来给一段文章赋予一种古体的或极其正式的语调, 并可以注意到如果该调整的古式构词方式(即不带有from 这个词)亦同样保留的话,该古体且高度正式的语调的效果则能更好地体现出来 〔confidence〕 "It is native personality, and that alone, that endows a man to stand before presidents or generals, or in any distinguished collection, withaplomb ” (Walt Whitman). “这是天生的个性,这一特性赋予一个人可以冷静地 面对总统、将军或任何杰出人物” (沃尔特·怀特曼)。〔encourage〕The central meaning shared by these verbs is "to impart courage, inspiration, and resolution to": 这些动词所共有的中心意思是“将勇气、灵感及决心赋予”: 〔overprice〕To put too high a price or value on.对…定价过高,定价高出…购买力:对…定价过高或赋予…过高的价值〔franchise〕A privilege or right officially granted a person or a group by a government, especially:给予…特权:政府正式赋予个人或一个集团的权利或特权,尤指:〔confer〕To invest with (a characteristic, for example):赋予:使带有(例如某种特征):〔plenipotentiary〕Invested with or conferring full powers:授予或赋予全权的:〔dower〕A natural endowment or gift; a dowry.自然的赋予或礼物;嫁妆〔franchise〕The granting of certain rights and powers to a corporation.公司权:赋予公司一定的权利和权力〔endue〕To provide with a quality or trait; endow:赋予,授予:赋以品格或特性;赋予〔texture〕To give texture to, especially to impart desirable surface characteristics to:使具有某种结构,尤指赋予吸引人的表面特征:〔territorialism〕A social system that gives authority and influence in a state to the landowners.地主阶级统治制:一种将国家的权威和影响力赋予地主的社会制度〔personification〕A figure of speech in which inanimate objects or abstractions are endowed with human qualities or are represented as possessing human form, as inHunger sat shivering on the road or Flowers danced about the lawn. Also called prosopopeia 拟人,人格化:给无生命的东西或者抽象的东西赋予人的个性或绘以人的形象,如在句子饥饿站在路上颤抖 或 花儿在草地上翩翩起舞 也作 prosopopeia〔munition〕Middle English municion [privilege supported by a document] 中古英语 municion [由文件所赋予的特权] 〔abbess〕Used as a title for such a person.女修道院院长:赋予这种人的尊称〔favored〕Endowed with special gifts, talents, or advantages.赋予特殊条件、天赋或优点的〔endow〕endowed the family pet with human intelligence.想象赋予家庭宠物以人的智慧〔confirm〕Validate usually implies formal action taken to give legal force to something ( Validate 一般指正式的赋予某物法律效力的行为( 〔specialize〕To give a particular character or function to:使特殊化:赋予某种专门的特点或功能:〔keep〕 Withhold implies reluctance or refusal to give, grant, or allow: Withhold 暗指不情愿或拒绝给予、赋予或允许: 〔institutionalize〕To make into, treat as, or give the character of an institution to.制度化:使成为机构,按机构对待,赋予机构的特点




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