单词 | 起点 |
释义 | 〔indirect〕 Indirect implies a deviation from the shortest route between starting point and destination: Indirect 暗指偏离起点与终点之间的最短路途: 〔nucleus〕Something regarded as a basis for future development and growth; a kernel:起点,开始:被作为进一步发展或生长的基础的事物;核心:〔Albany〕The capital (since 1797) of New York, in the eastern part of the state on the west bank of the Hudson River at the head of deep-water navigation. The early 17th-century Dutch settlement Fort Orange was renamed Albany when the English took control in 1664. Population, 101,082.奥尔巴尼:美国纽约州首府(自1797年以来),位于纽约州东部哈得孙河西岸,是哈得孙深水航道的起点。1664年英国人控制了17世纪早期建立的荷兰定居地奥兰治要塞,并将其改名为奥尔巴尼。人口101,082〔range〕A north-south strip of townships, each six miles square, numbered east and west from a specified meridian in a U.S. public land survey.六英里城镇分区:美国公地测量中以某条特定子午线为起点,从东向西标号,占地六平方公里的一系列南北条状城镇〔line〕A real or imaginary mark or point at which a race begins or ends.起始线,终点线:赛跑中起点或终点的实际或想象的线〔Independence〕A city of western Missouri, a suburb of Kansas City. A starting point for the Santa Fe and Oregon trails during the 19th century, it was the home of President Harry S Truman. His gravesite and presidential library are here. Population, 112,301.独立城:美国密苏里州西部一城市,位于堪萨斯城郊区。19世纪是圣菲至俄勒冈铁路的起点。哈里·S·杜鲁门总统的家乡。杜鲁门的坟墓和总统图书馆就位于此城中。人口112,301〔zero〕An argument at which the value of a function vanishes.(坐标的)起点:函数自变量的值等于零〔from〕Used to indicate a specified place or time as a starting point:从:用来表示做为起点的特定地点或时间:〔tract〕A bundle of nerve fibers having a common origin, termination, and function.纤维束:具有共同的起点,噗及功能的一束神经纤维〔distal〕Anatomically located far from a point of reference, such as an origin or a point of attachment.末梢的,末端的:解剖上远离参照点的,如起点或可缚的一点〔go〕Often Go The starting point: 常作 Go 起点:〔Montreal〕A city of southern Quebec, Canada, onMontreal Island in the St. Lawrence River. Named after Mount Royal, a hill at its center, it was founded by the French as Ville Marie de Montréal in 1642 and grew rapidly as a fur-trading center and starting point for western exploration. The English captured the city in 1760. Today Montreal is Canada's largest city, a major port, and a cultural, commercial, and industrial hub. Population, 980,354. 蒙特利尔:加拿大魁北克省南部的一个城市,位于圣劳伦斯河上的蒙特利尔岛 由位于市中心的罗伊尔山而得名。1642年由法国人建立,取名为蒙特利尔玛丽城,它很快成为皮毛贸易中心和西部开发的起点。英国1760年占领城市。现在蒙特利尔是加拿大最大城市和主要港口以及文化、商业和工业中心。人口980,354 〔threshold〕The place or point of beginning; the outset.起点:开始的地方或地点;开端〔block〕From a starting position, as in a race or contest:开始:比赛或竞赛从起点开始:〔return〕The key or mechanism on a machine, such as a typewriter or computer, that positions the carriage, cursor, or printing element at the beginning of a new line.换行键:打字机或计算机上的键或装置,在新的一行开始时它将机器轮架、光标或打印部件定位于新的一行的起点位置〔maze〕A graphic puzzle, the solution of which is an uninterrupted path through an intricate pattern of line segments from a starting point to a goal.迷宫:一种图谜,其答案是从起点出发到达终点的通过复杂图案的不间断道路〔length〕Extent or distance from beginning to end:距离,长度:从起点至终点的范围或距离: |
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