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单词 赫拉克
释义 〔Erymanthos〕A mountain range of southern Greece in the northwest Peloponnesus. The tallest peak isMount Erymanthos, about 2,225 m (7,295 ft) high. In Greek legend, the range was the haunt of the ferocious Erymanthian boar, which was ultimately slain by Hercules. 埃里曼索斯山脉:德国南部的一座山脉,位于伯罗奔尼撒半岛西北。最高峰就是埃里曼索斯 山,大约2,225米,即7,295英尺高。在德国传说中,凶猛的埃里曼索斯野猪经常出没于此地,这些野猪后来被赫拉克勒斯杀死了 〔Mimas〕After Mimas , one of the Giants slain by Hercules 源自 Mimas ,被赫拉克勒斯杀戮的力士之一 〔Alcestis〕The wife of King Admetus of Thessaly, who agreed to die in place of her husband and was later rescued from Hades by Hercules.阿尔刻提斯:塞萨利国王阿德美托斯之妻,她愿代夫而死,后被赫拉克勒斯从冥府中救出〔Pyrrhus〕King of Epirus (306-302 and 297-272) who defeated the Romans at Heraclea (280) and Asculum (279) despite his own staggering losses.皮洛士:伊庇鲁斯国王(公元前306-302以及公元前297-272年),不顾自身全军覆没的损失,在赫拉克莱亚(公元前280年)和奥斯库克姆(公元前279年)交战,打败了罗马军队〔Lysithea〕Probably from Greek Lusithoē [daughter of Oceanus and mother of Herakles] 可能源自 希腊语 Lusithoē [俄刻阿诺斯之女,赫拉克勒斯之母] 〔Heraclius〕Emperor of the Byzantine Empire (610-641) who captured Syria, Palestine, and Egypt from Persia (613-628) but lost them all to Moslem invaders (635-641).赫拉克利乌斯:拜占庭帝国的皇帝(610-641年),他从波斯手中夺取了叙利亚、巴勒斯坦和埃及(613-628年),但又被穆斯林侵略者夺走(635-641年)〔Chiron〕The wise centaur who tutored Achilles, Hercules, and Asclepius.喀戎:博多学智的半人半马怪物,曾是阿喀琉斯、赫拉克勒斯和阿斯克勒庇俄斯的老师〔Alcmene〕Amphitryon's wife, who gave birth to Hercules after being seduced by Zeus.阿尔克墨涅:安菲特律翁之妻,被宙斯诱奸后生下赫拉克勒斯〔Herculean〕Resembling Hercules.象赫拉克勒斯的〔Hippolyta〕A queen of the Amazons killed by Hercules.希波吕忒:亚马逊族女王,被赫拉克勒斯所杀〔Herculean〕Of or relating to Hercules.赫拉克勒斯的,与赫拉克勒斯有关的〔Calpe〕Ancient Gibraltar. Calpe was one of the Pillars of Hercules at the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea.卡培:古直布罗陀。卡培是地中海入口处赫拉克勒斯桥的桥墩之一〔Heraclea〕An ancient Greek city of southern Italy near the Gulf of Taranto. In 280b.c. it was the site of one of Pyrrhus's victories over the Romans. 赫拉克利业:意大利南部的一座古代希腊城市,在塔兰托湾附近。公元前 280年,比鲁斯王曾在此战胜罗马人 〔Geryon〕A monster with three bodies that was slain by Hercules.格里勇:被赫拉克勒斯杀死的有三个身体的怪兽




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